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DPMBase Class Reference

The DPMBase header includes quite a few header files, defining all the handlers, which are essential. Moreover, it defines and solves a DPM problem. It is inherited from FilesAndRunNumber (public). More...

#include <DPMBase.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for DPMBase:

Public Member Functions

void constructor ()
 A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solved off the shelf; sets up a basic two dimensional problem which can be solved off the shelf. It is called in the constructor DPMBase(). More...
 DPMBase ()
 Constructor that calls the "void constructor()". More...
 DPMBase (const FilesAndRunNumber &other)
 Copy constructor type-1. More...
 DPMBase (const DPMBase &other)
 Copy constructor type-2. More...
virtual ~DPMBase ()
 virtual destructor More...
void solve ()
 The work horse of the code. More...
void checkSettings ()
 Checks if the essentials are set properly to go ahead with solving the problem. More...
virtual void writeOutputFiles ()
 Writes the simulation data onto all the files i.e. .data, .ene, .fstat ... More...
void solve (int argc, char *argv[])
 The solve function is the work horse of the code with the user input. More...
virtual void setupInitialConditions ()
 This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here. More...
virtual void writeXBallsScript () const
 This writes a script which can be used to load the xballs problem to display the data just generated. More...
virtual double getInfo (const BaseParticle &P) const
 A virtual method that allows the user to overrride and set what is written into the info column in the data file. By default it returns the Species ID number. More...
virtual void writeRestartFile ()
 Stores all the particle data for current save time step. Calls the write function. More...
int readRestartFile ()
 Reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. Which is what the restart file basically stores. The problem description with the latest particle data. More...
int readRestartFile (std::string fileName)
 Also reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. More...
virtual void write (std::ostream &os, bool writeAllParticles=true) const
 Loads all MD data and plots statistics for all timesteps in the .data file. More...
virtual void read (std::istream &is)
 Reads all particle data into a restart file. More...
virtual void readOld (std::istream &is)
 Reads all particle data into a restart file; old version. More...
bool readDataFile (const std::string fileName, unsigned int format=0)
 This allows particle data to be reloaded from data files. More...
bool readParAndIniFiles (const std::string fileName)
 Allows the user to read par.ini files (useful to read MDCLR files) More...
bool readNextDataFile (unsigned int format=0)
 Reads the next data file with default format=0. However, one can modify the format based on whether the particle data corresponds to 3D or 2D data. See XBalls/xballs.txt. More...
bool findNextExistingDataFile (Mdouble tMin, bool verbose=true)
 Useful when fileType is chosen as Multiple Files or Multiple files with padded. More...
bool readArguments (int argc, char *argv[])
 Can interpret main function input arguments that are passed by the driver codes. More...
virtual bool readNextArgument (int &i, int argc, char *argv[])
virtual bool checkParticleForInteraction (const BaseParticle &P)
 Checks if the particle having any interaction with walls or other particles. More...
Mdouble getTime () const
 Access function for the time. More...
unsigned int getNtimeSteps () const
 Returns the current counter of time steps. More...
void setTime (Mdouble time)
 Access function for the time. More...
void setTimeMax (Mdouble newTMax)
 Allows the upper time limit to be changed. More...
Mdouble getTimeMax () const
 Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though. More...
void setDoCGAlways (bool newDoCGFlag)
void setRotation (bool newRotFlag)
 Allows to set the flag for enabling or disabling particle rotation in the simulations. More...
bool getRotation () const
 Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
bool getDoCGAlways () const
Mdouble getXMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin,. More...
Mdouble getXMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax,. More...
Mdouble getYMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin,. More...
Mdouble getYMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax,. More...
Mdouble getZMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin,. More...
Mdouble getZMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax,. More...
void setXMin (Mdouble newXMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMin. More...
void setYMin (Mdouble newYMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMin. More...
void setZMin (Mdouble newZMin)
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, this method sets ZMin. More...
void setXMax (Mdouble newXMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMax. More...
void setYMax (Mdouble newYMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMax. More...
void setZMax (Mdouble newZMax)
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets ZMax. More...
void setTimeStep (Mdouble newDt)
 Allows the time step dt to be changed. More...
Mdouble getTimeStep () const
 Allows the time step dt to be accessed. More...
void setXBallsColourMode (int newCMode)
 Set the xball output mode. More...
int getXBallsColourMode () const
 Get the xball colour mode (CMode) More...
void setXBallsVectorScale (double newVScale)
 Set the scale of vectors in xballs. More...
double getXBallsVectorScale () const
 Returns the scale of vectors used in xballs. More...
void setXBallsAdditionalArguments (std::string newXBArgs)
 Set the additional arguments for xballs. More...
std::string getXBallsAdditionalArguments () const
void setXBallsScale (Mdouble newScale)
 Sets the scale of the view (either normal, zoom in or zoom out) to display in xballs. The default is fit to screen. More...
double getXBallsScale () const
 Returns the scale of the view in xballs. More...
void setGravity (Vec3D newGravity)
 Allows to modify the gravity vector. More...
Vec3D getGravity () const
 Returns the gravity vector. More...
void setDimension (unsigned int newDim)
 Sets the system and particle dimension. More...
void setSystemDimensions (unsigned int newDim)
 Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed. More...
unsigned int getSystemDimensions () const
 Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. More...
void setParticleDimensions (unsigned int particleDimensions)
 Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres. More...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions () const
 Returns the particle dimensions. More...
std::string getRestartVersion () const
 This is to take into account for different Mercury versions. Returns the version of the restart file. More...
void setRestartVersion (std::string newRV)
 Sets restart_version. More...
bool getRestarted () const
 Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not. More...
void setRestarted (bool newRestartedFlag)
 Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not. More...
bool getAppend () const
 Returns the flag denoting if the append option is on or off. More...
void setAppend (bool newAppendFlag)
 Allows to set the append option. More...
Mdouble getElasticEnergy () const
 Returns the global elastic energy within the system. More...
Mdouble getKineticEnergy () const
 Returns the global kinetic energy stored in the system. More...
bool areInContact (const BaseParticle *pI, const BaseParticle *pJ) const
 Checks if two particle are in contact or is there any positive overlap. More...
virtual void hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridUpdateParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridRemoveParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridUpdateMove (BaseParticle *, Mdouble)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void gatherContactStatistics (unsigned int index1 UNUSED, int index2 UNUSED, Vec3D Contact UNUSED, Mdouble delta UNUSED, Mdouble ctheta UNUSED, Mdouble fdotn UNUSED, Mdouble fdott UNUSED, Vec3D P1_P2_normal_ UNUSED, Vec3D P1_P2_tangential UNUSED)
 //Not unsigned index because of possible wall collisions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FilesAndRunNumber
 FilesAndRunNumber ()
 Constructor. More...
 FilesAndRunNumber (const FilesAndRunNumber &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~FilesAndRunNumber ()
 Constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 a function called by the FilesAndRunNumber() (constructor) More...
void incrementRunNumberInFile ()
 Increment the run Number (counter value) stored in the file_counter (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) by 1 and store the new value in the counter file. More...
int readRunNumberFromFile ()
 Read the run number or the counter from the counter file (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
void autoNumber ()
 The autoNumber() function is the trigger. It calls three functions. setRunNumber(), readRunNumberFromFile() and incrementRunNumberInFile(). More...
std::vector< int > get2DParametersFromRunNumber (int size_x, int size_y)
 This turns a counter into two indices which is an amazing feature for doing two dimensional parameter studies. The indices run from 1:size_x and 1:size_y, while the study number starts at 0 ( initially the counter=1 in COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
int launchNewRun (const char *name, bool quick=false)
 This launches a code from within this code. Please pass the name of the code to run. More...
void setRunNumber (int runNumber)
 This sets the counter/Run number, overriding the defaults. More...
int getRunNumber () const
 This returns the current value of the counter (runNumber_) More...
void read (std::istream &is)
 Accepts an input stream std::istream. More...
void write (std::ostream &os) const
 Accepts an output stream read function, which accepts an input stream std::ostream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Files
 Files ()
 A constructor. More...
virtual ~Files ()
 A destructor, watch out its a virtual destructor. More...
 Files (const Files &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 The non const version. Allows one to edit the File::dataFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::eneFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::fStatFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED FilegetRestartFile ()
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::restartFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::statFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetDataFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::dataFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetEneFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::eneFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetFStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::fStatFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetRestartFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::restartFile. More...
MERCURY_DEPRECATED const FilegetStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::statFile. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the file. Does not allow to change it though. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Calls setName(std::string) More...
void setSaveCount (unsigned int saveCount)
 Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setFileType (FileType fileType)
 Sets File::fileType_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setOpenMode (std::fstream::openmode openMode)
 Sets File::openMode_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void resetFileCounter ()
 Resets the file counter for each file i.e. for ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void read (std::istream &is)
 Extracts data from the input stream (which is basically a file you want to read from) into name_, restartFile .... More...
void write (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes data into a file from the member variables name_, restartFile, dataFile etc. More...
void openFiles ()
 Opens all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) for reading and writing purposes. More...
void closeFiles ()
 Closes all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) that were opened to read or write. More...
void setNextSavedTimeStep (unsigned int nextSavedTimeStep)
 Sets the next time step for all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) at which the data is to be written or saved. More...

Public Attributes

SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
 A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera. More...
RNG random
 This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc... More...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
 An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created. More...
WallHandler wallHandler
 An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created. More...
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
 An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or from regions. More...
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
 An object of the class InteractionHandler. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Files
File dataFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file. More...
File fStatFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file. More...
File eneFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file. More...
File restartFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file. More...
File statFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .stat file. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void computeAllForces ()
 Computes all the forces acting on the particles by using the setTorque and setForce methods. See More...
virtual void computeInternalForces (BaseParticle *i)
 Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces) More...
virtual void computeInternalForces (BaseParticle *P1, BaseParticle *P2)
 Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces) More...
virtual void computeExternalForces (BaseParticle *PI)
 Computes the external forces acting on particles (e.g. gravitational) More...
virtual void computeForcesDueToWalls (BaseParticle *PI)
 Computes the forces on the particles due to the walls (normals are outward normals) More...
virtual void actionsOnRestart ()
 A virtual function where the users can add extra code which is executed only when the code is restarted. More...
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeLoop ()
 A virtual function. Allows one to carry out any operations before the start of the time loop. More...
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop ()
 A virtual function that allows one to carry out hGrid operations before the start of the time loop. More...
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep ()
 A virtual function that allows one to set or execute hGrid parameters or operations before every simulation time step. More...
virtual bool getHGridUpdateEachTimeStep () const
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed before the new time step. More...
virtual void actionsAfterSolve ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after the solve(). More...
virtual void actionsAfterTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after time step. More...
virtual void outputXBallsData (std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes the location of the walls and particles in a format the XBalls program can read. See XBalls/xballs.txt. However, MercuryDPM supports a much better viewer now called Paraview. See the tutorials section in the documentation. More...
virtual void outputXBallsDataParticle (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int format, std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes out the particle locations into an output stream in a format the XBalls program can read. More...
virtual void writeEneHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for ENE file. More...
virtual void writeFstatHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for FStat file. More...
virtual void writeEneTimestep (std::ostream &os) const
 This function enables one to write the global energy available in the system after each time step. The default is to compute the rotational and translational kinetic energy, potential energy and the centre of mass. More...
virtual void initialiseStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void outputStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
void gatherContactStatistics ()
virtual void processStatistics (bool usethese UNUSED)
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void finishStatistics ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void integrateBeforeForceComputation ()
 This is were the integration is done, at the moment it is velocity Verlet integration and is done before the forces are computed. See More...
virtual void integrateAfterForceComputation ()
 Integration is done after force computations. We apply the Velocity verlet scheme. See More...
virtual void checkInteractionWithBoundaries ()
 There are a range of boundaries one could implement depending on ones' problem. This methods checks for interactions between particles and such range of boundaries. See BaseBoundary.h and all the boundaries in the Boundaries folder. More...
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeIntegration ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void hGridActionsAfterIntegration ()
 no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes. More...
virtual void broadPhase (BaseParticle *i)
 By broad one means to screen and determine an approximate number of particles that a given particle can be in contact with. Hence the word "Broad phase" of contact detection. More...
void setFixedParticles (unsigned int n)
void initialiseTangentialSprings ()
virtual void printTime () const
 Displays the current simulation time onto your screen for example. More...
virtual bool continueSolve () const
void outputInteractionDetails () const
 Displays the interaction details corresponding to the pointer objects in the interaction handler. More...
bool isTimeEqualTo (Mdouble time) const
 Checks if the input variable "time" is the current time in the simulation. More...
void removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 Removes periodic duplicate Particles. More...
void checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 In case of periodic boundaries, the below methods checks and adds particles when necessary into the particle handler. See and for more details. More...

Private Attributes

unsigned int systemDimensions_
 The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D. More...
unsigned int particleDimensions_
 determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations More...
Vec3D gravity_
 Gravity vector. More...
Mdouble xMin_
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin. More...
Mdouble xMax_
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax. More...
Mdouble yMin_
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin. More...
Mdouble yMax_
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax. More...
Mdouble zMin_
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin. More...
Mdouble zMax_
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax. More...
Mdouble time_
 Stores the current simulation time. More...
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
 Stores the number of time steps. More...
Mdouble timeStep_
 Stores the simulation time step. More...
Mdouble timeMax_
 Stores the duration of the simulation. More...
Mdouble elasticEnergy_
 used in force calculations More...
std::string restartVersion_
 Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows one to specify the version in order to choose between the available version support. More...
bool restarted_
 A bool to check if the simulation was restarted or not. More...
bool append_
 A flag to determine if the file has to be appended or not. See DPMBase::Solve() for example. More...
bool rotation_
 A flag to turn on/off particle rotation. More...
int xBallsColourMode_
 XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview. The below variable is used to set the argument cmode in xballs script (see XBalls/xballs.txt) More...
Mdouble xBallsVectorScale_
 sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt) More...
Mdouble xBallsScale_
 sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt) More...
std::string xBallsAdditionalArguments_
 A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0". More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DPMBase &md)
 Operator overloading of DPMBase class. More...

Detailed Description

The DPMBase header includes quite a few header files, defining all the handlers, which are essential. Moreover, it defines and solves a DPM problem. It is inherited from FilesAndRunNumber (public).

When restarting the first time step is not saved, therefore there is a missing time step after a restart

Definition at line 61 of file DPMBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DPMBase::DPMBase ( )

Constructor that calls the "void constructor()".

Definition at line 135 of file

References constructor().

136 {
137  constructor();
138 }
void constructor()
A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solve...
DPMBase::DPMBase ( const FilesAndRunNumber other)

Copy constructor type-1.


Definition at line 83 of file

References constructor().

84  : FilesAndRunNumber(other)
85 {
86  constructor();
87 }
void constructor()
A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solve...
DPMBase::DPMBase ( const DPMBase other)

Copy constructor type-2.


Definition at line 92 of file

References append_, boundaryHandler, gravity_, interactionHandler, ntimeSteps_, particleDimensions_, particleHandler, random, restarted_, restartVersion_, rotation_, BaseHandler< T >::setDPMBase(), speciesHandler, systemDimensions_, time_, timeMax_, timeStep_, wallHandler, xBallsAdditionalArguments_, xBallsColourMode_, xBallsScale_, xBallsVectorScale_, xMax_, xMin_, yMax_, yMin_, zMax_, and zMin_.

93 {
96  gravity_ = other.gravity_;
97  xMin_ = other.xMin_;
98  xMax_ = other.xMax_;
99  yMin_ = other.yMin_;
100  yMax_ = other.yMax_;
101  zMin_ = other.zMin_;
102  zMax_ = other.zMax_;
103  time_ = other.time_;
104  timeStep_ = other.timeStep_;
105  ntimeSteps_ = other.ntimeSteps_;
106  timeMax_ = other.timeMax_;
107  restartVersion_ = other.restartVersion_; //to read new and old restart data
108  restarted_ = other.restarted_; //to see if it was restarted or not
109  append_ = other.append_;
110  rotation_ = other.rotation_;
111  xBallsColourMode_ = other.xBallsColourMode_; // sets the xballs argument cmode (see xballs.txt)
112  xBallsVectorScale_ = other.xBallsVectorScale_; // sets the xballs argument vscale (see xballs.txt)
113  xBallsScale_ = other.xBallsScale_; // sets the xballs argument scale (see xballs.txt)
114  xBallsAdditionalArguments_ = other.xBallsAdditionalArguments_; // std::string where additional xballs argument can be specified (see xballs.txt)
116  possibleContactList=other.possibleContactList;
117 #endif
118  random = other.random;
124  wallHandler.setDPMBase(this);
128  wallHandler = other.wallHandler;
131 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
unsigned int particleDimensions_
determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations
Definition: DPMBase.h:740
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
void setDPMBase(DPMBase *DPMBase)
Sets the problem that is solved using this handler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:506
bool rotation_
A flag to turn on/off particle rotation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:831
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
bool restarted_
A bool to check if the simulation was restarted or not.
Definition: DPMBase.h:820
unsigned int systemDimensions_
The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.
Definition: DPMBase.h:735
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
int xBallsColourMode_
XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview...
Definition: DPMBase.h:839
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
Mdouble xBallsScale_
sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:849
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Mdouble xBallsVectorScale_
sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:844
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
RNG random
This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc...
Definition: DPMBase.h:873
std::string xBallsAdditionalArguments_
A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0".
Definition: DPMBase.h:854
std::string restartVersion_
Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows...
Definition: DPMBase.h:815
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
bool append_
A flag to determine if the file has to be appended or not. See DPMBase::Solve() for example...
Definition: DPMBase.h:826
DPMBase::~DPMBase ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 142 of file

143 {
145 }

Member Function Documentation

void DPMBase::actionsAfterSolve ( )

A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after the solve().

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 662 of file

Referenced by solve(), and Mercury3DRestart::writeOutputFiles().

663 {
664 }
void DPMBase::actionsAfterTimeStep ( )

A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after time step.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 669 of file

Referenced by solve().

670 {
671 }
void DPMBase::actionsBeforeTimeLoop ( )

A virtual function. Allows one to carry out any operations before the start of the time loop.

no implementation but can be overriden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 598 of file

Referenced by solve().

599 {
600 }
void DPMBase::actionsBeforeTimeStep ( )

A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed before the new time step.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in Chute, and ChuteBottom.

Definition at line 655 of file

Referenced by solve().

656 {
657 }
void DPMBase::actionsOnRestart ( )

A virtual function where the users can add extra code which is executed only when the code is restarted.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 612 of file

Referenced by solve().

613 {
614 }
bool DPMBase::areInContact ( const BaseParticle pI,
const BaseParticle pJ 
) const

Checks if two particle are in contact or is there any positive overlap.

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 590 of file

References Vec3D::getDistanceSquared(), BaseParticle::getInteractionRadius(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), and mathsFunc::square().

Referenced by Mercury3D::hGridHasContactsInTargetCell().

591 {
593 }
T square(T val)
squares a number
Definition: ExtendedMath.h:91
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
static Mdouble getDistanceSquared(const Vec3D &a, const Vec3D &b)
Calculates the squared distance between two Vec3D: .
Mdouble getInteractionRadius() const
Returns the particle's interaction radius, which might be different from radius_ (e.g., when dealing with wet particles)
void DPMBase::broadPhase ( BaseParticle i)

By broad one means to screen and determine an approximate number of particles that a given particle can be in contact with. Hence the word "Broad phase" of contact detection.


Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 738 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), computeInternalForces(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by computeInternalForces().

739 {
740  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); (*it) != i; ++it)
741  {
742  computeInternalForces(i, *it);
743  }
744 }
virtual void computeInternalForces(BaseParticle *i)
Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is ze...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
void DPMBase::checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles ( )

In case of periodic boundaries, the below methods checks and adds particles when necessary into the particle handler. See and for more details.


Definition at line 2409 of file

References boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), BaseHandler< T >::getObject(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by solve().

2410 {
2411  for (BaseBoundary* it : boundaryHandler) // For all pointers of type BaseBoundary in Boundary handler
2412  {
2413  unsigned int N = particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects(); //Required because the number of particles increases
2414  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
2415  {
2416  it->createPeriodicParticles(particleHandler.getObject(i), particleHandler);
2417  }
2418  }
2419 }
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
T * getObject(const unsigned int id)
Gets a pointer to the Object at the specified index in the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:415
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
void DPMBase::checkInteractionWithBoundaries ( )

There are a range of boundaries one could implement depending on ones' problem. This methods checks for interactions between particles and such range of boundaries. See BaseBoundary.h and all the boundaries in the Boundaries folder.

\\ calls checkBoundaryAfterParticleMoved()

Definition at line 1509 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::end(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by solve().

1510 {
1511  for (std::vector<BaseBoundary*>::iterator B = boundaryHandler.begin(); B != boundaryHandler.end(); ++B)
1512  {
1513  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator P = particleHandler.begin(); P != particleHandler.end(); ++P)
1514  {
1515  if ((*B)->checkBoundaryAfterParticleMoved(*P, particleHandler)) //Returns true if the particle is deleted
1516  --P;
1517  }
1518  }
1519 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
bool DPMBase::checkParticleForInteraction ( const BaseParticle p)

Checks if the particle having any interaction with walls or other particles.

A very useful feature. For e.g. when one wants to have an initial condition with particles free of interactions with other particles or walls, one could use this method and check for particles if they are interacting. If yes, then it would not consider this particle for insertion and continue onto next particle. However can prove expensive if the number of particles is large.

bool (True or False)
tw check against periodic copies (see ShearCell3DInitialConditions.cpp)

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 2353 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), Vec3D::getDistanceSquared(), BaseParticle::getInteractionRadius(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), particleHandler, mathsFunc::square(), and wallHandler.

Referenced by InsertionBoundary::checkBoundaryBeforeTimeStep().

2354 {
2355  Mdouble distance;
2356  Vec3D normal;
2358  //Check if it has no collision with walls
2359  for (std::vector<BaseWall*>::const_iterator it = wallHandler.begin(); it != wallHandler.end(); it++)
2360  {
2361  if ((*it)->getDistanceAndNormal(p, distance, normal))
2362  {
2363  //std::cout<<"failure: Collision with wall: "<<**it<<std::endl;
2364  return false;
2365  }
2366  else
2367  {
2368  //std::cout<<"No collision with wall: "<<**it<<std::endl;
2369  }
2370  }
2372  //Check if it has no collision with other particles
2373  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::const_iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); it++)
2374  {
2375  if (Vec3D::getDistanceSquared(p.getPosition(), (*it)->getPosition()) < mathsFunc::square(p.getInteractionRadius() + (*it)->getInteractionRadius()))
2376  {
2377  //std::cout<<"failure: Collision with particle "<<**it<<std::endl;
2378  return false;
2379  }
2380  else
2381  {
2382  //std::cout<<"No collision with particle "<<**it<<std::endl;
2383  }
2384  }
2385  return true;
2387 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
double Mdouble
T square(T val)
squares a number
Definition: ExtendedMath.h:91
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
static Mdouble getDistanceSquared(const Vec3D &a, const Vec3D &b)
Calculates the squared distance between two Vec3D: .
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
Mdouble getInteractionRadius() const
Returns the particle's interaction radius, which might be different from radius_ (e.g., when dealing with wet particles)
void DPMBase::checkSettings ( )

Checks if the essentials are set properly to go ahead with solving the problem.

  1. Checks if at least one species exists in the SpeciesHandler.
    1. Checks if particle dimensions are set.
    2. Checks if system dimensions are set.
    3. Checks if the time step is set or not.

Definition at line 1824 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), getParticleDimensions(), getSystemDimensions(), getTimeStep(), and speciesHandler.

Referenced by solve().

1825 {
1827  {
1828  std::cerr << "Error in solve(): at least one species has to be defined" << std::endl;
1829  exit(-1);
1830  }
1831  if (getParticleDimensions() == 0)
1832  {
1833  std::cerr << "Error in solve(): particleDimensions not specified" << std::endl;
1834  exit(-1);
1835  }
1836  if (getSystemDimensions() == 0)
1837  {
1838  std::cerr << "Error in solve(): systemDimensions not specified" << std::endl;
1839  exit(-1);
1840  }
1841  if (getTimeStep() == 0.0)
1842  {
1843  std::cerr << "Error in solve(): timeStep not specified" << std::endl;
1844  exit(-1);
1845  }
1846 }
unsigned int getSystemDimensions() const
Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. ...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions() const
Returns the particle dimensions.
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
void DPMBase::computeAllForces ( )

Computes all the forces acting on the particles by using the setTorque and setForce methods. See

Reset all forces to zero

Now loop over all particles contacts computing force contributions

Now loop over all other particles looking for contacts

Definition at line 1586 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), computeExternalForces(), computeInternalForces(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), PossibleContact::getNext(), PossibleContact::getP1(), PossibleContact::getP2(), particleHandler, and wallHandler.

Referenced by solve().

1587 {
1589  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1590  {
1591  (*it)->setForce(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1592  (*it)->setTorque(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1593  }
1594  for (std::vector<BaseWall*>::iterator it = wallHandler.begin(); it != wallHandler.end(); ++it)
1595  {
1596  (*it)->setForce(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1597  (*it)->setTorque(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1598  } //end reset forces loop
1600 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
1601  std::cerr << "Have all forces set to zero " << std::endl;
1602 #endif
1606  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1607  {
1610  computeInternalForces(*it);
1611  //end inner loop over contacts.
1613  computeExternalForces(*it);
1615  }
1618  //possibleContactList.write(std::cout);
1619  PossibleContact* Curr=possibleContactList.getFirstPossibleContact();
1620  while(Curr)
1621  {
1622  computeInternalForces(Curr->getP1(),Curr->getP2());
1623  Curr=Curr->getNext();
1624  }
1625 #endif
1626  //end outer loop over contacts.
1628 }
BaseParticle * getP1()
Gets a pointer to the first BaseParticle in this PossibleContact.
virtual void computeInternalForces(BaseParticle *i)
Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is ze...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
BaseParticle * getP2()
Gets a pointer to the second BaseParticle in this PossibleContact.
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
PossibleContact * getNext()
Gets the next PossibleContact in the general linked list of PossibleContact.
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
Class that describes a possible contact between two BaseParticle.
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
virtual void computeExternalForces(BaseParticle *PI)
Computes the external forces acting on particles (e.g. gravitational)
void DPMBase::computeExternalForces ( BaseParticle CI)

Computes the external forces acting on particles (e.g. gravitational)

take out computeWalls() from compute External Forces method.

Definition at line 1451 of file

References BaseInteractable::addForce(), computeForcesDueToWalls(), getGravity(), BaseParticle::getMass(), and BaseParticle::isFixed().

Referenced by computeAllForces().

1452 {
1453  if (!CI->isFixed())
1454  {
1455  // Gravitational force
1456  CI->addForce(getGravity() * CI->getMass());
1457  // Still calls this in compute External Forces.
1459  }
1460 }
Mdouble getMass() const
Returns the particle's mass_.
Vec3D getGravity() const
Returns the gravity vector.
virtual void computeForcesDueToWalls(BaseParticle *PI)
Computes the forces on the particles due to the walls (normals are outward normals) ...
void addForce(Vec3D addForce)
Adds an amount to the force on this BaseInteractable.
bool isFixed() const
Is fixed Particle function. It returns whether a Particle is fixed or not, by checking its inverse Ma...
void DPMBase::computeForcesDueToWalls ( BaseParticle pI)

Computes the forces on the particles due to the walls (normals are outward normals)

TW: I think this torque has the wrong sign

Definition at line 1465 of file

References BaseInteractable::addForce(), BaseInteractable::addTorque(), BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseInteraction::computeForce(), Vec3D::cross(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), BaseInteraction::getContactPoint(), BaseInteraction::getForce(), BaseParticle::getPeriodicFromParticle(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), getRotation(), getTime(), BaseInteraction::getTorque(), interactionHandler, and wallHandler.

Referenced by computeExternalForces().

1466 {
1467  //No need to compute interactions between periodic particle images and walls
1468  if (pI->getPeriodicFromParticle() != nullptr)
1469  return;
1471  for (std::vector<BaseWall*>::iterator it = wallHandler.begin(); it != wallHandler.end(); ++it)
1472  {
1473  BaseInteraction* C = (*it)->getInteractionWith(pI, getTime(), &interactionHandler);
1475  if (C != nullptr)
1476  {
1477  C->computeForce();
1479  pI->addForce(C->getForce());
1480  (*it)->addForce(-C->getForce());
1482  if (getRotation()) // getRotation() returns a boolean.
1483  {
1484  pI->addTorque(C->getTorque() - Vec3D::cross(pI->getPosition() - C->getContactPoint(), C->getForce()));
1486  (*it)->addTorque(-C->getTorque() + Vec3D::cross((*it)->getPosition() - C->getContactPoint(), C->getForce()));
1487  }
1488  }
1489  }
1490 }
const Vec3D & getForce() const
Gets the current force (vector) between the two interacting objects.
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
Stores information about interactions between two interactable objects; often particles but could be ...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
BaseParticle * getPeriodicFromParticle() const
Returns the 'original' particle this one's a periodic copy of.
const Vec3D & getContactPoint() const
Gets constant reference to contact point (vector).
static Vec3D cross(const Vec3D &a, const Vec3D &b)
Calculates the cross product of two Vec3D: .
void addTorque(Vec3D addTorque)
Adds an amount to the torque on this BaseInteractable.
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
const Vec3D & getTorque() const
Gets the current torque (vector) between the two interacting objects.
virtual void computeForce()
Virtual function that contains the force law between the two objects interacting. ...
void addForce(Vec3D addForce)
Adds an amount to the force on this BaseInteractable.
bool getRotation() const
Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::computeInternalForces ( BaseParticle i)

Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces)


Definition at line 1633 of file

References broadPhase().

Referenced by broadPhase(), computeAllForces(), Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(), Mercury2D::hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell(), Mercury2D::hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell(), and Mercury3D::hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell().

1634 {
1635  broadPhase(i);
1636 }
virtual void broadPhase(BaseParticle *i)
By broad one means to screen and determine an approximate number of particles that a given particle c...
void DPMBase::computeInternalForces ( BaseParticle P1,
BaseParticle P2 

Computes the forces between particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces)


Definition at line 1405 of file

References BaseInteractable::addForce(), BaseInteractable::addTorque(), BaseInteraction::computeForce(), Vec3D::cross(), BaseInteraction::getContactPoint(), BaseInteraction::getForce(), BaseObject::getId(), BaseParticle::getInteractionWith(), BaseParticle::getPeriodicFromParticle(), BaseInteractable::getPosition(), getRotation(), getTime(), BaseInteraction::getTorque(), interactionHandler, and BaseParticle::isFixed().

1406 {
1407  //this is because the rough bottom allows overlapping fixed particles
1408  if (P1->isFixed() && P2->isFixed())
1409  {
1410  return;
1411  }
1414  {
1415  return;
1416  }
1418  BaseParticle *PI, *PJ;
1419  if (P1->getId() > P2->getId())
1420  {
1421  PI = P2;
1422  PJ = P1;
1423  }
1424  else
1425  {
1426  PI = P1;
1427  PJ = P2;
1428  }
1430  //if statement above ensures that the PI has the lower id than PJ
1432  if (C != 0)
1433  {
1434  C->computeForce();
1436  PI->addForce(C->getForce());
1437  PJ->addForce(-C->getForce());
1439  if (getRotation())
1440  {
1441  PI->addTorque(C->getTorque() - Vec3D::cross(PI->getPosition() - C->getContactPoint(), C->getForce()));
1442  PJ->addTorque(-C->getTorque() + Vec3D::cross(PJ->getPosition() - C->getContactPoint(), C->getForce()));
1443  }
1444  }
1445 }
const Vec3D & getForce() const
Gets the current force (vector) between the two interacting objects.
unsigned int getId() const
Returns the unique identifier of any particular object.
const Vec3D & getPosition() const
Returns the position of this BaseInteractable.
Stores information about interactions between two interactable objects; often particles but could be ...
BaseParticle * getPeriodicFromParticle() const
Returns the 'original' particle this one's a periodic copy of.
const Vec3D & getContactPoint() const
Gets constant reference to contact point (vector).
static Vec3D cross(const Vec3D &a, const Vec3D &b)
Calculates the cross product of two Vec3D: .
void addTorque(Vec3D addTorque)
Adds an amount to the torque on this BaseInteractable.
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
BaseInteraction * getInteractionWith(BaseParticle *P, Mdouble timeStamp, InteractionHandler *interactionHandler)
Checks if particle is in interaction with given particle P, and if so, returns pointer to the associa...
const Vec3D & getTorque() const
Gets the current torque (vector) between the two interacting objects.
virtual void computeForce()
Virtual function that contains the force law between the two objects interacting. ...
void addForce(Vec3D addForce)
Adds an amount to the force on this BaseInteractable.
bool isFixed() const
Is fixed Particle function. It returns whether a Particle is fixed or not, by checking its inverse Ma...
bool getRotation() const
Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::constructor ( )

A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solved off the shelf; sets up a basic two dimensional problem which can be solved off the shelf. It is called in the constructor DPMBase().

Definition at line 777 of file

References boundaryHandler, gravity_, interactionHandler, loggerOutput, logWriteAndDie(), ntimeSteps_, LoggerOutput::onFatal, particleHandler, random, setAppend(), BaseHandler< T >::setDPMBase(), Files::setName(), setParticleDimensions(), RNG::setRandomSeed(), setRestarted(), Files::setSaveCount(), BaseHandler< T >::setStorageCapacity(), setSystemDimensions(), speciesHandler, time_, timeMax_, timeStep_, wallHandler, xBallsAdditionalArguments_, xBallsColourMode_, xBallsScale_, xBallsVectorScale_, xMax_, xMin_, yMax_, yMin_, zMax_, and zMin_.

Referenced by DPMBase().

778 {
779  //These are the particle parameters like dissipation etc..
780  setRestarted(false);
782  //This sets the maximum number of particles
787  wallHandler.setDPMBase(this);
794  // Set gravitational acceleration
795  gravity_ = Vec3D(0.0, -9.8, 0.0);
797  //This is the parameter of the numerical part
798  time_ = 0.0;
799  timeStep_ = 0.0; // if dt is not user-specified, this is set in actionsBeforeTimeLoop()
800  ntimeSteps_ = 0;
801  setSaveCount(20);
802  timeMax_ = 1.0;
804  //This sets the default xballs domain
805  xMin_ = 0.0;
806  xMax_ = 0.01;
807  yMin_ = 0.0;
808  yMax_ = 0.01;
809  zMin_ = 0.0;
810  zMax_ = 0.0;
814  setName("");
816  //Default mode is energy with no scale of the vectors
817  xBallsColourMode_ = 0;
818  xBallsVectorScale_ = -1;
819  xBallsScale_ = -1;
821  setAppend(false);
823  //The default random seed is 0
825 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
826  std::cerr << "MD problem constructor finished " << std::endl;
827 #endif
828 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
void setDPMBase(DPMBase *DPMBase)
Sets the problem that is solved using this handler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:506
void setStorageCapacity(const unsigned int N)
Sets the storage capacity of this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:476
void setParticleDimensions(unsigned int particleDimensions)
Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres...
void setAppend(bool newAppendFlag)
Allows to set the append option.
void setSystemDimensions(unsigned int newDim)
Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed.
void logWriteAndDie(std::string module, std::string message)
todo strcmp relies on this, should be changed to more modern version
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
void setName(const std::string &name)
Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
int xBallsColourMode_
XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview...
Definition: DPMBase.h:839
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
Mdouble xBallsScale_
sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:849
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Mdouble xBallsVectorScale_
sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:844
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
LoggerOutput * loggerOutput
Declaration of the output functions. If the output needs to be redirected, please swap the loggerOutp...
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
void setRandomSeed(unsigned long int new_seed)
This is the seed for the random number generator. (note the call to seed_LFG is only required really ...
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
RNG random
This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc...
Definition: DPMBase.h:873
std::string xBallsAdditionalArguments_
A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0".
Definition: DPMBase.h:854
void setRestarted(bool newRestartedFlag)
Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not.
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
std::function< void(std::string, std::string)> onFatal
Definition: Logger.h:142
bool DPMBase::continueSolve ( ) const
bool (True or False)

Definition at line 769 of file

Referenced by solve().

770 {
771  return true;
772 }
bool DPMBase::findNextExistingDataFile ( Mdouble  tMin,
bool  verbose = true 

Useful when fileType is chosen as Multiple Files or Multiple files with padded.

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 1191 of file

References Files::dataFile, File::getCounter(), File::getFileType(), File::getFstream(), File::getName(), MULTIPLE_FILES, MULTIPLE_FILES_PADDED, and File::openNextFile().

1192 {
1194  {
1195  while (true)// This true corresponds to the if s
1196  {
1198  //check if file exists and contains data
1199  int N;
1200  dataFile.getFstream() >> N;
1201  if (dataFile.getFstream().eof() || dataFile.getFstream().peek() == -1)
1202  {
1203  std::cout << "file " << dataFile.getName() << " not found" << std::endl;
1204  return false;
1205  }
1206  //check if tmin condition is satisfied
1207  Mdouble t;
1208  dataFile.getFstream() >> t;
1209  if (t > tMin)
1210  {
1211  //set_file_counter(get_file_counter()-1);
1212  return true;
1213  }
1214  if (verbose)
1215  std::cout << "Jumping file counter: " << dataFile.getCounter() << std::endl;
1216  }
1217  }
1218  return true;
1219 }
each time-step will be written into/read from separate files numbered consecutively, with numbers padded by zeros to a minimum of four digits: name_.0000, name_.0001, ..
FileType getFileType() const
Gets the file type e.g. NOFILE, ONEFILE and MULTIPLE FILES. File::fileType_.
double Mdouble
bool openNextFile()
This function should be called before a data corresponding to the new time step is written or read...
unsigned int getCounter() const
In case of multiple files, File::getCounter() returns the the number (FILE::Counter_) of the next fil...
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
each time-step will be written into/read from separate files numbered consecutively: name_...
const std::string & getName() const
Allows to access the file name, e.g., "".
void DPMBase::finishStatistics ( )

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >.

Definition at line 710 of file

Referenced by solve(), and Mercury3DRestart::writeOutputFiles().

711 {
712 }
void DPMBase::gatherContactStatistics ( unsigned int index1  UNUSED,
int index2  UNUSED,
Vec3D Contact  UNUSED,
Mdouble delta  UNUSED,
Mdouble ctheta  UNUSED,
Mdouble fdotn  UNUSED,
Mdouble fdott  UNUSED,
Vec3D P1_P2_normal_  UNUSED,
Vec3D P1_P2_tangential  UNUSED 

//Not unsigned index because of possible wall collisions.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >.

Definition at line 696 of file

Referenced by BaseInteraction::gatherContactStatistics().

697 {
698 }
void DPMBase::gatherContactStatistics ( )

Definition at line 687 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), and interactionHandler.

688 {
689  for (std::vector<BaseInteraction*>::const_iterator it = interactionHandler.begin(); it != interactionHandler.end(); ++it)
690  (*it)->gatherContactStatistics();
691 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
bool DPMBase::getAppend ( ) const

Returns the flag denoting if the append option is on or off.

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 536 of file

References append_.

Referenced by solve(), and writeEneHeader().

537 {
538  return append_;
539 }
bool append_
A flag to determine if the file has to be appended or not. See DPMBase::Solve() for example...
Definition: DPMBase.h:826
bool DPMBase::getDoCGAlways ( ) const
Mdouble DPMBase::getElasticEnergy ( ) const

Returns the global elastic energy within the system.

Mdouble elasticEnergy

Definition at line 552 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), and interactionHandler.

Referenced by writeEneTimestep().

553 {
554  Mdouble elasticEnergy = 0.0;
555  for (std::vector<BaseInteraction*>::const_iterator it = interactionHandler.begin(); it != interactionHandler.end(); ++it)
556  elasticEnergy += (*it)->getElasticEnergy();
557  return elasticEnergy;
558 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
double Mdouble
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Vec3D DPMBase::getGravity ( ) const

Returns the gravity vector.

Vec3D gravity_

Definition at line 438 of file

References gravity_.

Referenced by computeExternalForces(), ChuteWithHopper::getMaximumVelocityInducedByGravity(), Chute::setChuteAngle(), write(), and writeEneTimestep().

439 {
440  return gravity_;
441 }
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
bool DPMBase::getHGridUpdateEachTimeStep ( ) const
bool (True or False)

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 647 of file

648 {
649  return true;
650 }
double DPMBase::getInfo ( const BaseParticle P) const

A virtual method that allows the user to overrride and set what is written into the info column in the data file. By default it returns the Species ID number.


Definition at line 580 of file

References BaseObject::getId(), and BaseInteractable::getSpecies().

581 {
582  return P.getSpecies()->getId(); // was getIndex()
583 }
unsigned int getId() const
Returns the unique identifier of any particular object.
const ParticleSpecies * getSpecies() const
Returns a pointer to the species of this BaseInteractable.
Mdouble DPMBase::getKineticEnergy ( ) const

Returns the global kinetic energy stored in the system.

Mdouble kineticEnergy

Definition at line 563 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), and particleHandler.

564 {
565  Mdouble kineticEnergy = 0;
566  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::const_iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
567  {
568  if (!(*it)->isFixed())
569  {
570  kineticEnergy += .5 * (*it)->getMass() * (*it)->getVelocity().getLengthSquared();
571  }
572  }
573  return kineticEnergy;
575 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
double Mdouble
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
unsigned int DPMBase::getNtimeSteps ( ) const

Returns the current counter of time steps.


Definition at line 165 of file

References ntimeSteps_.

166 {
167  return ntimeSteps_;
168 }
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
unsigned int DPMBase::getParticleDimensions ( ) const

Returns the particle dimensions.


Definition at line 492 of file

References particleDimensions_.

Referenced by checkSettings(), ParticleSpecies::getMassFromRadius(), BaseParticle::getParticleDimensions(), and write().

493 {
494  return particleDimensions_;
495 }
unsigned int particleDimensions_
determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations
Definition: DPMBase.h:740
bool DPMBase::getRestarted ( ) const

Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not.


Definition at line 519 of file

References restarted_.

Referenced by solve(), and writeOutputFiles().

520 {
521  return restarted_;
522 }
bool restarted_
A bool to check if the simulation was restarted or not.
Definition: DPMBase.h:820
std::string DPMBase::getRestartVersion ( ) const

This is to take into account for different Mercury versions. Returns the version of the restart file.


Definition at line 501 of file

References restartVersion_.

Referenced by Chute::read().

502 {
503  return restartVersion_;
504 }
std::string restartVersion_
Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows...
Definition: DPMBase.h:815
bool DPMBase::getRotation ( ) const

Returns a flag indicating if particle rotation is enabled or disabled.

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 217 of file

References rotation_.

Referenced by computeForcesDueToWalls(), and computeInternalForces().

218 {
219  return rotation_;
220 }
bool rotation_
A flag to turn on/off particle rotation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:831
unsigned int DPMBase::getSystemDimensions ( ) const

Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension.


Definition at line 466 of file

References systemDimensions_.

Referenced by checkSettings(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readNextDataFile(), StatisticsVector< T >::setNZ(), and write().

467 {
468  return systemDimensions_;
469 }
unsigned int systemDimensions_
The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.
Definition: DPMBase.h:735
Mdouble DPMBase::getTimeMax ( ) const

Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though.


Definition at line 194 of file

References timeMax_.

Referenced by StatisticsVector< T >::getTimeMaxStat(), Chute::printTime(), printTime(), Mercury3DRestart::readNextArgument(), readNextArgument(), solve(), and write().

195 {
196  return timeMax_;
197 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
std::string DPMBase::getXBallsAdditionalArguments ( ) const

Definition at line 410 of file

References xBallsAdditionalArguments_.

411 {
413 }
std::string xBallsAdditionalArguments_
A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0".
Definition: DPMBase.h:854
int DPMBase::getXBallsColourMode ( ) const

Get the xball colour mode (CMode)

int xBallsColourMode_

Definition at line 382 of file

References xBallsColourMode_.

383 {
384  return xBallsColourMode_;
385 }
int xBallsColourMode_
XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview...
Definition: DPMBase.h:839
double DPMBase::getXBallsScale ( ) const

Returns the scale of the view in xballs.

double xBallsScale_

Definition at line 424 of file

References xBallsScale_.

425 {
426  return xBallsScale_;
427 }
Mdouble xBallsScale_
sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:849
double DPMBase::getXBallsVectorScale ( ) const

Returns the scale of vectors used in xballs.

double xBallsVectorScale_

Definition at line 396 of file

References xBallsVectorScale_.

397 {
398  return xBallsVectorScale_;
399 }
Mdouble xBallsVectorScale_
sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:844
Mdouble DPMBase::getXMax ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax,.


Definition at line 231 of file

References xMax_.

Referenced by Chute::cleanChute(), Chute::createBottom(), ChuteWithHopper::getChuteLength(), Chute::getChuteLength(), ChuteWithHopper::getMaximumVelocityInducedByGravity(), StatisticsVector< T >::getXMaxStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteWithHopper::setHopperShift(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), setXMin(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

232 {
233  return xMax_;
234 }
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
Mdouble DPMBase::getXMin ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin,.


Definition at line 224 of file

References xMin_.

Referenced by Chute::cleanChute(), Chute::createBottom(), StatisticsVector< T >::getXMinStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), setXMax(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

225 {
226  return xMin_;
227 }
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
Mdouble DPMBase::getYMax ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax,.


Definition at line 245 of file

References yMax_.

Referenced by ChuteWithHopper::addHopper(), Chute::createBottom(), Chute::getChuteWidth(), StatisticsVector< T >::getYMaxStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), ChuteWithHopper::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupSideWalls(), setYMin(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

246 {
247  return yMax_;
248 }
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Mdouble DPMBase::getYMin ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin,.


Definition at line 238 of file

References yMin_.

Referenced by ChuteWithHopper::addHopper(), Chute::createBottom(), StatisticsVector< T >::getYMinStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), ChuteWithHopper::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupSideWalls(), setYMax(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

239 {
240  return yMin_;
241 }
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
Mdouble DPMBase::getZMax ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax,.


Definition at line 259 of file

References zMax_.

Referenced by StatisticsVector< T >::getZMaxStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), setZMin(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

260 {
261  return zMax_;
262 }
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
Mdouble DPMBase::getZMin ( ) const

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin,.


Definition at line 252 of file

References zMin_.

Referenced by Chute::createBottom(), StatisticsVector< T >::getZMinStat(), HGridOptimiser::initialise(), outputXBallsData(), readParAndIniFiles(), ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions(), Chute::setupInitialConditions(), setZMax(), write(), and writeFstatHeader().

253 {
254  return zMin_;
255 }
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
void DPMBase::hGridActionsAfterIntegration ( )

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 731 of file

Referenced by solve().

732 {
733 }
void DPMBase::hGridActionsBeforeIntegration ( )

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 724 of file

Referenced by solve().

725 {
726 }
void DPMBase::hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop ( )

A virtual function that allows one to carry out hGrid operations before the start of the time loop.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 605 of file

Referenced by solve().

606 {
607 }
void DPMBase::hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep ( )

A virtual function that allows one to set or execute hGrid parameters or operations before every simulation time step.

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 619 of file

Referenced by solve().

620 {
621 }
void DPMBase::hGridInsertParticle ( BaseParticle *obj  UNUSED)

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Why are the hGRID actions public, this seems wrong. Someone please comment [Ant].

Definition at line 626 of file

Referenced by ParticleHandler::addObject().

627 {
628 }
void DPMBase::hGridRemoveParticle ( BaseParticle *obj  UNUSED)

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 640 of file

Referenced by ParticleHandler::removeLastObject(), and ParticleHandler::removeObject().

641 {
642 }
void DPMBase::hGridUpdateMove ( BaseParticle ,

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase.

Definition at line 717 of file

Referenced by BaseParticle::integrateBeforeForceComputation().

718 {
719 }
void DPMBase::hGridUpdateParticle ( BaseParticle *obj  UNUSED)

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Definition at line 633 of file

Referenced by ParticleHandler::addObject(), MercuryBase::hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep(), and MercuryBase::hGridRebuild().

634 {
635 }
void DPMBase::initialiseStatistics ( )

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >.

Definition at line 676 of file

Referenced by solve().

677 {
678 }
void DPMBase::initialiseTangentialSprings ( )
void DPMBase::integrateAfterForceComputation ( )

Integration is done after force computations. We apply the Velocity verlet scheme. See

Definition at line 1524 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), getTime(), getTimeStep(), particleHandler, and wallHandler.

Referenced by solve().

1525 {
1526  for_each(particleHandler.begin(), particleHandler.end(), [this] (BaseParticle* p)
1527  {
1528  p->integrateAfterForceComputation(getTime(),getTimeStep());
1529  });
1530  for_each(wallHandler.begin(), wallHandler.end(), [this] (BaseWall* w)
1531  {
1532  w->integrateAfterForceComputation(getTime(),getTimeStep());
1533  });
1534 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Basic class for walls.
Definition: BaseWall.h:39
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::integrateBeforeForceComputation ( )

This is were the integration is done, at the moment it is velocity Verlet integration and is done before the forces are computed. See

Definition at line 1495 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), getTime(), getTimeStep(), particleHandler, and wallHandler.

Referenced by solve().

1496 {
1497  for_each(particleHandler.begin(), particleHandler.end(), [this] (BaseParticle* p)
1498  {
1499  p->integrateBeforeForceComputation(getTime(),getTimeStep());
1500  });
1501  for_each(wallHandler.begin(), wallHandler.end(), [this] (BaseWall* w)
1502  {
1503  w->integrateBeforeForceComputation(getTime(),getTimeStep());
1504  });
1505 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Basic class for walls.
Definition: BaseWall.h:39
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
bool DPMBase::isTimeEqualTo ( Mdouble  time) const

Checks if the input variable "time" is the current time in the simulation.

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 2446 of file

References getTime(), and getTimeStep().

2447 {
2448  return getTime()<=time && getTime()+getTimeStep()>time;
2449 }
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::outputInteractionDetails ( ) const

Displays the interaction details corresponding to the pointer objects in the interaction handler.

Skims through all the object pointers of type BaseInteraction in the interaction handler. Outputs the type of interaction between two particles P and I.

Definition at line 2424 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), and interactionHandler.

2425 {
2426  std::cout << "Interactions currently in the handler:" << std::endl;
2427  for (std::vector<BaseInteraction*>::const_iterator it = interactionHandler.begin(); it != interactionHandler.end(); ++it)
2428  {
2429  (*it)->write(std::cout);
2430  std::cout << std::endl;
2431  std::cout << "Interaction " << (*it)->getName() << " " << (*it)->getId() << " between " << (*it)->getP()->getId() << " and " << (*it)->getI()->getId() << std::endl;
2432  }
2433  /*std::cout << "Interactions currently in the particles:" << std::endl;
2434  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::const_iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
2435  {
2436  std::cout << "Base particle " << (*it)->getId() << " has interactions:" << std::endl;
2437  for (std::list<BaseInteraction*>::const_iterator it2 = (*it)->getInteractions().begin(); it2 != (*it)->getInteractions().end(); ++it2)
2438  {
2439  std::cout << (*it2)->getId() << " between " << (*it2)->getP()->getId() << " and " << (*it2)->getI()->getId() << std::endl;
2440  }
2441  }*/
2442 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
void DPMBase::outputStatistics ( )

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >.

Definition at line 683 of file

684 {
685 }
void DPMBase::outputXBallsData ( std::ostream &  os) const

This function writes the location of the walls and particles in a format the XBalls program can read. See XBalls/xballs.txt. However, MercuryDPM supports a much better viewer now called Paraview. See the tutorials section in the documentation.


Definition at line 947 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), getSystemDimensions(), getTime(), getXMax(), getXMin(), getYMax(), getYMin(), getZMax(), getZMin(), outputXBallsDataParticle(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

948  {
949  //Set the correct formation based of dimension if the formation is not specified by the user
950  unsigned int format;
951  switch (getSystemDimensions())
952  {
953  case 2:
954  format = 8;
955  break;
956  case 3:
957  format = 14;
958  break;
959  default:
960  std::cerr << "Unknown systemdimension" << std::endl;
961  exit(-1);
962  }
964  // This outputs the location of walls and how many particles there are to file this is required by the xballs plotting
965  if (format != 14) // dim = 1 or 2
966  {
967  os << particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << " " << getTime() << " " << getXMin() << " " << getYMin() << " " << getXMax() << " " << getYMax() << " " << std::endl;
968  }
969  else
970  {
971  //dim==3
972  os << particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << " " << getTime() << " " << getXMin() << " " << getYMin() << " " << getZMin() << " " << getXMax() << " " << getYMax() << " " << getZMax() << " " << std::endl;
973  }
974  // This outputs the particle data
975  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects(); i++)
976  {
977  outputXBallsDataParticle(i, format, os);
978  }
979 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
980  std::cerr << "Have output the properties of the problem to disk " << std::endl;
981 #endif
982 }
unsigned int getSystemDimensions() const
Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. ...
Mdouble getZMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax...
Mdouble getXMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin...
Mdouble getYMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin...
Mdouble getXMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
virtual void outputXBallsDataParticle(const unsigned int i, const unsigned int format, std::ostream &os) const
This function writes out the particle locations into an output stream in a format the XBalls program ...
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
Mdouble getYMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax...
Mdouble getZMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin...
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
virtual void DPMBase::outputXBallsDataParticle ( const unsigned int  i,
const unsigned int  format,
std::ostream &  os 
) const

This function writes out the particle locations into an output stream in a format the XBalls program can read.

Referenced by outputXBallsData().

void DPMBase::printTime ( ) const

Displays the current simulation time onto your screen for example.

Reimplemented in Chute.

Definition at line 758 of file

References getTime(), and getTimeMax().

Referenced by Mercury3DRestart::readNextArgument(), and writeOutputFiles().

759 {
760  std::cout << "t=" << std::setprecision(3) << std::left << std::setw(6) << getTime()
761  << ", tmax=" << std::setprecision(3) << std::left << std::setw(6) << getTimeMax()
762  << std::endl;
763  std::cout.flush();
764 }
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
Mdouble getTimeMax() const
Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though...
void DPMBase::processStatistics ( bool usethese  UNUSED)

no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >.

Definition at line 703 of file

704 {
705 }
void DPMBase::read ( std::istream &  is)

Reads all particle data into a restart file.


todo{Do we want to calculate the mass?}

Reimplemented in ChuteWithHopper, Chute, and MercuryBase.

Definition at line 1695 of file

References boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::clear(), ParticleHandler::clear(), FATAL, helpers::getLineFromStringStream(), gravity_, INFO, interactionHandler, logger, ntimeSteps_, particleDimensions_, particleHandler, BaseHandler< T >::read(), FilesAndRunNumber::read(), BoundaryHandler::readObject(), WallHandler::readObject(), ParticleHandler::readObject(), readOld(), restartVersion_, speciesHandler, systemDimensions_, time_, timeMax_, timeStep_, wallHandler, xMax_, xMin_, yMax_, yMin_, zMax_, and zMin_.

Referenced by MercuryBase::read(), and readRestartFile().

1696 {
1697  std::string dummy;
1698  is >> dummy;
1699  if (strcmp(dummy.c_str(), "restart_version"))
1700  {
1701  //only very old files did not have a restart_version
1702  logger.log(Log::FATAL, "Error in DPMBase::read(is): this is not a valid restart file");
1703  }
1704  else
1705  {
1706  is >> restartVersion_;
1707  if (!"1.0"))
1708  {
1710  is >> dummy >> xMin_
1711  >> dummy >> xMax_
1712  >> dummy >> yMin_
1713  >> dummy >> yMax_
1714  >> dummy >> zMin_
1715  >> dummy >> zMax_
1716  >> dummy >> timeStep_
1717  >> dummy >> time_
1718  >> dummy >> ntimeSteps_
1719  >> dummy >> timeMax_
1720  >> dummy >> systemDimensions_
1721  >> dummy >> particleDimensions_
1722  >> dummy >> gravity_;
1725  unsigned int N;
1726  std::stringstream line(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
1727  is >> dummy >> N;
1728  wallHandler.clear();
1730  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
1731  {
1733  wallHandler.readObject(line);
1734  }
1736  is >> dummy >> N;
1739  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
1740  {
1743  }
1745  is >> dummy >> N;
1748  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
1749  {
1753  //particleHandler.getLastObject()->computeMass();
1754  }
1756  }
1757  else if (!"3"))
1758  {
1759  logger.log(Log::INFO, "DPMBase::read(is): restarting from an old restart file (restart_version %).", restartVersion_);
1760  readOld(is);
1761  }
1762  else
1763  {
1764  //only very old files did not have a restart_version
1765  logger.log(Log::FATAL, "Error in DPMBase::read(is): restart_version % cannot be read; use an older version of Mercury to upgrade the file", restartVersion_);
1766  }
1767  }
1768 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Logger< MERCURY_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
unsigned int particleDimensions_
determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations
Definition: DPMBase.h:740
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
virtual void readOld(std::istream &is)
Reads all particle data into a restart file; old version.
void readObject(std::istream &is)
Reads BaseParticle into the ParticleHandler from restart data.
void read(std::istream &is)
Reads all objects from restart data.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:374
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
void clear()
Empties the whole ParticleHandler by removing all BaseParticle.
void readObject(std::istream &is)
Reads BaseWall into the WallHandler from restart data.
unsigned int systemDimensions_
The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.
Definition: DPMBase.h:735
void readObject(std::istream &is)
Reads BaseBoundary into the BoundaryHandler from restart data.
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
void getLineFromStringStream(std::istream &in, std::stringstream &out)
Reads a line from one stringstream into another, and prepares the latter for reading in...
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
void read(std::istream &is)
Accepts an input stream std::istream.
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
std::string restartVersion_
Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows...
Definition: DPMBase.h:815
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
void clear()
Empties the whole BaseHandler by removing all Objects and setting all other variables to 0...
Definition: BaseHandler.h:360
bool DPMBase::readArguments ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Can interpret main function input arguments that are passed by the driver codes.


Definition at line 2029 of file

References readNextArgument().

Referenced by solve().

2030 {
2031  bool isRead = true;
2032  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 2)
2033  {
2034  std::cout << "interpreting input argument " << argv[i];
2035  for (int j = i + 1; j < argc; j++)
2036  {
2037  if (argv[j][0] == '-')
2038  break;
2039  std::cout << " " << argv[j];
2040  }
2041  std::cout << std::endl;
2042  isRead &= readNextArgument(i, argc, argv);
2043  if (!isRead)
2044  {
2045  std::cerr << "Warning: not all arguments read correctly!" << std::endl;
2046  }
2047  }
2048  return isRead;
2049 }
virtual bool readNextArgument(int &i, int argc, char *argv[])
bool DPMBase::readDataFile ( const std::string  fileName,
unsigned int  format = 0 

This allows particle data to be reloaded from data files.

E.g. If one has a data file. This function loads data from the .data file i.e. you get position, velocity, angular velocty, radius .. info. See also MD::readRestartFile For XBalls: Can read in format_ 14 - 8 or format_ 7 data format. This code saves in format_ 8 for 2D and format_ 14 for 3D. So if no extra parameters are specified it will assume things many parameters, like density cannot be set using the data file.

[in]format(format for specifying if its for 2D or 3D data)
bool (True or False)

Definition at line 989 of file

References File::close(), Files::dataFile, File::getFileType(), File::getFstream(), File::getName(), ONE_FILE, File::open(), readNextDataFile(), File::setFileType(), and File::setName().

Referenced by readNextArgument().

990 {
991  std::string oldFileName = dataFile.getName();
992  //This opens the file the data will be recalled from
993  dataFile.setName(fileName);
995  if (!dataFile.getFstream().is_open() || dataFile.getFstream().bad())
996  {
997  std::cout << "Loading data file " << fileName << " failed" << std::endl;
998  return false;
999  }
1001  //dataFile.getFileType() is ignored
1002  FileType fileTypeData = dataFile.getFileType();
1004  readNextDataFile(format);
1005  dataFile.setFileType(fileTypeData);
1007  dataFile.close();
1008  dataFile.setName(oldFileName);
1010  //std::cout << "Loaded data file " << filename << " (t=" << getTime() << ")" << std::endl;
1011  return true;
1012 }
FileType getFileType() const
Gets the file type e.g. NOFILE, ONEFILE and MULTIPLE FILES. File::fileType_.
With FileType options, one is able to choose if data is to be read/written from/into no or single or ...
Definition: File.h:35
void close()
Closes the file by calling fstream_.close()
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
all data will be written into/ read from a single file called name_
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
bool readNextDataFile(unsigned int format=0)
Reads the next data file with default format=0. However, one can modify the format based on whether t...
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets the type of file needed to write into or read from. File::fileType_.
bool open()
Checks if the file stream fstream_ has any issues while opening. Alongside, it also increments the ne...
void setName(const std::string &name)
Sets the file name, e.g. "".
const std::string & getName() const
Allows to access the file name, e.g., "".
bool DPMBase::readNextArgument ( int &  i,
int  argc,
char *  argv[] 
bool (True or False)

argv[i+1] interpreted as argument of type char*, Mdouble, integer or boolean unless noted

-gravity_ requires three arguments

-restart or -r loads a restart file. By default, it loads <name>.restart. If an argument "arg" is given it loads the file "arg", or "arg".restart (if the ending is not given).

-clean of -c removes all files <name>.*.

Reimplemented in MercuryBase, ChuteWithHopper, Chute, and Mercury3DRestart.

Definition at line 2057 of file

References FilesAndRunNumber::autoNumber(), Files::dataFile, Files::eneFile, Files::fStatFile, Files::getName(), getTimeMax(), getTimeStep(), random, RNG::randomise(), readDataFile(), readRestartFile(), Files::restartFile, setAppend(), File::setFileType(), Files::setFileType(), setFixedParticles(), setGravity(), Files::setName(), FilesAndRunNumber::setRunNumber(), File::setSaveCount(), Files::setSaveCount(), setSystemDimensions(), setTimeMax(), setTimeStep(), setXMax(), setXMin(), setYMax(), setYMin(), setZMax(), setZMin(), Files::statFile, and to_string_padded().

Referenced by readArguments(), and MercuryBase::readNextArgument().

2058 {
2060  if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-name"))
2061  {
2062  setName(argv[i + 1]);
2063  }
2064  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xmin"))
2065  {
2066  setXMin(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2067  }
2068  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ymin"))
2069  {
2070  setYMin(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2071  }
2072  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-zmin"))
2073  {
2074  setZMin(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2075  }
2076  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xmax"))
2077  {
2078  setXMax(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2079  }
2080  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ymax"))
2081  {
2082  setYMax(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2083  }
2084  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-zmax"))
2085  {
2086  setZMax(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2087  //} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-svn")) {
2088  // std::cout << "svn version " << SVN_VERSION << std::endl;
2089  // i--;
2090  }
2091  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dt"))
2092  {
2093  Mdouble old = getTimeStep();
2094  setTimeStep(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2095  std::cout << " reset dt from " << old << " to " << getTimeStep() << std::endl;
2096  }
2097 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-Hertz"))
2098 // {
2099 // speciesHandler.getObject(0)->setForceType(ForceType::HERTZ);
2100 // i--;
2101 // }
2102  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-tmax"))
2103  {
2104  Mdouble old = getTimeMax();
2105  setTimeMax(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2106  std::cout << " reset timeMax from " << old << " to " << getTimeMax() << std::endl;
2107  }
2108  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCount"))
2109  {
2110  setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2111  }
2112  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCountData"))
2113  {
2114  dataFile.setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2115  }
2116  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCountFStat"))
2117  {
2118  fStatFile.setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2119  }
2120  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCountStat"))
2121  {
2122  statFile.setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2123  }
2124  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCountEne"))
2125  {
2126  eneFile.setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2127  }
2128  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-saveCountRestart"))
2129  {
2130  restartFile.setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2131  }
2132  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dim"))
2133  {
2134  setSystemDimensions(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2135  }
2136  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gravity"))
2137  {
2139  setGravity(Vec3D(atof(argv[i + 1]), atof(argv[i + 2]), atof(argv[i + 3])));
2140  i += 2;
2141  }
2142  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileType"))
2143  { //uses int input
2144  setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2145  }
2146  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileTypeFStat"))
2147  { //uses int input
2148  fStatFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2149  }
2150  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileTypeRestart"))
2151  {
2152  restartFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2153  }
2154  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileTypeData"))
2155  {
2156  dataFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2157  }
2158  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileTypeStat"))
2159  {
2160  statFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2161  }
2162  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fileTypeEne"))
2163  {
2164  eneFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2165  }
2166  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-auto_number"))
2167  {
2168  autoNumber();
2169  i--;
2170  }
2171 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-number_of_saves"))
2172 // {
2173 // set_number_of_saves_all(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2174 // }
2175  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-restart") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-r"))
2176  {
2180  std::string filename;
2182  //use default filename if no argument is given
2183  if (i + 1 >= argc || argv[i + 1][0] == '-')
2184  {
2185  i--;
2186  filename = getName();
2187  std::cout << getName() << std::endl;
2188  }
2189  else
2190  filename = argv[i + 1];
2192  //add ".restart" if necessary
2193  if (filename.find(".restart") == std::string::npos)
2194  {
2195  filename = filename + ".restart";
2196  }
2198  std::cout << "restart from " << filename << std::endl;
2199  readRestartFile(filename);
2200  }
2201  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-clean") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-c"))
2202  {
2203  std::cout<< "Remove old " << getName() << ".* files" << std::endl;
2205 // std::string filename;
2206  std::ostringstream filename;
2207  std::vector<std::string> ext {".restart",".stat",".fstat",".data",".ene",".xballs"};
2208  for (unsigned int j=0; j<ext.size(); j++)
2209  {
2210  // remove files with given extension for FileType::ONE_FILE
2211  filename.clear();
2212  filename << getName() <<ext[j];
2213  if( !remove( filename.str().c_str() ) )
2214  {
2215  std::cout<< " File " << filename.str() << " successfully deleted" << std::endl;
2216  }
2217  // remove files with given extension for FileType::MULTIPLE_FILES
2218  unsigned int k=0;
2219  filename.clear(); filename << getName() << ext[j] << '.' << k;
2220  while( !remove( filename.str().c_str() ) )
2221  {
2222  std::cout<< " File " << filename.str() << " successfully deleted" << std::endl;
2223  filename.clear();
2224  filename << getName() << ext[j] << '.' << ++k;
2225  }
2226  // remove files with given extension for FileType::MULTIPLE_FILES_PADDED
2227  k=0;
2228  filename.clear(); filename << getName() << ext[j] << '.' << to_string_padded(k);
2229  while( !remove( filename.str().c_str() ) )
2230  {
2231  std::cout<< " File " << filename.str() << " successfully deleted" << std::endl;
2232  filename.clear();
2233  filename << getName() << ext[j] << '.' << to_string_padded(++k);
2234  }
2235  }
2236  i--;
2237  }
2238  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-data"))
2239  {
2240  std::string filename = argv[i + 1];
2241  readDataFile(filename.c_str());
2242  }
2243 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k"))
2244 // {
2245 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getStiffness();
2246 // getSpecies(0)->setStiffness(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2247 // std::cout << " reset k from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getStiffness() << std::endl;
2248 // }
2249 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dissipation") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-disp"))
2250 // {
2251 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getDissipation();
2252 // getSpecies(0)->setDissipation(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2253 // std::cout << " reset getDissipation() from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getDissipation() << std::endl;
2254 // }
2255 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-kt"))
2256 // {
2257 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getSlidingStiffness();
2258 // getSpecies(0)->setSlidingStiffness(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2259 // std::cout << " reset kt from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getSlidingStiffness() << std::endl;
2260 // }
2261 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dispt"))
2262 // {
2263 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getSlidingDissipation();
2264 // getSpecies(0)->setSlidingDissipation(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2265 // std::cout << " reset dispt from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getSlidingDissipation() << std::endl;
2266 // }
2267 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-krolling"))
2268 // {
2269 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getRollingStiffness();
2270 // getSpecies(0)->setRollingStiffness(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2271 // std::cout << " reset krolling from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getRollingStiffness() << std::endl;
2272 // }
2273 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-disprolling"))
2274 // {
2275 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getRollingDissipation();
2276 // getSpecies(0)->setRollingDissipation(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2277 // std::cout << " reset disprolling from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getRollingDissipation() << std::endl;
2278 // }
2279 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mu"))
2280 // {
2281 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getSlidingFrictionCoefficient();
2282 // getSpecies(0)->setSlidingFrictionCoefficient(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2283 // std::cout << " reset mu from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getSlidingFrictionCoefficient() << std::endl;
2284 // }
2285 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-murolling"))
2286 // {
2287 // Mdouble old = getSpecies(0)->getRollingFrictionCoefficient();
2288 // getSpecies(0)->setRollingFrictionCoefficient(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2289 // std::cout << " reset murolling from " << old << " to " << getSpecies(0)->getRollingFrictionCoefficient() << std::endl;
2290 // }
2291  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-randomise") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-randomize"))
2292  {
2293  random.randomise();
2294  i--;
2295  }
2296 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k0"))
2297 // {
2298 // Mdouble old = speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionStiffness();
2299 // speciesHandler.getObject(0)->setAdhesionStiffness(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2300 // std::cout << " reset k0 from " << old << " to " << speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionStiffness() << std::endl;
2301 // }
2302 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f0"))
2303 // {
2304 // Mdouble old = speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionForceMax();
2305 // speciesHandler.getObject(0)->setAdhesionForceMax(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2306 // std::cout << " reset f0 from " << old << " to " << speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionForceMax() << std::endl;
2307 // }
2308 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-AdhesionForceType"))
2309 // {
2310 // AdhesionForceType old = speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionForceType();
2311 // speciesHandler.getObject(0)->setAdhesionForceType(argv[i + 1]);
2312 // std::cout << " reset AdhesionForceType from "
2313 // << static_cast<signed char>(old) << " to "
2314 // << static_cast<signed char>(speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getAdhesionForceType()) << std::endl;
2315 // }
2316  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-append"))
2317  {
2318  setAppend(true);
2319  i--;
2320  }
2321  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fixedParticles"))
2322  {
2323  setFixedParticles(static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(argv[i + 1])));
2324  }
2325 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rho"))
2326 // {
2327 // Mdouble old = speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getDensity();
2328 // speciesHandler.getObject(0)->setDensity(atof(argv[i + 1]));
2329 // std::cout << " reset rho from " << old << " to " << speciesHandler.getObject(0)->getDensity() << std::endl;
2330 // }
2331 // else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dim_particle"))
2332 // {
2333 // setParticleDimensions(atoi(argv[i + 1]));
2334 // }
2335  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-counter"))
2336  {
2337  setRunNumber(atoi(argv[i + 1]));
2338  }
2339  else
2340  return false;
2341  return true; //returns true if argv is found
2342 }
void setXMax(Mdouble newXMax)
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMax...
void setTimeMax(Mdouble newTMax)
Allows the upper time limit to be changed.
void setYMin(Mdouble newYMin)
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMin...
bool readDataFile(const std::string fileName, unsigned int format=0)
This allows particle data to be reloaded from data files.
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
double Mdouble
void setZMax(Mdouble newZMax)
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets ZMax...
void setAppend(bool newAppendFlag)
Allows to set the append option.
void setSystemDimensions(unsigned int newDim)
Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed.
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets File::fileType_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
void setGravity(Vec3D newGravity)
Allows to modify the gravity vector.
void randomise()
sets the random variables such that they differ for each run
void setRunNumber(int runNumber)
This sets the counter/Run number, overriding the defaults.
void setYMax(Mdouble newYMax)
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMax...
File eneFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file.
Definition: Files.h:214
int readRestartFile()
Reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. Which is what the restart f...
void setName(const std::string &name)
Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
void setXMin(Mdouble newXMin)
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMin...
File fStatFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file.
Definition: Files.h:209
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
void setZMin(Mdouble newZMin)
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, this method sets ZMin...
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_.
void setFixedParticles(unsigned int n)
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets the type of file needed to write into or read from. File::fileType_.
RNG random
This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc...
Definition: DPMBase.h:873
std::string to_string_padded(unsigned int value)
Pads the number This function tries to pad the number to 4 digits, which is used when you create mult...
void autoNumber()
The autoNumber() function is the trigger. It calls three functions. setRunNumber(), readRunNumberFromFile() and incrementRunNumberInFile().
void setTimeStep(Mdouble newDt)
Allows the time step dt to be changed.
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
File statFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .stat file.
Definition: Files.h:224
const std::string & getName() const
Returns the name of the file. Does not allow to change it though.
Mdouble getTimeMax() const
Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though...
bool DPMBase::readNextDataFile ( unsigned int  format = 0)

Reads the next data file with default format=0. However, one can modify the format based on whether the particle data corresponds to 3D or 2D data. See XBalls/xballs.txt.


Definition at line 1224 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), ParticleHandler::computeAllMasses(), BaseHandler< T >::copyAndAddObject(), Files::dataFile, BaseHandler< T >::end(), File::getFstream(), BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), getSystemDimensions(), File::openNextFile(), particleHandler, ParticleHandler::removeLastObject(), setTime(), setXMax(), setXMin(), setYMax(), setYMin(), setZMax(), setZMin(), time_, Vec3D::X, xMax_, xMin_, Vec3D::Y, yMax_, yMin_, Vec3D::Z, zMax_, and zMin_.

Referenced by readDataFile().

1225 {
1226  dataFile.openNextFile(std::fstream::in);
1227  //fStatFile.openNextFile();
1228  //Set the correct formation based of dimension if the formation is not specified by the user
1229  if (format == 0)
1230  {
1231  switch (getSystemDimensions())
1232  {
1233  case 1:
1234  case 2:
1235  format = 8;
1236  break;
1237  case 3:
1238  format = 14;
1239  break;
1240  }
1241  //end case
1243  }
1244  //end if
1246  unsigned int N=0;
1247  Mdouble dummy;
1248  dataFile.getFstream() >> N;
1250  //read first parameter and check if we reached the end of the file
1251  if (N==0)
1252  return false;
1254  BaseParticle* P0 = new BaseParticle();
1256  while (particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() < N)
1258  else
1259  while (particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() > N)
1261  delete P0;
1263 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
1264  std::cout << "Number of particles read from file "<<N << std::endl;
1265 #endif
1267  //read all other data available for the time step
1268  switch (format)
1269  {
1270  //This is the format_ that Stefan's and Vitaley's code saves in - note the axis rotation_
1271  case 7:
1272  {
1273  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1274  setTime(dummy);
1275  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1276  setXMin(dummy);
1277  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1278  setYMin(dummy);
1279  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1280  setZMin(dummy);
1281  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1282  setXMax(dummy);
1283  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1284  setYMax(dummy);
1285  dataFile.getFstream() >> dummy;
1286  setZMax(dummy);
1287  //std::cout << " time " << t << std::endl;
1288  Mdouble radius;
1289  Vec3D position, velocity;
1290  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1291  {
1292  dataFile.getFstream() >> position.X >> position.Z >> position.Y >> velocity.X >> velocity.Z >> velocity.Y >> radius >> dummy;
1293  (*it)->setPosition(position);
1294  (*it)->setVelocity(velocity);
1295  (*it)->setOrientation(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1296  (*it)->setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
1297  (*it)->setRadius(radius);
1298  }
1299  //End the interator over all particles
1300  break;
1301  }
1302  //This is a 2D format_
1303  case 8:
1304  {
1305  dataFile.getFstream() >> time_ >> xMin_ >> yMin_ >> xMax_ >> yMax_;
1306  zMin_ = 0.0;
1307  zMax_ = 0.0;
1308  Mdouble radius;
1309  Vec3D position, velocity, angle, angularVelocity;
1310  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1311  {
1312  dataFile.getFstream() >> position.X >> position.Y >> velocity.X >> velocity.Y >> radius >> angle.Z >> angularVelocity.Z >> dummy;
1313  (*it)->setPosition(position);
1314  (*it)->setVelocity(velocity);
1315  (*it)->setOrientation(-angle);
1316  (*it)->setAngularVelocity(-angularVelocity);
1317  (*it)->setRadius(radius);
1318  } //end for all particles
1319  break;
1320  }
1321  //This is a 3D format_
1322  case 14:
1323  {
1324  dataFile.getFstream() >> time_ >> xMin_ >> yMin_ >> zMin_ >> xMax_ >> yMax_ >> zMax_;
1325  Mdouble radius;
1326  Vec3D position, velocity, angle, angularVelocity;
1327  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1328  {
1329  dataFile.getFstream() >> position >> velocity >> radius >> angle >> angularVelocity >> dummy;
1330  (*it)->setPosition(position);
1331  (*it)->setVelocity(velocity);
1332  (*it)->setOrientation(angle);
1333  (*it)->setAngularVelocity(angularVelocity);
1334  (*it)->setRadius(radius);
1335  } //end for all particles
1336  break;
1337  }
1338  //This is a 3D format_
1339  case 15:
1340  {
1341  dataFile.getFstream() >> time_ >> xMin_ >> yMin_ >> zMin_ >> xMax_ >> yMax_ >> zMax_;
1342  Mdouble radius;
1343  Vec3D position, velocity, angle, angularVelocity;
1344  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
1345  {
1346  dataFile.getFstream() >> position >> velocity >> radius >> angle >> angularVelocity >> dummy >> dummy;
1347  (*it)->setPosition(position);
1348  (*it)->setVelocity(velocity);
1349  (*it)->setOrientation(angle);
1350  (*it)->setAngularVelocity(angularVelocity);
1351  (*it)->setRadius(radius);
1353  } //end for all particles
1354  break;
1355  }
1356  } //end switch statement
1359  return true;
1360 }
void setTime(Mdouble time)
Access function for the time.
void setXMax(Mdouble newXMax)
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMax...
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Mdouble X
the vector components
Definition: Vector.h:52
unsigned int getSystemDimensions() const
Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. ...
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
void setYMin(Mdouble newYMin)
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMin...
void computeAllMasses(unsigned int indSpecies)
Computes the mass for all BaseParticle of the given species in this ParticleHandler.
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
double Mdouble
void setZMax(Mdouble newZMax)
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets ZMax...
bool openNextFile()
This function should be called before a data corresponding to the new time step is written or read...
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
void setYMax(Mdouble newYMax)
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMax...
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
U * copyAndAddObject(const U &O)
Creates a copy of a Object and adds it to the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:268
void setXMin(Mdouble newXMin)
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMin...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
void removeLastObject()
Removes the last BaseParticle from the ParticleHandler.
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
void setZMin(Mdouble newZMin)
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, this method sets ZMin...
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
Mdouble Y
Definition: Vector.h:52
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
Mdouble Z
Definition: Vector.h:52
void DPMBase::readOld ( std::istream &  is)

Reads all particle data into a restart file; old version.


Definition at line 1772 of file

References boundaryHandler, Files::dataFile, Files::eneFile, Files::fStatFile, gravity_, particleHandler, BaseHandler< T >::read(), Files::restartFile, File::setFileType(), Files::setName(), File::setSaveCount(), speciesHandler, Files::statFile, systemDimensions_, time_, timeMax_, timeStep_, wallHandler, xMax_, xMin_, yMax_, yMin_, zMax_, and zMin_.

Referenced by read().

1773 {
1774  std::string dummy;
1775  is >> dummy >> dummy;
1776  setName(dummy);
1778  unsigned int saveCountData, saveCountEne, saveCountStat, saveCountFStat;
1779  unsigned int fileTypeFstat, fileTypeData, fileTypeEne, fileTypeRestart;
1780  is >> dummy >> xMin_
1781  >> dummy >> xMax_
1782  >> dummy >> yMin_
1783  >> dummy >> yMax_
1784  >> dummy >> zMin_
1785  >> dummy >> zMax_
1786  >> dummy >> timeStep_
1787  >> dummy >> time_
1788  >> dummy >> timeMax_
1789  >> dummy >> saveCountData
1790  >> dummy >> saveCountEne
1791  >> dummy >> saveCountStat
1792  >> dummy >> saveCountFStat
1793  >> dummy >> systemDimensions_
1794  >> dummy >> gravity_
1795  >> dummy >> fileTypeFstat
1796  >> dummy >> fileTypeData
1797  >> dummy >> fileTypeEne;
1798  dataFile.setSaveCount(saveCountData);
1799  eneFile.setSaveCount(saveCountEne);
1800  statFile.setSaveCount(saveCountStat);
1801  fStatFile.setSaveCount(saveCountFStat);
1803  fStatFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(fileTypeFstat));
1804  dataFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(fileTypeData));
1805  eneFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(fileTypeEne));
1807  //this is optional to allow restart files with and without restartFile.getFileType()
1808  is >> dummy;
1809  if (!strcmp(dummy.c_str(), "options_restart"))
1810  {
1811  is >> fileTypeRestart;
1812  restartFile.setFileType(static_cast<FileType>(fileTypeRestart));
1813  }
1819 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
void read(std::istream &is)
Reads all objects from restart data.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:374
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
unsigned int systemDimensions_
The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.
Definition: DPMBase.h:735
File eneFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file.
Definition: Files.h:214
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
void setName(const std::string &name)
Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
File fStatFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file.
Definition: Files.h:209
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_.
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets the type of file needed to write into or read from. File::fileType_.
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
File statFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .stat file.
Definition: Files.h:224
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
bool DPMBase::readParAndIniFiles ( const std::string  fileName)

Allows the user to read par.ini files (useful to read MDCLR files)

bool (True or False)

Definition at line 1018 of file

References SpeciesHandler::addObject(), boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::clear(), BaseHandler< T >::copyAndAddObject(), Files::dataFile, Files::fStatFile, getTimeStep(), getXMax(), getXMin(), getYMax(), getYMin(), getZMax(), getZMin(), PeriodicBoundary::set(), InfiniteWall::set(), setGravity(), setParticleDimensions(), File::setSaveCount(), Files::setSaveCount(), setTime(), setTimeMax(), setTimeStep(), speciesHandler, and wallHandler.

1019 {
1020  //Opens the par.ini file
1021  std::fstream file;
1022, std::fstream::in);
1023  if (!file.is_open() || file.bad())
1024  {
1025  //std::cout << "Loading par.ini file " << filename << " failed" << std::endl;
1026  return false;
1027  }
1029  Mdouble doubleValue;
1030  int integerValue;
1032  // inputfile par.ini
1033  // line 1 =============================================================
1034  // Example: 1 1 0
1035  // 1: integer (0|1) switches from non-periodic to periodic
1036  // integer (5|6) does 2D integration only (y-coordinates fixed)
1037  // and switches from non-periodic to periodic
1038  // integer (11) uses a quarter system with circular b.c.
1039  file >> integerValue;
1040  //~ std::cout << "11" << integerValue << std::endl;
1041  if (integerValue == 0)
1042  {
1043  InfiniteWall w0;
1044  w0.set(Vec3D(-1, 0, 0), Vec3D(getXMin(), 0, 0));
1046  w0.set(Vec3D( 1, 0, 0), Vec3D(getXMax(), 0, 0));
1048  w0.set(Vec3D(0, -1, 0), Vec3D(0, getYMin(), 0));
1050  w0.set(Vec3D(0, 1, 0), Vec3D(0, getYMax(), 0));
1052  w0.set(Vec3D(0, 0, -1), Vec3D(0, 0, getZMin()));
1054  w0.set(Vec3D(0, 0, 1), Vec3D(0, 0, getZMax()));
1056  }
1057  else if (integerValue == 1)
1058  {
1059  PeriodicBoundary b0;
1060  b0.set(Vec3D(1, 0, 0), getXMin(), getXMax());
1062  b0.set(Vec3D(0, 1, 0), getYMin(), getYMax());
1064  b0.set(Vec3D(0, 0, 1), getZMin(), getZMax());
1066  }
1067  else if (integerValue == 5)
1068  {
1069  InfiniteWall w0;
1070  w0.set(Vec3D(-1, 0, 0), Vec3D(-getXMin(), 0, 0));
1072  w0.set(Vec3D(1, 0, 0), Vec3D(getXMax(), 0, 0));
1074  w0.set(Vec3D(0, -1, 0), Vec3D(0, -getYMin(), 0));
1076  w0.set(Vec3D(0, 1, 0), Vec3D(0, getYMax(), 0));
1079  }
1080  else if (integerValue == 6)
1081  {
1082  PeriodicBoundary b0;
1083  b0.set(Vec3D(1, 0, 0), getXMin(), getXMax());
1085  b0.set(Vec3D(0, 1, 0), getYMin(), getYMax());
1087  b0.set(Vec3D(0, 0, 1), getZMin(), getZMax());
1089  }
1090  else
1091  {
1092  std::cerr << "Error in par.ini: line 1, value 1 is " << integerValue << std::endl;
1093  exit(-1);
1094  }
1096  // 2: integer (0|1) dont use | use the search pattern for linked cells
1097  file >> integerValue; //ignore
1099  // 3: real - gravity in z direction: positive points upwards
1100  file >> doubleValue;
1101  setGravity(Vec3D(0.0, 0.0, doubleValue));
1103  // line 2 =============================================================
1104  // Example: -10000 .5e-2
1105  // 1: time end of simulation - (negative resets start time to zero
1106  // and uses -time as end-time)
1107  file >> doubleValue;
1108  if (doubleValue < 0)
1109  setTime(0);
1110  setTimeMax(fabs(doubleValue));
1112  // 2: time-step of simulation
1113  file >> doubleValue;
1114  setTimeStep(doubleValue);
1116  // line 3 =============================================================
1117  // Example: 1e-1 100
1118  file >> doubleValue;
1119  if (doubleValue >= 0)
1120  {
1121  // 1: time-step for output on time-series protocoll file -> "ene"
1122  unsigned int savecount = static_cast<unsigned int>(round(doubleValue / getTimeStep()));
1123  setSaveCount(savecount);
1125  // 2: time-step for output on film (coordinate) file -> "c3d"
1126  // (fstat-output is coupled to c3d-output time-step)
1127  file >> doubleValue;
1128  savecount = static_cast<unsigned int>(round(doubleValue / getTimeStep()));
1129  dataFile.setSaveCount(savecount);
1130  fStatFile.setSaveCount(savecount);
1131  }
1132  else
1133  {
1134  // or: ---------------------------------------------------------------
1135  // 1: negative number is multiplied to the previous log-output-time
1136  // 2: requires initial log-output time
1137  // 3: negative number is multiplied to the previous film-output-time
1138  // 4: requires initial film-output time
1139  std::cerr << "Error in par.ini: line 3, value 1 is " << doubleValue << std::endl;
1140  exit(-1);
1141  }
1143  // line 4 =============================================================
1144  // Example: 2000 1e5 1e3 1e2
1145  // 1: particle density (mass=4/3*constants::pi*density*rad^3)
1146  file >> doubleValue;
1148  //clear species handler
1154  S->setDensity(doubleValue);
1156  // 2: linear spring constant
1157  file >> doubleValue;
1158  S->setStiffness(doubleValue);
1160  // 3: linear dashpot constant
1161  file >> doubleValue;
1162  S->setDissipation(doubleValue);
1164  // 4: background damping dashpot constant
1165  file >> doubleValue;
1166  if (doubleValue != 0.0)
1167  std::cerr << "Warning in par.ini: ignored background damping " << doubleValue << std::endl;
1169  // line 5 =============================================================
1170  // Example: 0 0
1171  // 1: growth rate: d(radius) = xgrow * dt
1172  file >> doubleValue;
1173  if (doubleValue != 0.0)
1174  std::cerr << "Warning in par.ini: ignored growth rate " << doubleValue << std::endl;
1176  // 2: target volume_fraction
1177  file >> doubleValue;
1178  if (doubleValue != 0.0)
1179  std::cerr << "Warning in par.ini: ignored target volume_fraction " << doubleValue << std::endl;
1181  file.close();
1182  //std::cout << "Loaded par.ini file " << filename << std::endl;
1183  return true;
1184 }
void setTime(Mdouble time)
Access function for the time.
void set(Vec3D normal, Mdouble distanceLeft, Mdouble distanceRight)
Defines a periodic wall.
void setTimeMax(Mdouble newTMax)
Allows the upper time limit to be changed.
Mdouble getZMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax...
Mdouble getXMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin...
Mdouble getYMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin...
double Mdouble
void setParticleDimensions(unsigned int particleDimensions)
Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres...
Species< LinearViscoelasticNormalSpecies, SlidingFrictionSpecies > LinearViscoelasticSlidingFrictionSpecies
void setGravity(Vec3D newGravity)
Allows to modify the gravity vector.
Defines a pair of periodic walls. Inherits from BaseBoundary.
Mdouble getXMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax...
U * copyAndAddObject(const U &O)
Creates a copy of a Object and adds it to the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:268
virtual void addObject(ParticleSpecies *const S)
Adds a new ParticleSpecies to the SpeciesHandler.
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
File fStatFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file.
Definition: Files.h:209
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_.
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
Mdouble getYMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax...
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
void set(Vec3D normal, Vec3D point)
Defines a standard wall, given an outward normal vector s.t. normal*x=normal*point for all x of the w...
Mdouble getZMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin...
void setTimeStep(Mdouble newDt)
Allows the time step dt to be changed.
This is a class defining walls.
Definition: InfiniteWall.h:43
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
Definition: Vector.h:45
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
void clear()
Empties the whole BaseHandler by removing all Objects and setting all other variables to 0...
Definition: BaseHandler.h:360
int DPMBase::readRestartFile ( )

Reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. Which is what the restart file basically stores. The problem description with the latest particle data.

Calls the read() and sets the restarted_ flag to true (if the file is found)


Definition at line 1375 of file

References File::close(), File::getFstream(), File::getName(), File::open(), read(), Files::restartFile, and setRestarted().

Referenced by Mercury3DRestart::readNextArgument(), readNextArgument(), and readRestartFile().

1376 {
1377  if (
1378  {
1380  restartFile.close();
1381  setRestarted(true);
1382  return (1);
1383  }
1384  else
1385  {
1386  std::cerr << restartFile.getName() << " could not be loaded" << std::endl;
1387  return (0);
1388  }
1389 }
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
void close()
Closes the file by calling fstream_.close()
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
bool open()
Checks if the file stream fstream_ has any issues while opening. Alongside, it also increments the ne...
void setRestarted(bool newRestartedFlag)
Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not.
virtual void read(std::istream &is)
Reads all particle data into a restart file.
const std::string & getName() const
Allows to access the file name, e.g., "".
int DPMBase::readRestartFile ( std::string  fileName)

Also reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step.


Definition at line 1395 of file

References readRestartFile(), Files::restartFile, and File::setName().

1396 {
1397  restartFile.setName(fileName);
1398  return readRestartFile();
1399 }
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
int readRestartFile()
Reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. Which is what the restart f...
void setName(const std::string &name)
Sets the file name, e.g. "".
void DPMBase::removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles ( )

Removes periodic duplicate Particles.

Removes particles created by CheckAndDuplicatePeriodicParticle(int i, int nWallPeriodic)). Note that between these two functions it is not allowed to create additional functions


Definition at line 2394 of file

References BaseInteractable::getInteractions(), BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), BaseHandler< T >::getObject(), BaseParticle::getPeriodicFromParticle(), interactionHandler, particleHandler, ParticleHandler::removeObject(), and InteractionHandler::removeObjectKeepingPeriodics().

Referenced by solve().

2395 {
2396  for (unsigned int i = particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects(); i >= 1 && particleHandler.getObject(i - 1)->getPeriodicFromParticle() != nullptr; i--)
2397  {
2398  while (particleHandler.getObject(i - 1)->getInteractions().size() > 0)
2399  {
2401  }
2403  }
2404 }
BaseParticle * getPeriodicFromParticle() const
Returns the 'original' particle this one's a periodic copy of.
void removeObjectKeepingPeriodics(unsigned const int id)
Removes interactions of periodic particles when the periodic particles get deleted (see DPMBase::remo...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
T * getObject(const unsigned int id)
Gets a pointer to the Object at the specified index in the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:415
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
const std::list< BaseInteraction * > & getInteractions() const
Returns a reference to the list of interactions in this BaseInteractable.
virtual void removeObject(unsigned const int id)
Removes a BaseParticle from the ParticleHandler.
void DPMBase::setAppend ( bool  newAppendFlag)

Allows to set the append option.


Definition at line 544 of file

References append_.

Referenced by constructor(), Mercury3DRestart::readNextArgument(), and readNextArgument().

545 {
546  append_ = newAppendFlag;
547 }
bool append_
A flag to determine if the file has to be appended or not. See DPMBase::Solve() for example...
Definition: DPMBase.h:826
void DPMBase::setDimension ( unsigned int  newDim)

Sets the system and particle dimension.


Definition at line 445 of file

References setParticleDimensions(), and setSystemDimensions().

446 {
447  setSystemDimensions(newDim);
448  setParticleDimensions(newDim);
449 }
void setParticleDimensions(unsigned int particleDimensions)
Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres...
void setSystemDimensions(unsigned int newDim)
Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed.
void DPMBase::setDoCGAlways ( bool  newDoCGFlag)
void DPMBase::setFixedParticles ( unsigned int  n)

Definition at line 749 of file

References BaseParticle::fixParticle(), BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), BaseHandler< T >::getObject(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by readNextArgument().

750 {
751  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < std::min(particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects(), n); i++)
753 }
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
T * getObject(const unsigned int id)
Gets a pointer to the Object at the specified index in the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:415
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
void fixParticle()
Fix Particle function. It fixes a Particle by setting its inverse mass and inertia and velocities to ...
void DPMBase::setGravity ( Vec3D  newGravity)

Allows to modify the gravity vector.


Definition at line 431 of file

References gravity_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), readParAndIniFiles(), and Chute::setChuteAngleAndMagnitudeOfGravity().

432 {
433  gravity_ = newGravity;
434 }
Vec3D gravity_
Gravity vector.
Definition: DPMBase.h:745
void DPMBase::setParticleDimensions ( unsigned int  particleDimensions)

Allows the dimension of the particle (f.e. for mass) to be changed. e.g. discs or spheres.


Definition at line 474 of file

References ParticleHandler::computeAllMasses(), particleDimensions_, and particleHandler.

Referenced by Mercury2D::constructor(), Mercury3D::constructor(), constructor(), SpeciesHandler::readOldObject(), readParAndIniFiles(), and setDimension().

475 {
476  if (particleDimensions >= 1 && particleDimensions <= 3)
477  {
478  particleDimensions_ = particleDimensions;
480  }
481  else
482  {
483  std::cerr << "Error in setParticleDimensions" << std::endl;
484  exit(-1);
485  }
486 }
unsigned int particleDimensions_
determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations
Definition: DPMBase.h:740
void computeAllMasses(unsigned int indSpecies)
Computes the mass for all BaseParticle of the given species in this ParticleHandler.
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
void DPMBase::setRestarted ( bool  newRestartedFlag)

Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not.


Definition at line 527 of file

References restarted_.

Referenced by constructor(), and readRestartFile().

528 {
529  restarted_ = newRestartedFlag;
530  //setAppend(new_);
531 }
bool restarted_
A bool to check if the simulation was restarted or not.
Definition: DPMBase.h:820
void DPMBase::setRestartVersion ( std::string  newRV)

Sets restart_version.


Definition at line 510 of file

References restartVersion_.

511 {
512  restartVersion_ = newRV;
513 }
std::string restartVersion_
Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows...
Definition: DPMBase.h:815
void DPMBase::setRotation ( bool  newRotFlag)

Allows to set the flag for enabling or disabling particle rotation in the simulations.

{these functions should also update the mixed species}

Definition at line 210 of file

References rotation_.

Referenced by SpeciesHandler::addObject(), and SpeciesHandler::removeObject().

211 {
212  rotation_ = newRotFlag;
213 }
bool rotation_
A flag to turn on/off particle rotation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:831
void DPMBase::setSystemDimensions ( unsigned int  newDim)

Allows for the dimension of the simulation to be changed.


Definition at line 453 of file

References systemDimensions_.

Referenced by Mercury2D::constructor(), Mercury3D::constructor(), constructor(), readNextArgument(), and setDimension().

454 {
455  if (newDim >= 1 && newDim <= 3)
456  systemDimensions_ = newDim;
457  else
458  {
459  std::cerr << "Error in setSystemDimensions" << std::endl;
460  exit(-1);
461  }
462 }
unsigned int systemDimensions_
The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.
Definition: DPMBase.h:735
void DPMBase::setTime ( Mdouble  time)

Access function for the time.


Definition at line 172 of file

References time_.

Referenced by readNextDataFile(), readParAndIniFiles(), and solve().

173 {
174  time_ = time;
175 }
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
void DPMBase::setTimeMax ( Mdouble  newTMax)

Allows the upper time limit to be changed.


Definition at line 179 of file

References timeMax_.

Referenced by ChuteBottom::makeRoughBottom(), readNextArgument(), and readParAndIniFiles().

180 {
181  if (newTMax >= 0)
182  {
183  timeMax_ = newTMax;
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  std::cerr << "Error in setTimeMax, newTMax=" << newTMax << std::endl;
188  exit(-1);
189  }
190 }
Mdouble timeMax_
Stores the duration of the simulation.
Definition: DPMBase.h:801
void DPMBase::setTimeStep ( Mdouble  timeStep)

Allows the time step dt to be changed.


Definition at line 353 of file

References timeStep_.

Referenced by ChuteBottom::makeRoughBottom(), readNextArgument(), and readParAndIniFiles().

354 {
355  if (timeStep >= 0.0)
356  {
357  timeStep_ = timeStep;
358  }
359  else
360  {
361  std::cerr << "Error in setTimeStep" << std::endl;
362  exit(-1);
363  }
364 }
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
void DPMBase::setupInitialConditions ( )

This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here.

A virtual function with no implementation but can be overriden.

I (Anthony) wants to change this to be an external function. This has a lot of advantages especially when using copy-constructors. This is a major change and will break other codes, so therefore has to be done carefully.

This sets up the particles initial conditions it is as you expect the user to override this. By default the particles are randomly disibuted

Reimplemented in ChuteWithHopper, Chute, and ChuteBottom.

Definition at line 833 of file

Referenced by solve().

834 {
835 }
void DPMBase::setXBallsAdditionalArguments ( std::string  newXBArgs)

Set the additional arguments for xballs.


Definition at line 403 of file

References xBallsAdditionalArguments_.

404 {
405  xBallsAdditionalArguments_ = newXBArgs.c_str();
406 }
std::string xBallsAdditionalArguments_
A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0".
Definition: DPMBase.h:854
void DPMBase::setXBallsColourMode ( int  newCMode)

Set the xball output mode.


Definition at line 375 of file

References xBallsColourMode_.

376 {
377  xBallsColourMode_ = newCMode;
378 }
int xBallsColourMode_
XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview...
Definition: DPMBase.h:839
void DPMBase::setXBallsScale ( Mdouble  newScale)

Sets the scale of the view (either normal, zoom in or zoom out) to display in xballs. The default is fit to screen.


Definition at line 417 of file

References xBallsScale_.

418 {
419  xBallsScale_ = newScale;
420 }
Mdouble xBallsScale_
sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:849
void DPMBase::setXBallsVectorScale ( double  newVScale)

Set the scale of vectors in xballs.


Definition at line 389 of file

References xBallsVectorScale_.

390 {
391  xBallsVectorScale_ = newVScale;
392 }
Mdouble xBallsVectorScale_
sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)
Definition: DPMBase.h:844
void DPMBase::setXMax ( Mdouble  newXMax)

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMax.


Definition at line 309 of file

References getXMin(), and xMax_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), readNextDataFile(), ChuteWithHopper::setChuteLength(), Chute::setChuteLength(), and ChuteWithHopper::setHopperShift().

310 {
311  if (newXMax >= getXMin())
312  {
313  xMax_ = newXMax;
314  }
315  else
316  {
317  std::cerr << "Error in setXMax(" << newXMax << "): xMin=" << getXMin() << std::endl;
318  exit(-1);
319  }
320 }
Mdouble getXMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin...
Mdouble xMax_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:757
void DPMBase::setXMin ( Mdouble  newXMin)

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets XMin.


Definition at line 266 of file

References getXMax(), and xMin_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), readNextDataFile(), and ChuteWithHopper::setChuteLength().

267 {
268  if (newXMin <= getXMax())
269  {
270  xMin_ = newXMin;
271  }
272  else
273  {
274  std::cerr << "Warning in setXMin(" << newXMin << "): xMax=" << getXMax() << std::endl;
275  }
276 }
Mdouble getXMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax...
Mdouble xMin_
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:751
void DPMBase::setYMax ( Mdouble  newYMax)

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMax.


Definition at line 324 of file

References getYMin(), and yMax_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), readNextDataFile(), and Chute::setChuteWidth().

325 {
326  if (newYMax >= getYMin())
327  {
328  yMax_ = newYMax;
329  }
330  else
331  {
332  std::cerr << "Warning in setYMax(" << newYMax << "): yMin=" << getYMin() << std::endl;
333  }
334 }
Mdouble yMax_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:769
Mdouble getYMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin...
void DPMBase::setYMin ( Mdouble  newYMin)

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, this method sets YMin.


Definition at line 280 of file

References getYMax(), and yMin_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), and readNextDataFile().

281 {
282  if (newYMin <= getYMax())
283  {
284  yMin_ = newYMin;
285  }
286  else
287  {
288  std::cerr << "Error in setYMin(" << newYMin << "): yMax=" << getYMax() << std::endl;
289  exit(-1);
290  }
291 }
Mdouble yMin_
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:763
Mdouble getYMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax...
void DPMBase::setZMax ( Mdouble  newZMax)

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is XMax - XMin, this method sets ZMax.


Definition at line 338 of file

References getZMin(), and zMax_.

Referenced by ChuteWithHopper::addHopper(), Chute::readNextArgument(), readNextArgument(), readNextDataFile(), and Chute::setInflowHeight().

339 {
340  if (newZMax >= getZMin())
341  {
342  zMax_ = newZMax;
343  }
344  else
345  {
346  std::cerr << "Error in setZMax(" << newZMax << "): zMin=" << getZMin() << std::endl;
347  exit(-1);
348  }
349 }
Mdouble zMax_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax...
Definition: DPMBase.h:781
Mdouble getZMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin...
void DPMBase::setZMin ( Mdouble  newZMin)

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, this method sets ZMin.


Definition at line 295 of file

References getZMax(), and zMin_.

Referenced by readNextArgument(), and readNextDataFile().

296 {
297  if (newZMin <= getZMax())
298  {
299  zMin_ = newZMin;
300  }
301  else
302  {
303  std::cerr << "Warning in setZMin(" << newZMin << "): zMax=" << getZMax() << std::endl;
304  }
305 }
Mdouble getZMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax...
Mdouble zMin_
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin...
Definition: DPMBase.h:775
void DPMBase::solve ( )

The work horse of the code.

  • Initialises the time, sets up the initial conditions for the simulation by calling the setupInitialConditions() and resets the counter using setNExtSavedTimeStep().
    • HGrid operations which is the contact detection algorithm.
    • Checks if the basic essentials are set for carrying out the simulations using checkSettings()
    • And many more vital operations. See below ;)
      Is it neccesarry to reset initial conditions here and in setTimeStepByParticle (i.e. should it be in constructor) Thomas: I agree, setTimeStepByParticle should be rewritten to work without calling setupInitialConditions

Initialise the time and sets up the initial conditions for the simulation

Is it neccesarry to reset initial conditions here and in setTimeStepByParticle (i.e. should it be in constructor)? Thomas: I agree, setTimeStepByParticle should be rewritten to work without calling setupInitialConditions
{In chute particles are added in actions_before_time_set(), however they are not written to the xballs data yet, but can have a collison and be written to the fstat data}

Definition at line 1895 of file

References actionsAfterSolve(), actionsAfterTimeStep(), actionsBeforeTimeLoop(), actionsBeforeTimeStep(), actionsOnRestart(), BaseHandler< T >::begin(), boundaryHandler, checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles(), checkInteractionWithBoundaries(), checkSettings(), Files::closeFiles(), computeAllForces(), ParticleHandler::computeAllMasses(), continueSolve(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), InteractionHandler::eraseOldInteractions(), finishStatistics(), getAppend(), Files::getName(), getRestarted(), FilesAndRunNumber::getRunNumber(), getTime(), getTimeMax(), getTimeStep(), hGridActionsAfterIntegration(), hGridActionsBeforeIntegration(), hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop(), hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep(), initialiseStatistics(), integrateAfterForceComputation(), integrateBeforeForceComputation(), interactionHandler, ntimeSteps_, particleHandler, removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles(), Files::resetFileCounter(), Files::restartFile, Files::setName(), Files::setNextSavedTimeStep(), File::setOpenMode(), Files::setOpenMode(), setTime(), setupInitialConditions(), time_, timeStep_, and writeOutputFiles().

Referenced by ChuteBottom::makeRoughBottom(), and solve().

1896 {
1897 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
1898  std::cerr << "Entered solve" << std::endl;
1899 #endif
1901  std::cout << "Using CONTACT_LIST_HGRID"<<std::endl;
1902 #endif
1908  if (getRestarted()==false)
1909  {
1910  ntimeSteps_ = 0;
1911  resetFileCounter();
1912  setTime(0.0);
1913  //this is to ensure that the interaction time stamps agree with the resetting of the time value
1914  for (auto& i : interactionHandler)
1915  i->setTimeStamp(0);
1917  setNextSavedTimeStep(0); //reset the counter
1918 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
1919  std::cerr << "Have created the particles initial conditions " << std::endl;
1920 #endif
1921  }
1922  else
1923  {
1924  actionsOnRestart();
1925  }
1927  checkSettings();
1929  if (getRunNumber()>0)
1930  {
1931  std::stringstream name;
1932  name << getName() << "." << getRunNumber();
1933  setName(name.str());
1934  }
1936  //append_ determines if files have to be appended or not
1937  if (getAppend())
1938  {
1939  setOpenMode(std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
1940  restartFile.setOpenMode(std::fstream::out); //Restart files should always be overwritten.
1941  }
1942  else
1943  setOpenMode(std::fstream::out);
1947  // Setup the mass of each particle.
1950  // Other initialisations
1951  //max_radius = getLargestParticle()->getRadius();
1955  // do a first force computation
1958  computeAllForces();
1962 #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT
1963  std::cerr << "Have computed the initial values for the forces " << std::endl;
1964 #endif
1966  // This is the main loop over advancing time
1967  while (getTime() < getTimeMax() && continueSolve())
1968  {
1969  writeOutputFiles(); //everything is written at the beginning of the timestep!
1971  // Loop over all particles doing the time integration step
1974  checkInteractionWithBoundaries(); // INSERTION boundaries handled
1977  // Compute forces
1980  // INSERTION/DELETION boundary flag change
1981  for (std::vector<BaseBoundary*>::iterator it = boundaryHandler.begin(); it != boundaryHandler.end(); ++it)
1982  {
1983  (*it)->checkBoundaryBeforeTimeStep(this);
1984  }
1992  computeAllForces();
1998  // Loop over all particles doing the time integration step
2002  checkInteractionWithBoundaries(); // DELETION boundaries handled
2005  //erase interactions that have not been used during the last timestep
2006  interactionHandler.eraseOldInteractions(getTime() - getTimeStep() * 0.5);
2008  time_ += timeStep_;
2009  ntimeSteps_ ++;
2010  }
2011  //force writing of the last time step
2013  writeOutputFiles();
2015  //end loop over interaction count
2018  std::cout << std::endl;
2019  //To make sure getTime gets the correct time for outputting statistics
2020  finishStatistics();
2022  closeFiles();
2023 }
void setTime(Mdouble time)
Access function for the time.
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeLoop()
A virtual function. Allows one to carry out any operations before the start of the time loop...
virtual void integrateAfterForceComputation()
Integration is done after force computations. We apply the Velocity verlet scheme. See
void checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles()
In case of periodic boundaries, the below methods checks and adds particles when necessary into the p...
void setNextSavedTimeStep(unsigned int nextSavedTimeStep)
Sets the next time step for all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) at which the data is to b...
void computeAllMasses(unsigned int indSpecies)
Computes the mass for all BaseParticle of the given species in this ParticleHandler.
virtual void initialiseStatistics()
no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
void closeFiles()
Closes all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) that were opened to read or write.
virtual void actionsAfterTimeStep()
A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after time step.
virtual void writeOutputFiles()
Writes the simulation data onto all the files i.e. .data, .ene, .fstat ...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
void setOpenMode(std::fstream::openmode openMode)
Sets File::openMode_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeIntegration()
no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.
bool getAppend() const
Returns the flag denoting if the append option is on or off.
void setName(const std::string &name)
Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
void resetFileCounter()
Resets the file counter for each file i.e. for ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
bool getRestarted() const
Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not.
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble time_
Stores the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.h:786
void checkSettings()
Checks if the essentials are set properly to go ahead with solving the problem.
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop()
A virtual function that allows one to carry out hGrid operations before the start of the time loop...
virtual void computeAllForces()
Computes all the forces acting on the particles by using the setTorque and setForce methods...
virtual void actionsAfterSolve()
A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after the solve().
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeStep()
A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed before the new time step...
Mdouble timeStep_
Stores the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.h:796
virtual void actionsOnRestart()
A virtual function where the users can add extra code which is executed only when the code is restart...
void removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles()
Removes periodic duplicate Particles.
virtual void integrateBeforeForceComputation()
This is were the integration is done, at the moment it is velocity Verlet integration and is done bef...
virtual bool continueSolve() const
virtual void hGridActionsAfterIntegration()
no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
virtual void hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep()
A virtual function that allows one to set or execute hGrid parameters or operations before every simu...
virtual void finishStatistics()
no implementation but can be overidden in its derived classes.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
const std::string & getName() const
Returns the name of the file. Does not allow to change it though.
virtual void checkInteractionWithBoundaries()
There are a range of boundaries one could implement depending on ones' problem. This methods checks f...
Mdouble getTimeMax() const
Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though...
int getRunNumber() const
This returns the current value of the counter (runNumber_)
void setOpenMode(std::fstream::openmode openMode)
Allows the user to Sets File::openMode_.
virtual void setupInitialConditions()
This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle ...
void DPMBase::solve ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

The solve function is the work horse of the code with the user input.


Definition at line 150 of file

References readArguments(), and solve().

151 {
152  readArguments(argc, argv);
153  solve();
154 }
void solve()
The work horse of the code.
bool readArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
Can interpret main function input arguments that are passed by the driver codes.
void DPMBase::write ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  writeAllParticles = true 
) const

Loads all MD data and plots statistics for all timesteps in the .data file.

Writes all particle data into a restart file

TW: random number seed is not stored
TW: xBalls arguments are not stored

Reimplemented in ChuteWithHopper, Chute, and MercuryBase.

Definition at line 1642 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::end(), getGravity(), BaseHandler< T >::getNumberOfObjects(), BaseHandler< T >::getObject(), getParticleDimensions(), getSystemDimensions(), getTime(), getTimeMax(), getTimeStep(), getXMax(), getXMin(), getYMax(), getYMin(), getZMax(), getZMin(), interactionHandler, ntimeSteps_, particleHandler, speciesHandler, wallHandler, SpeciesHandler::write(), InteractionHandler::write(), FilesAndRunNumber::write(), and ParticleHandler::write().

Referenced by operator<<(), MercuryBase::write(), and writeRestartFile().

1643 {
1644  os << "restart_version " << "1.0";
1646  os << "xMin " << getXMin()
1647  << " xMax " << getXMax()
1648  << " yMin " << getYMin()
1649  << " yMax " << getYMax()
1650  << " zMin " << getZMin()
1651  << " zMax " << getZMax() << std::endl
1652  << "timeStep " << getTimeStep()
1653  << " time " << getTime()
1654  << " ntimeSteps " << ntimeSteps_
1655  << " timeMax " << getTimeMax() << std::endl
1656  << "systemDimensions " << getSystemDimensions()
1657  << " particleDimensions " << getParticleDimensions()
1658  << " gravity " << getGravity() << std::endl;
1659  speciesHandler.write(os);
1660  os << "Walls " << wallHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << std::endl;
1661  for (std::vector<BaseWall*>::const_iterator it = wallHandler.begin(); it != wallHandler.end(); ++it)
1662  os << (**it) << std::endl;
1663  os << "Boundaries " << boundaryHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << std::endl;
1664  for (std::vector<BaseBoundary*>::const_iterator it = boundaryHandler.begin(); it != boundaryHandler.end(); ++it)
1665  os << (**it) << std::endl;
1666  if (writeAllParticles || particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() < 4)
1667  {
1668  particleHandler.write(os);
1669  }
1670  else
1671  {
1672  os << "Particles " << particleHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << std::endl;
1673  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1674  os << *particleHandler.getObject(i) << std::endl;
1675  os << "..." << std::endl;
1676  }
1677  if (writeAllParticles || interactionHandler.getNumberOfObjects() < 4)
1678  {
1680  }
1681  else
1682  {
1683  os << "Interactions " << interactionHandler.getNumberOfObjects() << std::endl;
1684  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1685  os << *interactionHandler.getObject(i) << std::endl;
1686  os << "..." << std::endl;
1687  }
1690 }
void write(std::ostream &os) const
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Writes the InteractionHandler to an output stream, for example a restart file.
unsigned int getSystemDimensions() const
Returns the dimension of the simulation. Note there is also a particle dimension. ...
Mdouble getZMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax...
Mdouble getXMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions() const
Returns the particle dimensions.
Mdouble getYMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Accepts an output stream read function, which accepts an input stream std::ostream.
virtual void write(std::ostream &os) const
Write all the species and mixed species to an output stream.
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
Mdouble getXMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax...
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:888
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
T * getObject(const unsigned int id)
Gets a pointer to the Object at the specified index in the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:415
Vec3D getGravity() const
Returns the gravity vector.
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const
Gets the number of Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:464
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. elastic, linear visco-elastic... et cetera...
Definition: DPMBase.h:868
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Mdouble getYMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax...
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:883
Mdouble getZMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin...
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Allows the time step dt to be accessed.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
Mdouble getTimeMax() const
Allows the user to access the total simulation time during the simulation. Cannot change it though...
void DPMBase::writeEneHeader ( std::ostream &  os) const

Writes a header with a certain format for ENE file.


todo{Why is there a +6 here? TW: to get the numbers and title aligned}

Definition at line 840 of file

References getAppend().

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

841 {
842  //only write if we don't restart
843  if (getAppend())
844  return;
847  long width = os.precision() + 6;
848  os << std::setw(width) << "t" << " " << std::setw(width)
849  << "ene_gra" << " " << std::setw(width)
850  << "ene_kin" << " " << std::setw(width)
851  << "ene_rot" << " " << std::setw(width)
852  << "ene_ela" << " " << std::setw(width)
853  << "X_COM" << " " << std::setw(width)
854  << "Y_COM" << " " << std::setw(width)
855  << "Z_COM" << std::endl;
856 }
bool getAppend() const
Returns the flag denoting if the append option is on or off.
void DPMBase::writeEneTimestep ( std::ostream &  os) const

This function enables one to write the global energy available in the system after each time step. The default is to compute the rotational and translational kinetic energy, potential energy and the centre of mass.


todo{Why is there a +6 here? TW: to ensure the numbers fit into a constant width column}

Definition at line 912 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), Vec3D::dot(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), getElasticEnergy(), getGravity(), getTime(), and particleHandler.

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

913 {
914  Mdouble ene_kin = 0, ene_elastic = 0, ene_rot = 0, ene_gra = 0, mass_sum = 0, x_masslength = 0, y_masslength = 0, z_masslength = 0;
916  for (std::vector<BaseParticle*>::const_iterator it = particleHandler.begin(); it != particleHandler.end(); ++it)
917  if (!(*it)->isFixed())
918  {
919  ene_kin += .5 * (*it)->getMass() * (*it)->getVelocity().getLengthSquared();
920  ene_rot += .5 * (*it)->getInertia() * (*it)->getAngularVelocity().getLengthSquared();
921  ene_gra -= (*it)->getMass() * Vec3D::dot(getGravity(), (*it)->getPosition());
922  mass_sum += (*it)->getMass();
923  x_masslength += (*it)->getMass() * (*it)->getPosition().X;
924  y_masslength += (*it)->getMass() * (*it)->getPosition().Y;
925  z_masslength += (*it)->getMass() * (*it)->getPosition().Z;
926  } //end for loop over Particles
928  ene_elastic = getElasticEnergy();
931  long width = os.precision() + 6;
932  os << std::setw(width) << getTime()
933  << " " << std::setw(width) << ene_gra
934  << " " << std::setw(width) << ene_kin
935  << " " << std::setw(width) << ene_rot
936  << " " << std::setw(width) << ene_elastic
937  << " " << std::setw(width) << (mass_sum != 0.0 ? x_masslength / mass_sum : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())
938  << " " << std::setw(width) << (mass_sum != 0.0 ? y_masslength / mass_sum : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())
939  << " " << std::setw(width) << (mass_sum != 0.0 ? z_masslength / mass_sum : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) << std::endl;
941  //sliding = sticking = 0;
942 }
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
double Mdouble
static Mdouble dot(const Vec3D &a, const Vec3D &b)
Calculates the dot product of two Vec3D: .
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
Mdouble getElasticEnergy() const
Returns the global elastic energy within the system.
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Vec3D getGravity() const
Returns the gravity vector.
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::writeFstatHeader ( std::ostream &  os) const

Writes a header with a certain format for FStat file.


Definition at line 861 of file

References BaseHandler< T >::begin(), BaseHandler< T >::end(), ParticleHandler::getLargestParticle(), BaseParticle::getRadius(), ParticleHandler::getSmallestParticle(), getTime(), getXMax(), getXMin(), getYMax(), getYMin(), getZMax(), getZMin(), interactionHandler, and particleHandler.

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

862  {
863  // line #1: time, volume fraction
864  // line #2: wall box: wx0, wy0, wz0, wx1, wy1, wz1
865  // line #3: radii-min-max & moments: rad_min, rad_max, r1, r2, r3, r4
866  os << "#"
867  << " " << getTime()
868  << " " << 0
869  << std::endl;
870  os << "#"
871  << " " << getXMin()
872  << " " << getYMin()
873  << " " << getZMin()
874  << " " << getXMax()
875  << " " << getYMax()
876  << " " << getZMax()
877  << std::endl;
878  os << "#"
879  << " ";
881  {
883  }
884  else
885  {
886  os << std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
887  }
888  os << " ";
890  {
892  }
893  else
894  {
895  os << std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
896  }
897  os << " " << 0
898  << " " << 0
899  << " " << 0
900  << " " << 0
901  << std::endl;
902  //B: write data
903  for (std::vector<BaseInteraction*>::const_iterator it = interactionHandler.begin(); it != interactionHandler.end(); ++it)
904  {
905  (*it)->writeToFStat(os);
906  }
907 }
BaseParticle * getLargestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the largest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
Mdouble getZMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax...
Mdouble getXMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin...
Mdouble getYMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin...
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator end() const
Gets the end of the const_iterator over all BaseBoundary in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:494
const std::vector< T * >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets the begin of the const_iterator over all Object in this BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:482
Mdouble getXMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax...
BaseParticle * getSmallestParticle() const
Gets a pointer to the smallest BaseParticle (by interactionRadius) in this ParticleHandler.
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created...
Definition: DPMBase.h:878
Mdouble getRadius() const
Returns the particle's radius_.
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:893
Mdouble getYMax() const
If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax...
Mdouble getZMin() const
If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin...
Mdouble getTime() const
Access function for the time.
void DPMBase::writeOutputFiles ( )

Writes the simulation data onto all the files i.e. .data, .ene, .fstat ...

Reimplemented in StatisticsVector< T >, and Mercury3DRestart.

Definition at line 1848 of file

References File::close(), Files::dataFile, Files::eneFile, Files::fStatFile, File::getCounter(), File::getFileType(), File::getFstream(), getRestarted(), MULTIPLE_FILES, MULTIPLE_FILES_PADDED, NO_FILE, ntimeSteps_, outputXBallsData(), printTime(), Files::restartFile, File::saveCurrentTimestep(), writeEneHeader(), writeEneTimestep(), writeFstatHeader(), writeRestartFile(), and writeXBallsScript().

Referenced by solve(), and Mercury3DRestart::writeOutputFiles().

1849 {
1854  {
1858  }
1861  {
1862  printTime();
1866  }
1868 // if (statFile.saveCurrentTimestep(ntimeSteps_))
1869 // {
1870 // outputStatistics();
1871 // gatherContactStatistics();
1872 // processStatistics(true);
1873 // }
1875  //write restart file last, otherwise the output cunters are wrong
1877  {
1878  writeRestartFile();
1879  restartFile.close(); //overwrite old restart file if FileType::ONE_FILE
1880  }
1881 }
each time-step will be written into/read from separate files numbered consecutively, with numbers padded by zeros to a minimum of four digits: name_.0000, name_.0001, ..
FileType getFileType() const
Gets the file type e.g. NOFILE, ONEFILE and MULTIPLE FILES. File::fileType_.
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
virtual void outputXBallsData(std::ostream &os) const
This function writes the location of the walls and particles in a format the XBalls program can read...
void close()
Closes the file by calling fstream_.close()
File eneFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file.
Definition: Files.h:214
unsigned int getCounter() const
In case of multiple files, File::getCounter() returns the the number (FILE::Counter_) of the next fil...
file will not be created/read
unsigned int ntimeSteps_
Stores the number of time steps.
Definition: DPMBase.h:791
virtual void writeEneTimestep(std::ostream &os) const
This function enables one to write the global energy available in the system after each time step...
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
bool getRestarted() const
Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not.
File fStatFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file.
Definition: Files.h:209
File dataFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file.
Definition: Files.h:204
virtual void printTime() const
Displays the current simulation time onto your screen for example.
virtual void writeXBallsScript() const
This writes a script which can be used to load the xballs problem to display the data just generated...
virtual void writeEneHeader(std::ostream &os) const
Writes a header with a certain format for ENE file.
bool saveCurrentTimestep(unsigned int ntimeSteps)
virtual void writeRestartFile()
Stores all the particle data for current save time step. Calls the write function.
each time-step will be written into/read from separate files numbered consecutively: name_...
virtual void writeFstatHeader(std::ostream &os) const
Writes a header with a certain format for FStat file.
void DPMBase::writeRestartFile ( )

Stores all the particle data for current save time step. Calls the write function.

/// See also MD::readRestartFile

Definition at line 1365 of file

References File::getFstream(), Files::restartFile, and write().

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

1366 {
1368 }
virtual void write(std::ostream &os, bool writeAllParticles=true) const
Loads all MD data and plots statistics for all timesteps in the .data file.
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: Files.h:219
std::fstream & getFstream()
Allows to access the member variable File::fstream_.
virtual void DPMBase::writeXBallsScript ( ) const

This writes a script which can be used to load the xballs problem to display the data just generated.

Referenced by writeOutputFiles().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DPMBase md 

Operator overloading of DPMBase class.

Member Data Documentation

bool DPMBase::append_

A flag to determine if the file has to be appended or not. See DPMBase::Solve() for example.

Definition at line 826 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getAppend(), and setAppend().

Mdouble DPMBase::elasticEnergy_

used in force calculations

Stores the potential energy in the elastic springs (global, because it has to be calculated in the force loop

Definition at line 808 of file DPMBase.h.

Vec3D DPMBase::gravity_

Gravity vector.

Definition at line 745 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getGravity(), read(), readOld(), and setGravity().

unsigned int DPMBase::ntimeSteps_

Stores the number of time steps.

Definition at line 791 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getNtimeSteps(), read(), solve(), write(), and writeOutputFiles().

unsigned int DPMBase::particleDimensions_

determines if 2D or 3D particle volume is used for mass calculations

Definition at line 740 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getParticleDimensions(), read(), and setParticleDimensions().

RNG DPMBase::random

This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc...

Definition at line 873 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by InsertionBoundary::checkBoundaryBeforeTimeStep(), constructor(), Chute::createBottom(), DPMBase(), readNextArgument(), and ChuteBottom::setupInitialConditions().

bool DPMBase::restarted_

A bool to check if the simulation was restarted or not.

Definition at line 820 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getRestarted(), and setRestarted().

std::string DPMBase::restartVersion_

Previous versions of MercuryDPM had a different restart file format, the below member variable allows one to specify the version in order to choose between the available version support.

Definition at line 815 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getRestartVersion(), read(), and setRestartVersion().

bool DPMBase::rotation_

A flag to turn on/off particle rotation.

Definition at line 831 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getRotation(), and setRotation().

unsigned int DPMBase::systemDimensions_

The dimensions of the simulation i.e. 2D or 3D.

Definition at line 735 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by DPMBase(), getSystemDimensions(), read(), readOld(), and setSystemDimensions().

Mdouble DPMBase::time_

Stores the current simulation time.

Definition at line 786 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getTime(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), setTime(), and solve().

Mdouble DPMBase::timeMax_

Stores the duration of the simulation.

Definition at line 801 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getTimeMax(), read(), readOld(), and setTimeMax().

Mdouble DPMBase::timeStep_

Stores the simulation time step.

Definition at line 796 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getTimeStep(), read(), readOld(), setTimeStep(), and solve().

std::string DPMBase::xBallsAdditionalArguments_

A string of additional arguments for xballs can be specified (see XBalls/xballs.txt). e.g. "-solidf -v0".

Definition at line 854 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXBallsAdditionalArguments(), and setXBallsAdditionalArguments().

int DPMBase::xBallsColourMode_

XBalls is a package to view the particle data. As an alternative MercuryDPM also supports Paraview. The below variable is used to set the argument cmode in xballs script (see XBalls/xballs.txt)

Definition at line 839 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXBallsColourMode(), and setXBallsColourMode().

Mdouble DPMBase::xBallsScale_

sets the xballs argument scale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)

Definition at line 849 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXBallsScale(), and setXBallsScale().

Mdouble DPMBase::xBallsVectorScale_

sets the xballs argument vscale (see XBalls/xballs.txt)

Definition at line 844 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXBallsVectorScale(), and setXBallsVectorScale().

Mdouble DPMBase::xMax_

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMax.

Definition at line 757 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXMax(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setXMax().

Mdouble DPMBase::xMin_

If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, the above variable stores XMin.

Definition at line 751 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getXMin(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setXMin().

Mdouble DPMBase::yMax_

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - XMin, the above variable stores YMax.

Definition at line 769 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getYMax(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setYMax().

Mdouble DPMBase::yMin_

If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, the above variable stores YMin.

Definition at line 763 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getYMin(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setYMin().

Mdouble DPMBase::zMax_

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMax.

Definition at line 781 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getZMax(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setZMax().

Mdouble DPMBase::zMin_

If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, the above variable stores ZMin.

Definition at line 775 of file DPMBase.h.

Referenced by constructor(), DPMBase(), getZMin(), read(), readNextDataFile(), readOld(), and setZMin().

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