Container to store all ParticleSpecies.
virtual Mdouble getInteractionDistance() const =0
returns the largest separation distance at which adhesive short-range forces can occur.
BaseSpecies is the class from which all other species are derived.
virtual ~BaseSpecies()
The default destructor.
It is an abstract base class due to the purely virtual functions declared below. Even if the function...
virtual void mixAll(BaseSpecies *const S, BaseSpecies *const T)=0
creates default values for mixed species
Stores information about interactions between two interactable objects; often particles but could be ...
SpeciesHandler * getHandler() const
Returns the pointer to the handler to which this species belongs.
SpeciesHandler * handler_
A pointer to the handler to which this species belongs. It is initialized to nullptr and gets set whe...
Mdouble average(Mdouble a, Mdouble b)
defines the average of two variables by the harmonic mean.
void setHandler(SpeciesHandler *handler)
Sets the pointer to the handler to which this species belongs.
virtual BaseSpecies * copy() const =0
Creates a deep copy of the object from which it is called.
virtual bool getUseAngularDOFs() const =0
Returns true if torques (i.e. angular degrees of freedom) have to be calculated.
The default constructor.
Defines the basic properties that a interactable object can have.
virtual BaseInteraction * getNewInteraction(BaseInteractable *P, BaseInteractable *I, Mdouble timeStamp) const =0
returns new Interaction object.