Definition: GeneralDefine.h:37
Definition: CommandLineHelpers.h:32
unsigned int getSaveCountFromNumberOfSavesAndTimeMaxAndTimeStep(unsigned int numberOfSaves, Mdouble timeMax, Mdouble timeStep)
Returns the correct saveCount if the total number of saves, the final time and the time step is known...
Definition: FormulaHelpers.cc:96
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED KAndDispAndKtAndDispt computeDisptFromCollisionTimeAndRestitutionCoefficientAndTangentialRestitutionCoefficientAndEffectiveMass(Mdouble tc, Mdouble r, Mdouble beta, Mdouble mass)
Set disp, k, dispt and kt such that is matches a given collision time tc and a normal and tangential ...
Definition: FormulaHelpers.cc:52
Mdouble getRayleighTime(Mdouble radius, Mdouble shearModulus, Mdouble poisson, Mdouble density)
Returns the Rayleigh time step for a Hertz contact law.
Definition: FormulaHelpers.cc:46
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED Mdouble getMaximumVelocity(Mdouble k, Mdouble disp, Mdouble radius, Mdouble mass)
Calculates the maximum relative velocity allowed for a normal collision of two particles of radius r ...
Definition: FormulaHelpers.cc:68
Mdouble getEffectiveMass(Mdouble mass0, Mdouble mass1)
Calculates the effective mass of a particle pair, i.e. half the harmonic mean of two particle masses.
Definition: FormulaHelpers.cc:36
Mdouble beta(Mdouble z, Mdouble w)
This is the beta function, returns the approximation based on cmath's implementation of ln(gamma)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:164
return type specifically for fuctions returning k, disp, kt, dispt at once
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:47
Mdouble disp
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:49
Mdouble dispt
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:51
Mdouble k
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:48
Mdouble kt
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:50
return type specifically for fuctions returning k and disp at once
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:38
Mdouble k
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:39
Mdouble disp
Definition: FormulaHelpers.h:40