- Member ChuteWithHopper::ChuteWithHopper (const Chute &other)
This copy construct is untested
This copy construct is untested
- Class DPMBase
- When restarting the first time step is not saved, therefore there is a missing time step after a restart
- Member DPMBase::hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
- Why are the hGRID actions public, this seems wrong. Someone please comment [Ant].
- Member DPMBase::solve ()
- {In chute particles are added in actions_before_time_set(), however they are not written to the xballs data yet, but can have a collison and be written to the fstat data}
- Member File::open ()
- Deepak checked by using fstream_.fail() instead of !fstrea_.is_open(), however this breaks selftests, Thomas will look at this
- Member HGrid::insertParticleToHgrid (BaseParticle *obj)
- What happens if the particle is too big for the biggest cell? It just says that it needs to rebuild the HGrid, but the particle is not inserted and there seems to be no indication to the rest of the code that it has not been inserted. For now giving a warning, since code of users may rely on it that nothing happens.
- Member HopperInsertionBoundary::generateParticle (RNG &random)
- for periodic walls this should be only minus one particle radius, this should be fixed at some point. Thomas' response: using one particle radius gives problems when the wall is not orthogonal to the y-direction; the distance has to be slightly higher than one; if you can figure out the exact value, then correct it please.
- Member Mercury2D::hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell (int x, int y, unsigned int l)
{TW: This check is not necessary, I believe. This is the most-expensive function in most codes (the two checks in this function slows down granular jet by 15%) and the selftests are not affected.}
{DK: I do think this is necessary, for example: If two cells hash to the same bucket and a particle in one of these cells check for collisions with the other cell. Then due to the hashing collision it also gets all particles in it's own cell and thus generating false collisions.}
- Member Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l)
{TW: This check is not necessary, I believe. This is the most-expensive function in most codes (the two checks in this function slows down granular jet by 15%) and the selftests are not affected.}
{DK: I do think this is necessary, for example: If two cells hash to the same bucket and a particle in one of these cells check for collisions with the other cell. Then due to the hashing collision it also gets all particles in it's own cell and thus generating false collisions.}
- Member Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, BaseParticle *obj)
- {TW: This check is not necessary, I believe. This is the most-expensive function in most codes (the two checks in this function slows down granular jet by 15%) and the selftests are not affected. DK: I do think this is neccesary, for example: If two cells hash to the same bucket and a particle in one of these cells check for collisions with the other cell. Then due to the hashingcollision it also gets all particles in it's own cell and thus generating false collisions.}