CLion for MercuryDPM

Writing, compiling, and debugging code is easier if you use a integrated development environment (IDE). For academic users we recommend CLion (you can get a free academic license); however there are many other suitable free IDE's such as Netbeans.

Setting up CLion is easy:

  • Install CLion from and apply for a academic licence.
  • Open the application.
  • Click on Import Project from Sources.
  • Select the MercurySource directory.
  • Click on Open Project

Now your project will be set up, which will take a few minutes. After that, you are ready to go.

N.B. Your build directory will be called cmake-build-debug (or cmake-build-release) and is located inside the source directory.

Coding style

CLion can directly apply the MercuryDPM coding style. Simply import the file below, and apply the coding style by clicking "Code"->"Reformat COde" For import instructions, see
