144 void write(std::ostream& os)
Container to store all ParticleSpecies.
BaseParticle * getLargestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the largest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
void checkExtremaOnDelete(BaseParticle *P)
Checks if the extrema of this ParticleHandler needs updating when a particle is deleted.
void write(std::ostream &os) const
BaseSpecies is the class from which all other species are derived.
void checkExtrema(BaseParticle *P)
Checks if the extrema of this ParticleHandler needs updating.
BaseParticle * getLowestVelocityComponentParticle(const int i) const
Gets a pointer to the particle with the lowest velocity in direction i in this ParticleHandler.
std::string getName() const
Returns the name of the handler, namely the string "ParticleHandler".
BaseParticle * getLightestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the lightest BaseParticle (by mass) in this ParticleHandler.
void computeAllMasses()
Computes the mass for all BaseParticle in this ParticleHandler.
void readObject(std::istream &is)
Reads BaseParticle into the ParticleHandler from restart data.
BaseParticle * smallestParticle_
A pointer to the smallest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
void clear()
Empties the whole ParticleHandler by removing all BaseParticle.
BaseParticle * getSmallestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the smallest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
void removeLastObject()
Removes the last BaseParticle from the ParticleHandler.
virtual void addObject(BaseParticle *P)
Adds a BaseParticle to the ParticleHandler.
void readOldObject(std::string type, std::istream &is)
Reads BaseParticle into the ParticleHandler from old-style restart data.
Default constructor, it creates an empty ParticleHandler.
BaseParticle * largestParticle_
A pointer to the largest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
Destructor, it destructs the ParticleHandler and all BaseParticle it contains.
BaseParticle * getHighestVelocityComponentParticle(const int i) const
Gets a pointer to the particle with the highest velocity in direction i in this ParticleHandler.
Container to store the pointers to all objects that one creates in a simulation.
Container to store all BaseParticle.
void computeSmallestParticle()
Computes the smallest particle (by interaction radius) and sets it in smallestParticle_.
BaseParticle * getHighestPositionComponentParticle(const int i) const
Gets a pointer to the particle with the highest coordinates in direction i in this ParticleHandler...
void computeLargestParticle()
Computes the largest particle (by interaction radius) and sets it in largestParticle_.
BaseParticle * getLowestPositionComponentParticle(const int i) const
Gets a pointer to the particle with the lowest coordinates in direction i in this ParticleHandler...
virtual void removeObject(unsigned const int id)
Removes a BaseParticle from the ParticleHandler.
ParticleHandler operator=(const ParticleHandler &rhs)
Assignment operator.
BaseParticle * getFastestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the fastest BaseParticle in this ParticleHandler.