45 std::cout<<
"MindlinSpecies::MindlinSpecies() finished"<<std::endl;
61 std::cout<<
"MindlinSpecies::MindlinSpecies(const MindlinSpecies &p) finished"<<std::endl;
68 std::cout<<
"MindlinSpecies::~MindlinSpecies() finished"<<std::endl;
115 std::cerr <<
"Error in setSlidingDissipation" << std::endl;
136 std::cerr <<
"Error in setSlidingFrictionCoefficient" << std::endl;
156 std::cerr <<
"Error in setSlidingFrictionCoefficientStatic" << std::endl;
170 std::cerr <<
"Error in setShearModulus" << std::endl;
Mdouble getSlidingDissipation() const
Allows the tangential viscosity to be accessed.
Mdouble slidingDissipation_
tangential dissipation coefficient.
Mdouble getSlidingFrictionCoefficient() const
Allows the (dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient to be accessed.
void write(std::ostream &os) const override
Writes the species properties to an output stream.
void read(std::istream &is) override
Reads the species properties from an input stream.
Mdouble getSlidingFrictionCoefficientStatic() const
Allows the static Coulomb friction coefficient to be accessed.
void setShearModulus(Mdouble new_G)
void mix(MindlinSpecies *const S, MindlinSpecies *const T)
creates default values for mixed species
MindlinSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding friction.
Mdouble slidingFrictionCoefficient_
(dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient
void setSlidingFrictionCoefficient(Mdouble new_mu)
Allows the (dynamic) Coulomb friction coefficient to be changed; also sets mu_s by default...
virtual std::string getBaseName() const
Used in Species::getName to obtain a unique name for each Species.
Mdouble average(Mdouble a, Mdouble b)
defines the average of two variables by the harmonic mean.
Mdouble slidingFrictionCoefficientStatic_
static Coulomb friction coefficient (by default set equal to mu)
virtual ~MindlinSpecies()
The default destructor.
Mdouble getShearModulus() const
void setSlidingDissipation(Mdouble new_dispt)
Allows the tangential viscosity to be changed.
Defines the basic properties that a interactable object can have.
void setSlidingFrictionCoefficientStatic(Mdouble new_mu)
Allows the static Coulomb friction coefficient to be changed.
The default constructor.
bool getUseAngularDOFs() const override
Returns true if torques have to be calculated.