53 void read(std::istream& is);
56 void write(std::ostream& os)
Definition: BaseFrictionForce.h:31
Computes the forces corresponding to sliding friction.
Definition: SlidingFrictionInteraction.h:43
SlidingFrictionSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding friction.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:38
Mdouble slidingStiffness_
tangential stiffness.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:113
virtual std::string getBaseName() const
Used in Species::getName to obtain a unique name for each Species.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:98
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Writes the species properties to an output stream.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:73
Mdouble getSlidingFrictionCoefficientStatic() const
Allows the static Coulomb friction coefficient to be accessed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:174
void setSlidingStiffness(Mdouble new_kt)
Allows the spring constant to be changed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:104
Mdouble slidingFrictionCoefficientStatic_
static Coulomb friction coefficient (by default set equal to mu)
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:129
bool getUseAngularDOFs() const override
Returns true if torques have to be calculated.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:185
Mdouble getSlidingFrictionCoefficient() const
Allows the (dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient to be accessed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:155
void mix(SlidingFrictionSpecies *S, SlidingFrictionSpecies *T)
creates default values for mixed species
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:196
SlidingFrictionInteraction InteractionType
The correct Interaction type for this FrictionForceSpecies.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:41
Mdouble getSlidingStiffness() const
Allows the spring constant to be accessed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:117
void setSlidingDissipation(Mdouble new_dispt)
Allows the tangential viscosity to be changed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:123
void setSlidingFrictionCoefficientStatic(Mdouble new_mu)
Allows the static Coulomb friction coefficient to be changed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:161
Mdouble getSlidingDissipation() const
Allows the tangential viscosity to be accessed.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:134
Mdouble slidingFrictionCoefficient_
(dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:126
void setSlidingFrictionCoefficient(Mdouble new_mu)
Allows the (dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient to be changed; also sets mu_s by default.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:141
The default destructor.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:63
void read(std::istream &is)
Reads the species properties from an input stream.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:85
void setCollisionTimeAndNormalAndTangentialRestitutionCoefficientNoDispt(Mdouble tc, Mdouble eps, Mdouble beta, Mdouble mass)
Sets k, disp, kt (with dispt=0) such that it matches a given tc and eps for a collision of two partic...
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:249
Mdouble slidingDissipation_
tangential dissipation coefficient.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:123
bool getIsSuperquadricSpecies() const
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:271
The default constructor.
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:36
bool isSuperquadricSpecies_
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.h:131
void setIsSuperquadricSpecies(bool isSuperquadricSpecies)
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:266
void setCollisionTimeAndNormalAndTangentialRestitutionCoefficient(Mdouble tc, Mdouble eps, Mdouble beta, Mdouble mass)
Sets k, disp, kt, dispt such that it matches a given tc and eps for a collision of two particles of m...
Definition: SlidingFrictionSpecies.cc:207
Mdouble beta(Mdouble z, Mdouble w)
This is the beta function, returns the approximation based on cmath's implementation of ln(gamma)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:164