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Mercury3D Class Reference

This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 3D problems. More...

#include <Mercury3D.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Mercury3D:

Public Member Functions

 Mercury3D ()
 This is the default constructor. All it does is set sensible defaults. More...
 Mercury3D (const DPMBase &other)
 Copy-constructor for creates an Mercury3D problem from an existing MD problem. More...
 Mercury3D (const Mercury3D &other)
 Copy-constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 Function that sets the SystemDimension and ParticleDimension to 3. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MercuryBase
 MercuryBase ()
 This is the default constructor. It sets sensible defaults. More...
 ~MercuryBase ()
 This is the default destructor. More...
 MercuryBase (const MercuryBase &mercuryBase)
 Copy-constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 This is the actual constructor, it is called do both constructors above. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop () override
 This sets up the broad phase information, has to be done at this stage because it requires the particle size. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep () override
 Performs all necessary actions before a time-step, like updating the particles and resetting all the bucket information, etc. More...
void read (std::istream &is) override
 Reads the MercuryBase from an input stream, for example a restart file. More...
void write (std::ostream &os, bool writeAllParticles=true) const override
 Writes the MercuryBase to an output stream, for example a restart file. More...
Mdouble getHGridCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement () const
 Returns hGridCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement_. More...
Mdouble getHGridTotalCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement () const
 Returns hGridTotalCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement_. More...
void setHGridUpdateEachTimeStep (bool updateEachTimeStep)
 Sets whether or not the HGrid must be updated every time step. More...
bool getHGridUpdateEachTimeStep () const override
 Gets whether or not the HGrid is updated every time step. More...
void setHGridMaxLevels (unsigned int HGridMaxLevels)
 Sets the maximum number of levels of the HGrid in this MercuryBase. More...
unsigned int getHGridMaxLevels () const
 Gets the maximum number of levels of the HGrid in this MercuryBase. More...
HGridMethod getHGridMethod () const
 Gets whether the HGrid in this MercuryBase is BOTTOMUP or TOPDOWN. More...
void setHGridMethod (HGridMethod hGridMethod)
 Sets the HGridMethod to either BOTTOMUP or TOPDOWN. More...
HGridDistribution getHGridDistribution () const
 Gets how the sizes of the cells of different levels are distributed. More...
void setHGridDistribution (HGridDistribution hGridDistribution)
 Sets how the sizes of the cells of different levels are distributed. More...
Mdouble getHGridCellOverSizeRatio () const
 Gets the ratio of the smallest cell over the smallest particle. More...
void setHGridCellOverSizeRatio (Mdouble cellOverSizeRatio)
 Sets the ratio of the smallest cell over the smallest particle. More...
bool hGridNeedsRebuilding ()
 Gets if the HGrid needs rebuilding before anything else happens. More...
virtual unsigned int getHGridTargetNumberOfBuckets () const
 Gets the desired number of buckets, which is the maximum of the number of particles and 10. More...
virtual Mdouble getHGridTargetMinInteractionRadius () const
 Gets the desired size of the smallest cells of the HGrid. More...
virtual Mdouble getHGridTargetMaxInteractionRadius () const
 Gets the desired size of the largest cells of the HGrid. More...
bool checkParticleForInteraction (const BaseParticle &P) override
 Checks if given BaseParticle has an interaction with a BaseWall or other BaseParticle. More...
bool checkParticleForInteractionLocal (const BaseParticle &P) override
virtual Mdouble userHGridCellSize (unsigned int level)
 Virtual function that enables inheriting classes to implement a function to let the user set the cell size of the HGrid. More...
void hGridInfo () const
 Writes the info of the HGrid to the screen in a nice format. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
void constructor ()
 A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solved off the shelf; sets up a basic two dimensional problem which can be solved off the shelf. It is called in the constructor DPMBase(). More...
 DPMBase ()
 Constructor that calls the "void constructor()". More...
 DPMBase (const FilesAndRunNumber &other)
 Copy constructor type-1. More...
 DPMBase (const DPMBase &other)
 Copy constructor type-2. More...
virtual ~DPMBase ()
 virtual destructor More...
void solve ()
 The work horse of the code. More...
void checkSettings ()
 Checks if the essentials are set properly to go ahead with solving the problem. More...
virtual void writeOutputFiles ()
 Writes the simulation data onto all the files i.e. .data, .ene, .fstat ... More...
void solve (int argc, char *argv[])
 The solve function is the work horse of the code with the user input. More...
virtual void setupInitialConditions ()
 This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here. More...
virtual void writeXBallsScript () const
 This writes a script which can be used to load the xballs problem to display the data just generated. More...
virtual double getInfo (const BaseParticle &P) const
 A virtual method that allows the user to overrride and set what is written into the info column in the data file. By default it returns the Species ID number. More...
virtual void writeRestartFile ()
 Stores all the particle data for current save time step. Calls the write function. More...
bool readRestartFile (bool restarted=true)
 Reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. Which is what the restart file basically stores. The problem description with the latest particle data. Returns 0 if it is successful, 1 otherwise. More...
int readRestartFile (std::string fileName)
 The same as readRestartFile(bool), but also reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. More...
virtual bool readUserDefinedWall (std::string type, std::istream &is)
virtual void readOld (std::istream &is)
 Reads all data from a restart file, e.g. domain data and particle data; old version. More...
bool readDataFile (const std::string fileName, unsigned int format=0)
 This allows particle data to be reloaded from data files. More...
bool readParAndIniFiles (const std::string fileName)
 Allows the user to read par.ini files (useful to read MDCLR files) More...
bool readNextDataFile (unsigned int format=0)
 Reads the next data file with default format=0. However, one can modify the format based on whether the particle data corresponds to 3D or 2D data. See XBalls/xballs.txt. More...
bool findNextExistingDataFile (Mdouble tMin, bool verbose=true)
 Useful when fileType is chosen as Multiple Files or Multiple files with padded. More...
bool readArguments (int argc, char *argv[])
 Can interpret main function input arguments that are passed by the driver codes. More...
bool checkParticleForInteractionLocalPeriodic (const BaseParticle &P)
Mdouble getTime () const
 Access function for the time. More...
unsigned int getNtimeSteps () const
 Returns the current counter of time steps. More...
void setTime (Mdouble time)
 Access function for the time. More...
void setTimeMax (Mdouble newTMax)
 Allows the upper time limit to be changed. More...
Mdouble getTimeMax () const
 Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though. More...
void setDoCGAlways (bool newDoCGFlag)
void setRotation (bool newRotFlag)
 Allows to set the flag for enabling or disabling particle rotation in the simulations. More...
bool getRotation () const
 Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
void setWallsWriteVTK (FileType writeWallsVTK)
 Allows to set the flag for enabling or disabling particle rotation in the simulations. More...
void setParticlesWriteVTK (bool writeParticlesVTK)
 Allows to set the flag for enabling or disabling particle rotation in the simulations. More...
FileType getWallsWriteVTK () const
 Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
bool getParticlesWriteVTK () const
 Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
bool getDoCGAlways () const
Vec3D getMin () const
 Return the "bottom left" corner of the domain, a vector with xMin_, yMin_ and zMin_. More...
Vec3D getMax () const
 Return the "upper right" corner of the domain, a vector with xMin_, yMin_ and zMin_. More...
Mdouble getXMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin,. More...
Mdouble getXMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax,. More...
Mdouble getYMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin,. More...
Mdouble getYMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax,. More...
Mdouble getZMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin,. More...
Mdouble getZMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax,. More...
void setMin (Vec3D min)
 Sets the values xMin, yMin, zMin of the problem domain, which is [xMin,xMax]x[yMin,yMax]x[zMin,zMax]. More...
void setMax (Vec3D max)
 Sets the values xMax, yMax, zMax of the problem domain, which is [xMin,xMax]x[yMin,yMax]x[zMin,zMax]. More...
void setXMin (Mdouble newXMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMin. More...
void setYMin (Mdouble newYMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMin. More...
void setZMin (Mdouble newZMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, this method sets ZMin. More...
void setXMax (Mdouble newXMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMax. More...
void setYMax (Mdouble newYMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMax. More...
void setZMax (Mdouble newZMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets ZMax. More...
int getAddLarge () const
 returns the number of large particles that are to be added on restart. More...
int getAddSmall () const
 returns the number of small particles that are to be added on restart. More...
void setAddLarge (int new_addL)
 sets the number of large particles that are to be added on restart. More...
void setAddSmall (int new_addS)
 sets the number of small particles that are to be added on restart. More...
void setTimeStep (Mdouble newDt)
 Allows the time step dt to be changed. More...
Mdouble getTimeStep () const
 Allows the time step dt to be accessed. More...
void setXBallsColourMode (int newCMode)
 Set the xball output mode. More...
int getXBallsColourMode () const
 Get the xball colour mode (CMode) More...
void setXBallsVectorScale (double newVScale)
 Set the scale of vectors in xballs. More...
double getXBallsVectorScale () const
 Returns the scale of vectors used in xballs. More...
void setXBallsAdditionalArguments (std::string newXBArgs)
 Set the additional arguments for xballs. More...
std::string getXBallsAdditionalArguments () const
 Returns the additional arguments for xballs. More...
void setXBallsScale (Mdouble newScale)
 Sets the scale of the view (either normal, zoom in or zoom out) to display in xballs. The default is fit to screen. More...
double getXBallsScale () const
 Returns the scale of the view in xballs. More...
void setGravity (Vec3D newGravity)
 Allows to modify the gravity vector. More...
Vec3D getGravity () const
 Returns the gravity vector. More...
void setDimension (unsigned int newDim)
 Sets the system and particle dimension. More...
void setSystemDimensions (unsigned int newDim)
 Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed. More...
unsigned int getSystemDimensions () const
 Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. More...
void setParticleDimensions (unsigned int particleDimensions)
 Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres. More...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions () const
 Returns the particle dimensions. More...
std::string getRestartVersion () const
 This is to take into account for different Mercury versions. Returns the version of the restart file. More...
void setRestartVersion (std::string newRV)
 Sets restart_version. More...
bool getRestarted () const
 Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not. More...
void setRestarted (bool newRestartedFlag)
 Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not. More...
bool getAppend () const
 Returns the flag denoting if the append option is on or off. More...
void setAppend (bool newAppendFlag)
 Allows to set the append option. More...
Mdouble getElasticEnergy () const
 Returns the global elastic energy within the system. More...
Mdouble getKineticEnergy () const
 Returns the global kinetic energy stored in the system. More...
Mdouble getGravitationalEnergy () const
 Returns the global gravitational potential energy stored in the system. More...
bool areInContact (const BaseParticle *pI, const BaseParticle *pJ) const
 Checks if two particle are in contact or is there any positive overlap. More...
virtual void hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridUpdateParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridRemoveParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void gatherContactStatistics (unsigned int index1 UNUSED, int index2 UNUSED, Vec3D Contact UNUSED, Mdouble delta UNUSED, Mdouble ctheta UNUSED, Mdouble fdotn UNUSED, Mdouble fdott UNUSED, Vec3D P1_P2_normal_ UNUSED, Vec3D P1_P2_tangential UNUSED)
 //Not unsigned index because of possible wall collisions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FilesAndRunNumber
 FilesAndRunNumber ()
 Constructor. More...
 FilesAndRunNumber (const FilesAndRunNumber &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~FilesAndRunNumber ()
 Constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 a function called by the FilesAndRunNumber() (constructor) More...
void incrementRunNumberInFile ()
 Increment the run Number (counter value) stored in the file_counter (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) by 1 and store the new value in the counter file. More...
int readRunNumberFromFile ()
 Read the run number or the counter from the counter file (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
void autoNumber ()
 The autoNumber() function is the trigger. It calls three functions. setRunNumber(), readRunNumberFromFile() and incrementRunNumberInFile(). More...
std::vector< int > get2DParametersFromRunNumber (int size_x, int size_y)
 This turns a counter into two indices which is an amazing feature for doing two dimensional parameter studies. The indices run from 1:size_x and 1:size_y, while the study number starts at 0 ( initially the counter=1 in COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
int launchNewRun (const char *name, bool quick=false)
 This launches a code from within this code. Please pass the name of the code to run. More...
void setRunNumber (int runNumber)
 This sets the counter/Run number, overriding the defaults. More...
int getRunNumber () const
 This returns the current value of the counter (runNumber_) More...
void read (std::istream &is)
 Accepts an input stream std::istream. More...
void write (std::ostream &os) const
 Accepts an output stream read function, which accepts an input stream std::ostream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Files
 Files ()
 A constructor. More...
virtual ~Files ()
 A destructor, watch out its a virtual destructor. More...
 Files (const Files &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 The non const version. Allows one to edit the File::dataFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::eneFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::fStatFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED FilegetRestartFile ()
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::restartFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::statFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetDataFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::dataFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetEneFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::eneFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetFStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::fStatFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetRestartFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::restartFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::statFile. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the file. Does not allow to change it though. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Calls setName(std::string) More...
void setSaveCount (unsigned int saveCount)
 Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setFileType (FileType fileType)
 Sets File::fileType_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setOpenMode (std::fstream::openmode openMode)
 Sets File::openMode_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void resetFileCounter ()
 Resets the file counter for each file i.e. for ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void read (std::istream &is)
 Extracts data from the input stream (which is basically a file you want to read from) into name_, restartFile .... More...
void write (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes data into a file from the member variables name_, restartFile, dataFile etc. More...
void openFiles ()
 Opens all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) for reading and writing purposes. More...
void closeFiles ()
 Closes all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) that were opened to read or write. More...
void setNextSavedTimeStep (unsigned int nextSavedTimeStep)
 Sets the next time step for all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) at which the data is to be written or saved. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l)
 Finds contacts between particles in the target cell. More...
virtual void hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, BaseParticle *obj)
 Finds contacts between the BaseParticle and the target cell. More...
void hGridFindOneSidedContacts (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Finds contacts with the BaseParticle; avoids multiple checks. More...
bool hGridHasContactsInTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, const BaseParticle *obj) const
 Tests if the BaseParticle has contacts with other Particles in the target cell. More...
bool hGridHasParticleContacts (const BaseParticle *obj) override
 Tests if a BaseParticle has any contacts in the HGrid. More...
void hGridRemoveParticle (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Removes a BaseParticle from the HGrid. More...
void hGridUpdateParticle (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Updates the cell (not the level) of a BaseParticle. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MercuryBase
void hGridRebuild ()
 This sets up the parameters required for the contact model. More...
void hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Inserts a single Particle to current grid. More...
void broadPhase (BaseParticle *i) override
 This checks particles in the HGRID to see if for closer enough for possible contact. More...
void hGridUpdateMove (BaseParticle *iP, Mdouble move) override
 Computes the relative displacement of the given BaseParticle and updates the currentMaxRelativeDisplacement_ accordingly. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeIntegration () override
 Resets the currentMaxRelativeDisplacement_ to 0. More...
void hGridActionsAfterIntegration () override
 Sets the totalCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement_ as 2*currentMaxRelativeDisplacement_. More...
HGridgetHGrid ()
 Gets the HGrid used by this problem. More...
const HGridgetHGrid () const
 Gets the HGrid used by this problem, const version. More...
bool readNextArgument (int &i, int argc, char *argv[]) override
 Reads the next command line argument. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
virtual void computeAllForces ()
 Computes all the forces acting on the particles by using the setTorque and setForce methods. See More...
virtual void computeInternalForces (BaseParticle *i)
 Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces) More...
virtual void computeInternalForces (BaseParticle *P1, BaseParticle *P2)
 Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces) More...
virtual void computeExternalForces (BaseParticle *PI)
 Computes the external forces acting on particles (e.g. gravitational) More...
virtual void computeForcesDueToWalls (BaseParticle *PI)
 Computes the forces on the particles due to the walls (normals are outward normals) More...
virtual void actionsOnRestart ()
 A virtual function where the users can add extra code which is executed only when the code is restarted. More...
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeLoop ()
 A virtual function. Allows one to carry out any operations before the start of the time loop. More...
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed before the new time step. More...
virtual void actionsAfterSolve ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after the solve(). More...
virtual void actionsAfterTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after time step. More...
virtual void outputXBallsData (std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes the location of the walls and particles in a format the XBalls program can read. See XBalls/xballs.txt. However, MercuryDPM supports a much better viewer now called Paraview. See the tutorials section in the documentation. More...
virtual void outputXBallsDataParticle (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int format, std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes out the particle locations into an output stream in a format the XBalls program can read. More...
virtual void writeEneHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for ENE file. More...
virtual void writeFstatHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for FStat file. More...
virtual void writeEneTimestep (std::ostream &os) const
 This function enables one to write the global energy available in the system after each time step. The default is to compute the rotational and translational kinetic energy, potential energy and the centre of mass. More...
virtual void initialiseStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void outputStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
void gatherContactStatistics ()
virtual void processStatistics (bool usethese UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void finishStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void integrateBeforeForceComputation ()
 This is were the integration is done, at the moment it is velocity Verlet integration and is done before the forces are computed. See More...
virtual void integrateAfterForceComputation ()
 Integration is done after force computations. We apply the Velocity verlet scheme. See More...
virtual void checkInteractionWithBoundaries ()
 There are a range of boundaries one could implement depending on ones' problem. This methods checks for interactions between particles and such range of boundaries. See BaseBoundary.h and all the boundaries in the Boundaries folder. More...
void setFixedParticles (unsigned int n)
void initialiseTangentialSprings ()
virtual void printTime () const
 Displays the current simulation time onto your screen for example. More...
virtual bool continueSolve () const
void outputInteractionDetails () const
 Displays the interaction details corresponding to the pointer objects in the interaction handler. More...
bool isTimeEqualTo (Mdouble time) const
 Checks if the input variable "time" is the current time in the simulation. More...
void removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 Removes periodic duplicate Particles. More...
void checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 In case of periodic boundaries, the below methods checks and adds particles when necessary into the particle handler. See and for more details. More...
Mdouble domainSize () const
void writeVTK () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DPMBase
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
 A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera. More...
RNG random
 This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc... More...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
 An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created. More...
WallHandler wallHandler
 An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created. More...
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
 An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or from regions. More...
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
 An object of the class InteractionHandler. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Files
File dataFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file. More...
File fStatFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file. More...
File eneFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file. More...
File restartFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file. More...
File statFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .stat file. More...

Detailed Description

This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 3D problems.

Definition at line 35 of file Mercury3D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Mercury3D::Mercury3D ( )

This is the default constructor. All it does is set sensible defaults.

Definition at line 29 of file

References constructor(), DEBUG, and logger.

30 {
31  constructor();
32  logger(DEBUG, "Mercury3D::Mercury3D() finished");
33 }
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
void constructor()
Function that sets the SystemDimension and ParticleDimension to 3.
Mercury3D::Mercury3D ( const DPMBase other)

Copy-constructor for creates an Mercury3D problem from an existing MD problem.

[in]otherDPMBase which has to be copied and converted to a Mercury3D.

Constructor that makes a Mercury3D out of a DPMBase. The "copy"-constructor of DPMBase has to be called because the link from DPMBase to MercuryBase is virtual.

Definition at line 52 of file

References constructor(), DEBUG, and logger.

53  : DPMBase(other), MercuryBase()
54 {
55  constructor();
56  logger(DEBUG, "Mercury3D::Mercury3D(DPMBase& other) constructor finished");
57 }
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
void constructor()
Function that sets the SystemDimension and ParticleDimension to 3.
This is the default constructor. It sets sensible defaults.
Constructor that calls the "void constructor()".
Mercury3D::Mercury3D ( const Mercury3D other)


[in]otherMercury3D that must be copied.

Copy constructor, note that the copy-constructor of DPMBase has to be called because the link from DPMBase to MercuryBase is virtual.

Definition at line 40 of file

References DEBUG, and logger.

41  : DPMBase(other), MercuryBase(other)
42 {
43  logger(DEBUG, "Mercury3D::Mercury3D(Mercury3D& other) copy constructor finished.");
44 }
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
This is the default constructor. It sets sensible defaults.
Constructor that calls the "void constructor()".

Member Function Documentation

void Mercury3D::constructor ( )

Function that sets the SystemDimension and ParticleDimension to 3.

Definition at line 59 of file

References DPMBase::setParticleDimensions(), and DPMBase::setSystemDimensions().

Referenced by Mercury3D().

60 {
63 }
void setParticleDimensions(unsigned int particleDimensions)
Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres...
void setSystemDimensions(unsigned int newDim)
Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed.
void Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
unsigned int  l 

Finds contacts between particles in the target cell.

[in]xCoordinate of the target cell in x direction.
[in]yCoordinate of the target cell in y direction.
[in]zCoordinate of the target cell in z direction.
[in]lLevel in the HGrid of the target cell.

Computes all collision between particles in the same bucket as cell (x,y,z,l), please note that all the particles are in the same cell.

TW: This check is not necessary, I believe. This is the most-expensive function in most codes (the two checks in this function slows down granular jet by 15%) and the selftests are not affected.
DK: I do think this is necessary, for example: If two cells hash to the same bucket and a particle in one of these cells check for collisions with the other cell. Then due to the hashing collision it also gets all particles in it's own cell and thus generating false collisions.

Definition at line 73 of file

References HGrid::computeHashBucketIndex(), DPMBase::computeInternalForces(), HGrid::getBucketIsChecked(), HGrid::getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), BaseParticle::getHGridNextObject(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), BaseParticle::getHGridZ(), and HGrid::setBucketIsChecked().

Referenced by hGridFindOneSidedContacts().

74 {
75  HGrid* const hgrid = getHGrid();
76  const unsigned int bucket = hgrid->computeHashBucketIndex(x, y, z, l);
78  //Check if this function is already applied to this bucket
79  if (hgrid->getBucketIsChecked(bucket))
80  {
81  return;
82  }
84  BaseParticle* p1 = hgrid->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket);
85  while (p1 != nullptr)
86  {
87  BaseParticle* p2 = p1->getHGridNextObject();
88  while (p2 != nullptr)
89  {
92  //Check if the BaseParticle* p1 and BaseParticle* p2 are really in the same cell (i.e. no hashing error has occurred)
93  if ((p1->getHGridX() == p2->getHGridX()) && (p1->getHGridY() == p2->getHGridY()) && (p1->getHGridZ() == p2->getHGridZ()) && (p1->getHGridLevel() == p2->getHGridLevel()))
94  {
95  computeInternalForces(p1, p2);
96  }
97  p2 = p2->getHGridNextObject();
98  }
99  p1 = p1->getHGridNextObject();
100  }
101  hgrid->setBucketIsChecked(bucket);
102 }
virtual void computeInternalForces(BaseParticle *i)
Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is ze...
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored.
Definition: HGrid.h:41
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
void setBucketIsChecked(unsigned int i)
Sets that the bucket with the given index is checked to true.
const BaseParticle * getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i) const
Gets the first BaseParticle in the given bucket, const version.
unsigned int computeHashBucketIndex(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l) const
Computes hash bucket index in range [0, NUM_BUCKETS-1] for a 3D domain.
BaseParticle * getHGridNextObject() const
Returns pointer to next object in particle's HGrid level & cell.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
bool getBucketIsChecked(unsigned int i) const
Gets whether or not the bucket with index i is checked.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
void Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
unsigned int  l,
BaseParticle obj 

Finds contacts between the BaseParticle and the target cell.

[in]xThe coordinate of the target cell in x direction.
[in]yThe coordinate of the target cell in y direction.
[in]zThe coordinate of the target cell in z direction.
[in]lThe level in the HGrid of the target cell.
[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle for which we want to have interactions.

Computes all collisions between given BaseParticle and particles in cell (x,y,z,l). This is done by first checking if the BaseParticle is indeed from another cell, then for all BaseParticle in the target cell it is checked what the forces between that BaseParticle and given BaseParticle are.

Definition at line 115 of file

References HGrid::computeHashBucketIndex(), DPMBase::computeInternalForces(), HGrid::getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), BaseParticle::getHGridNextObject(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), and BaseParticle::getHGridZ().

Referenced by hGridFindOneSidedContacts().

116 {
118  //Check if the object is not in the same cell as being checked, CheckCell_current should handle these cases.
119  if ((obj->getHGridX() == x) && (obj->getHGridY() == y) && (obj->getHGridZ() == z) && (obj->getHGridLevel() == l))
120  {
121  return;
122  }
124  HGrid* const hgrid = getHGrid();
126  // Calculate the bucket
127  const unsigned int bucket = hgrid->computeHashBucketIndex(x, y, z, l);
129  // Loop through all objects in the bucket to find nearby objects
130  BaseParticle* p = hgrid->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket);
131  while (p != nullptr)
132  {
133  //This is the most-expensive function in most codes (the two checks in this function slows down granular jet by 15%). It is neccesary, for example: If two cells hash to the same bucket and a particle in one of these cells check for collisions with the other cell. Then due to the hashing collision it also gets all particles in it's own cell and thus generating false collisions.
134  //Check if the BaseParticle *p really is in the target cell (i.e. no hashing error has occurred)
135  if ((p->getHGridX() == x) && (p->getHGridY() == y) && (p->getHGridZ() == z) && (p->getHGridLevel() == l))
136  {
137  computeInternalForces(obj, p);
138  }
139  p = p->getHGridNextObject();
140  }
141 }
virtual void computeInternalForces(BaseParticle *i)
Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is ze...
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored.
Definition: HGrid.h:41
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
const BaseParticle * getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i) const
Gets the first BaseParticle in the given bucket, const version.
unsigned int computeHashBucketIndex(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l) const
Computes hash bucket index in range [0, NUM_BUCKETS-1] for a 3D domain.
BaseParticle * getHGridNextObject() const
Returns pointer to next object in particle's HGrid level & cell.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
void Mercury3D::hGridFindOneSidedContacts ( BaseParticle obj)

Finds contacts with the BaseParticle; avoids multiple checks.

[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle for which we want to check for contacts.

Computes all collision between given BaseParticle and all other particles in the grid. Please note that we're looking only one way, so that interactions are not detected twice.

Implements MercuryBase.

Definition at line 149 of file

References BOTTOMUP, MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), MercuryBase::getHGridMethod(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), BaseParticle::getHGridZ(), BaseParticle::getInteractionRadius(), HGrid::getInvCellSize(), HGrid::getNumberOfLevels(), HGrid::getOccupiedLevelsMask(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(), hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(), TOPDOWN, Vec3D::X, Vec3D::Y, and Vec3D::Z.

150 {
151  HGrid* const hgrid = getHGrid();
152  const unsigned int startLevel = obj->getHGridLevel();
154  switch (getHGridMethod())
155  {
156  case BOTTOMUP:
157  {
158  int occupiedLevelsMask = hgrid->getOccupiedLevelsMask() >> obj->getHGridLevel();
159  for (unsigned int level = startLevel; level < hgrid->getNumberOfLevels(); occupiedLevelsMask >>= 1, level++)
160  {
161  // If no objects in rest of grid, stop now
162  if (occupiedLevelsMask == 0)
163  {
164  break;
165  }
167  // If no objects at this level, go on to the next level
168  if ((occupiedLevelsMask & 1) == 0)
169  {
170  continue;
171  }
173  if (level == startLevel)
174  {
175  const int x = obj->getHGridX();
176  const int y = obj->getHGridY();
177  const int z = obj->getHGridZ();
179  hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(x, y, z, level);
180  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z, level, obj);
181  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z, level, obj);
182  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z, level, obj);
183  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z + 1, level, obj);
184  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z + 1, level, obj);
185  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, level, obj);
186  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z - 1, level, obj);
187  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z - 1, level, obj);
188  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, level, obj);
189  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z, level, obj);
190  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y, z - 1, level, obj);
191  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z - 1, level, obj);
192  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z + 1, level, obj);
193  }
194  else
195  {
196  const Mdouble inv_size = hgrid->getInvCellSize(level);
197  const int xs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
198  const int xe = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
199  const int ys = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
200  const int ye = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
201  const int zs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
202  const int ze = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
203  for (int x = xs; x <= xe; ++x)
204  {
205  for (int y = ys; y <= ye; ++y)
206  {
207  for (int z = zs; z <= ze; ++z)
208  {
209  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y, z, level, obj);
210  }
211  }
212  }
213  }
214  }
215  break;
216  }
217  case TOPDOWN:
218  {
219  int occupiedLevelsMask = hgrid->getOccupiedLevelsMask();
220  for (unsigned int level = 0; level <= startLevel; occupiedLevelsMask >>= 1, level++)
221  {
222  // If no objects in rest of grid, stop now
223  if (occupiedLevelsMask == 0)
224  {
225  break;
226  }
228  // If no objects at this level, go on to the next level
229  if ((occupiedLevelsMask & 1) == 0)
230  {
231  continue;
232  }
234  if (level == startLevel)
235  {
236  const int x = obj->getHGridX();
237  const int y = obj->getHGridY();
238  const int z = obj->getHGridZ();
240  hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(x, y, z, level);
241  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z, level, obj);
242  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z, level, obj);
243  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z, level, obj);
244  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z + 1, level, obj);
245  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z + 1, level, obj);
246  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, level, obj);
247  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y - 1, z - 1, level, obj);
248  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y, z - 1, level, obj);
249  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, level, obj);
250  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z, level, obj);
251  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y, z - 1, level, obj);
252  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z - 1, level, obj);
253  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y + 1, z + 1, level, obj);
254  }
255  else
256  {
257  const Mdouble inv_size = getHGrid()->getInvCellSize(level);
258  const int xs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
259  const int xe = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
260  const int ys = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
261  const int ye = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
262  const int zs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
263  const int ze = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
264  for (int x = xs; x <= xe; ++x)
265  {
266  for (int y = ys; y <= ye; ++y)
267  {
268  for (int z = zs; z <= ze; ++z)
269  {
270  hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(x, y, z, level, obj);
271  }
272  }
273  }
274  }
275  }
276  break;
277  }
278  }
279 }
Mdouble X
the vector components
Definition: Vector.h:52
virtual void hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l)
Finds contacts between particles in the target cell.
double Mdouble
HGridMethod getHGridMethod() const
Gets whether the HGrid in this MercuryBase is BOTTOMUP or TOPDOWN.
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
int getOccupiedLevelsMask() const
Gets the integer that represents which levels are occupied.
unsigned int getNumberOfLevels() const
Gets the number of levels of this HGrid.
In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored.
Definition: HGrid.h:41
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
Mdouble Y
Definition: Vector.h:52
virtual void hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, BaseParticle *obj)
Finds contacts between the BaseParticle and the target cell.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
Mdouble Z
Definition: Vector.h:52
Mdouble getInteractionRadius() const
Returns the particle's interaction radius, which might be different from radius_ (e.g., when dealing with wet particles)
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
double getInvCellSize(unsigned int i) const
Gets 1/cellSize for the cells on level i.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
bool Mercury3D::hGridHasContactsInTargetCell ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
unsigned int  l,
const BaseParticle obj 
) const

Tests if the BaseParticle has contacts with other Particles in the target cell.

[in]xThe coordinate of the target cell in x direction.
[in]yThe coordinate of the target cell in y direction.
[in]zThe coordinate of the target cell in z direction.
[in]lThe level of the HGrid of the target cell.
[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle which is checked for contacts.

Tests if there are any collisions between given BaseParticle and particles in cell (x, y, z, l).

Definition at line 379 of file

References DPMBase::areInContact(), HGrid::computeHashBucketIndex(), HGrid::getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), BaseParticle::getHGridNextObject(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), and BaseParticle::getHGridZ().

380 {
381  // Loop through all objects in the bucket to find nearby objects
382  const unsigned int bucket = getHGrid()->computeHashBucketIndex(x, y, z, l);
384  const BaseParticle* p = getHGrid()->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket);
385  while (p != nullptr)
386  {
387  if ((p->getHGridX() == x) && (p->getHGridY() == y) && (p->getHGridZ() == z) && (p->getHGridLevel() == l))
388  {
389  if (areInContact(obj, p))
390  {
391  return true;
392  }
393  }
394  p = p->getHGridNextObject();
395  }
396  return false;
397 }
bool areInContact(const BaseParticle *pI, const BaseParticle *pJ) const
Checks if two particle are in contact or is there any positive overlap.
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
const BaseParticle * getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i) const
Gets the first BaseParticle in the given bucket, const version.
unsigned int computeHashBucketIndex(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l) const
Computes hash bucket index in range [0, NUM_BUCKETS-1] for a 3D domain.
BaseParticle * getHGridNextObject() const
Returns pointer to next object in particle's HGrid level & cell.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
bool Mercury3D::hGridHasParticleContacts ( const BaseParticle obj)

Tests if a BaseParticle has any contacts in the HGrid.

[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle that is tested for contacts.

Tests if there are any collisions between the given BaseParticle and all other particles in the HGrid. Do this by going through all levels, find if there is a collision in any of the levels in any cell of the HGrid.

Implements MercuryBase.

Definition at line 407 of file

408 {
409  if (getHGrid() == nullptr || getHGrid()->getNeedsRebuilding())
410  {
411  logger(INFO, "HGrid needs rebuilding for \"bool Mercury3D::hGridHasParticleContacts(BaseParticle *obj)\"");
412  hGridRebuild();
413  }
415  int occupiedLevelsMask = getHGrid()->getOccupiedLevelsMask();
417  for (unsigned int level = 0; level < getHGrid()->getNumberOfLevels(); occupiedLevelsMask >>= 1, level++)
418  {
419  // If no objects in rest of grid, stop now
420  if (occupiedLevelsMask == 0)
421  {
422  logger(VERBOSE, "Level % and higher levels are empty", level);
423  break;
424  }
426  // If no objects at this level, go on to the next level
427  if ((occupiedLevelsMask & 1) == 0)
428  {
429  logger(VERBOSE, "Level % is empty", level);
430  continue;
431  }
433  const Mdouble inv_size = getHGrid()->getInvCellSize(level);
434  const int xs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
435  const int xe = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().X + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
436  const int ys = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
437  const int ye = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Y + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
438  const int zs = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z - obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size - 0.5));
439  const int ze = static_cast<int>(std::floor((obj->getPosition().Z + obj->getInteractionRadius()) * inv_size + 0.5));
441  logger(VERBOSE, "Level = % grid cells [%,%] x [%,%] x [%,%]", level, xs, xe, ys, ye, zs, ze);
442  for (int x = xs; x <= xe; ++x)
443  {
444  for (int y = ys; y <= ye; ++y)
445  {
446  for (int z = zs; z <= ze; ++z)
447  {
448  if (hGridHasContactsInTargetCell(x, y, z, level, obj))
449  {
450  return true;
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  }
455  } //end for level
457  return false;
458 }
Mdouble X
the vector components
Definition: Vector.h:52
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
bool hGridHasContactsInTargetCell(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, const BaseParticle *obj) const
Tests if the BaseParticle has contacts with other Particles in the target cell.
double Mdouble
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
int getOccupiedLevelsMask() const
Gets the integer that represents which levels are occupied.
unsigned int getNumberOfLevels() const
Gets the number of levels of this HGrid.
Mdouble Y
Definition: Vector.h:52
void hGridRebuild()
This sets up the parameters required for the contact model.
Mdouble Z
Definition: Vector.h:52
Mdouble getInteractionRadius() const
Returns the particle's interaction radius, which might be different from radius_ (e.g., when dealing with wet particles)
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
double getInvCellSize(unsigned int i) const
Gets 1/cellSize for the cells on level i.
void Mercury3D::hGridRemoveParticle ( BaseParticle obj)

Removes a BaseParticle from the HGrid.

[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle that needs to be removed.

Removes the given BaseParticle from the HGrid.

Definition at line 345 of file

References HGrid::computeHashBucketIndex(), HGrid::getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), BaseParticle::getHGridNextObject(), BaseParticle::getHGridPrevObject(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), BaseParticle::getHGridZ(), HGrid::setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), BaseParticle::setHGridNextObject(), and BaseParticle::setHGridPrevObject().

Referenced by hGridUpdateParticle().

346 {
347  HGrid* const hGrid=getHGrid();
348  if (hGrid)
349  {
350  const unsigned int bucket = hGrid->computeHashBucketIndex(obj->getHGridX(), obj->getHGridY(), obj->getHGridZ(), obj->getHGridLevel());
351  if (obj->getHGridPrevObject())
352  {
354  }
355  else
356  {
357  if (hGrid->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket) == obj)
358  {
359  hGrid->setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket, obj->getHGridNextObject());
360  }
361  }
363  if (obj->getHGridNextObject())
364  {
366  }
367  }
368 }
void setHGridNextObject(BaseParticle *p)
Sets the pointer to the next object in the particle's HGrid cell & level.
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored.
Definition: HGrid.h:41
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
void setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i, BaseParticle *p)
Sets the first particle in bucket i to be the given BaseParticle.
const BaseParticle * getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i) const
Gets the first BaseParticle in the given bucket, const version.
void setHGridPrevObject(BaseParticle *p)
Sets the pointer to the previous object in the particle's HGrid cell & level.
BaseParticle * getHGridPrevObject() const
Returns pointer to previous object in particle's HGrid level & cell.
unsigned int computeHashBucketIndex(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l) const
Computes hash bucket index in range [0, NUM_BUCKETS-1] for a 3D domain.
BaseParticle * getHGridNextObject() const
Returns pointer to next object in particle's HGrid level & cell.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
void Mercury3D::hGridUpdateParticle ( BaseParticle obj)

Updates the cell (not the level) of a BaseParticle.

[in]objA pointer to the BaseParticle that must be updated.

Updates the HGrid positions (x, y and z) of the given BaseParticle.

Definition at line 285 of file

References HGrid::computeHashBucketIndex(), HGrid::getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), MercuryBase::getHGrid(), BaseParticle::getHGridLevel(), BaseParticle::getHGridX(), BaseParticle::getHGridY(), BaseParticle::getHGridZ(), HGrid::getInvCellSize(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), hGridRemoveParticle(), HGrid::setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(), BaseParticle::setHGridNextObject(), BaseParticle::setHGridPrevObject(), BaseParticle::setHGridX(), BaseParticle::setHGridY(), BaseParticle::setHGridZ(), Vec3D::X, Vec3D::Y, and Vec3D::Z.

286 {
287  HGrid* const hGrid=getHGrid();
288  if (hGrid)
289  {
290  const unsigned int l = obj->getHGridLevel();
291  const Mdouble inv_size = hGrid->getInvCellSize(l);
293  int x = static_cast<int>(std::floor(obj->getPosition().X * inv_size));
294  int y = static_cast<int>(std::floor(obj->getPosition().Y * inv_size));
295  int z = static_cast<int>(std::floor(obj->getPosition().Z * inv_size));
298  if(obj->getHGridX() != x || obj->getHGridY() != y || obj->getHGridZ() != z)
299  {
300  int bucket = hGrid->computeHashBucketIndex(x, y, z, l);
302  //First the object has to be removed
303  hGridRemoveParticle(obj);
305  //Also remove all contact associated with it
306  getPossibleContactList().remove_ParticlePosibleContacts(obj);
308  //And now reinserted
310  obj->setHGridPrevObject(nullptr);
311  if(hGrid->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket))
312  {
314  }
315  hGrid->setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket,obj);
317  obj->setHGridX(x);
318  obj->setHGridY(y);
319  obj->setHGridZ(z);
320  InsertObjAgainstGrid(obj);
321  }
322 #else
323  const unsigned int bucket = hGrid->computeHashBucketIndex(x, y, z, l);
326  obj->setHGridPrevObject(nullptr);
327  if (hGrid->getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket))
328  {
330  }
332  hGrid->setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(bucket, obj);
334  obj->setHGridX(x);
335  obj->setHGridY(y);
336  obj->setHGridZ(z);
337 #endif
338  }
339 }
Mdouble X
the vector components
Definition: Vector.h:52
void hGridRemoveParticle(BaseParticle *obj) override
Removes a BaseParticle from the HGrid.
double Mdouble
void setHGridY(const int y)
Sets the particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
void setHGridNextObject(BaseParticle *p)
Sets the pointer to the next object in the particle's HGrid cell & level.
int getHGridY() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate.
void setHGridX(const int x)
Sets the particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored.
Definition: HGrid.h:41
int getHGridZ() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
void setFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i, BaseParticle *p)
Sets the first particle in bucket i to be the given BaseParticle.
void setHGridZ(const int z)
Sets the particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate.
const BaseParticle * getFirstBaseParticleInBucket(unsigned int i) const
Gets the first BaseParticle in the given bucket, const version.
Mdouble Y
Definition: Vector.h:52
void setHGridPrevObject(BaseParticle *p)
Sets the pointer to the previous object in the particle's HGrid cell & level.
unsigned int computeHashBucketIndex(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l) const
Computes hash bucket index in range [0, NUM_BUCKETS-1] for a 3D domain.
unsigned int getHGridLevel() const
Returns particle's HGrid level.
Mdouble Z
Definition: Vector.h:52
HGrid * getHGrid()
Gets the HGrid used by this problem.
double getInvCellSize(unsigned int i) const
Gets 1/cellSize for the cells on level i.
int getHGridX() const
Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: