50 std::cout<<
"ChargedBondedSpecies::ChargedBondedSpecies() finished"<<std::endl;
68 std::cout<<
"ChargedBondedSpecies::ChargedBondedSpecies(const ChargedBondedSpecies &p) finished"<<std::endl;
75 std::cout<<
"ChargedBondedSpecies::~ChargedBondedSpecies() finished"<<std::endl;
101 logger(
"adhesionForceMax_ %", adhesionForceMax_);
116 return "ChargedBonded";
151 std::cerr <<
"ChargedBondedSpecies::getInteractionDistance(): adhesionStiffness cannot be zero" << std::endl;
163 std::cerr <<
"Error in setAdhesionStiffness" << std::endl;
180 std::cerr <<
"Error in setBondForceMax" << std::endl;
201 if (newCharge == 0 || newCharge == 1 || newCharge == -1)
205 std::cerr <<
"Error in setCharge - charge must be +1, -1 or zero" << std::endl;
222 std::cerr <<
"Error in setBondForceMax" << std::endl;
242 std::cerr <<
"Error in setAdhesionDissipation" << std::endl;
267 std::cerr <<
"Error in setVanDerWaalsForceMax." << std::endl;
Mdouble adhesionForceMax_
adhesion force at zero overlap
Mdouble getVanDerWaalsForceMax() const
void setAdhesionForceMax(Mdouble new_f0)
Allows the spring constant to be changed.
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
void mix(ChargedBondedSpecies *const S, ChargedBondedSpecies *const T)
creates default values for mixed species
void setBondForceMax(Mdouble new_f0)
Allows the spring constant for the BOND to be changed (Do not confuse with the charged interaction st...
Mdouble getAdhesionForceMax() const
Allows the spring constant to be accessed.
void read(std::istream &is)
Reads the species properties from an input stream.
Mdouble vanDerWaalsForceMax_
std::string getBaseName() const
Used in Species::getName to obtain a unique name for each Species.
ChargedBondedSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear reversible short-range force...
Mdouble getBondDissipation() const
Allows the additional dissipation used to damp oscillations between bondd particles to be accessed...
void setBondDissipation(Mdouble disp)
Allows the additional dissipation used to damp oscillations between bondd particles to be changed...
Mdouble getVanDerWaalsStiffness() const
Mdouble getInteractionDistance() const
returns the largest separation distance at which adhesive short-range forces can occur.
virtual ~ChargedBondedSpecies()
The default constructor.
void setVanDerWaalsForceMax(Mdouble)
Mdouble bondForceMax_
The maximal force which acts to bind together particles which are "bondd" into a single body...
Mdouble average(Mdouble a, Mdouble b)
defines the average of two variables by the harmonic mean.
void setVanDerWaalsStiffness(Mdouble)
Mdouble getAdhesionStiffness() const
Allows the spring constant to be accessed.
Mdouble bondDissipation_
dissipation in bond
void setCharge(int newCharge)
void setAdhesionStiffness(Mdouble new_k0)
Allows the spring constant to be changed.
The default constructor.
Mdouble getBondForceMax() const
Allows the maximal force for 'bonding' particles together to be accessed.
Mdouble vanDerWaalsStiffness_
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Writes the species properties to an output stream.
Mdouble adhesionStiffness_
stiffness of linear adhesion force