33 for (
Mdouble x=-6; x<6; x+=0.01)
45 logger(
"Execute 'gnuplot MathCheck.gnu' to view output");
49 "p 'MathCheck.data' u 1:(log($2)) t 'log(Exp(x))',"
50 " 'MathCheck.data' u 1:3 t 'Log(Exp(x))', x,"
51 " 'MathCheck.data' u 1:5 t 'Sin(x)', sin(x),"
52 " 'MathCheck.data' u 1:4 t 'Cos(x)', cos(x)x"
double Mdouble
Definition: GeneralDefine.h:34
Info log level.
Definition: Logger.cc:55
Logger< MERCURYDPM_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
Definition of different loggers with certain modules. A user can define its own custom logger here.
const Mdouble pi
Definition: ExtendedMath.h:45
bool writeToFile(std::string filename, std::string filecontent)
Writes a string to a file.
Definition: FileIOHelpers.cc:58
Mdouble log(Mdouble Power)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:104
Mdouble cos(Mdouble x)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:64
Mdouble exp(Mdouble Exponent)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:84
Mdouble sin(Mdouble x)
Definition: ExtendedMath.cc:44