This tutorial presents how to use the StressStrainControlBoundary to achieve volume conserving pure shear in a 3D cuboidal representative element volume. The particle bed is initially inserted into the box in a loose packing and then dilated in x direction and compressed in y direction using a constant strainrate control.
The different components of the class will be explained in turn in the following.
Step 1: Define the constructor:
Here we first define the constructor that contains user inputs (target stress, strainrate, gainFactor and the switch Boolean key for strainrate control on particle movements) which will be inserted later on in the main function. Then we define here also the domain size and specie.
//Create the class and passing the user inputs using the constructors
Step 2: Set up initial conditions:
Here we setup the system dimensions, timestepping and gravity, then add particles using the CubeInsertionBoundary. After we inserted 96 particles, we then setup the StressStrainControlBoundary using user inputs. For the current case, the final boundary consists of 3 Periodic boundaries in x, y, z directions, respectively.
//Here we set up the system parameters, adding particles and define boundaries
Step 3: Declare private data members:
REV_IsotropicCompression has three Matrix3D variables and one Boolean variable. These variables are used to pass the user inputs via the constructor.
//Initialize the private variables for passing the user's inputs in the constructor
In the main function, we first define the target stress tensor, strainrate tensor, gainFactor tensor (only used if stress tensor is non-zero), and the boolean variable isStrainRateControlled.
Then a StressStrainControl object is created, after which some of its basic properties are set like its name, saveCount and outputs ON/OFF. Finally, the problem is actually solved by calling its solve() method.
//Here we define all the control parameters and solve the problem
If you would like to know more about the definitions used in the StressStrainControlBoundary and various deformation possibilities, please click here (right click and open in a new tab if left click does not work): StressStrainControlBoundary.pdf