SphericalParticle Class Reference

A spherical particle is the most simple particle used in MercuryDPM. More...

#include <SphericalParticle.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SphericalParticle:

Public Member Functions

 SphericalParticle ()=default
 Particle constructor. More...
 SphericalParticle (const ParticleSpecies *s)
 Particle constructor, setting the species. This is useful to create e.g. template particles for the InsertionBoundaries, which only require the particle type and species to be set. It is marked explicit because you dont want to use it with the assignment operator, particle = species;. More...
 SphericalParticle (const SphericalParticle &p)=default
 Particle constructor. More...
 ~SphericalParticle () override=default
SphericalParticlecopy () const override
 Particle copy method. Calls copy constructor of this class (useful for polymorphism) More...
std::string getName () const override
 Returns the name of the object. More...
bool isSphericalParticle () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseParticle
 BaseParticle ()
 Basic Particle constructor, creates an Particle at (0,0,0) with radius, mass and inertia equal to 1. More...
 BaseParticle (const BaseParticle &p)
 Particle copy constructor, which accepts as input a reference to a Particle. It creates a copy of this Particle and all it's information. Usually it is better to use the copy() function for polymorphism. More...
 BaseParticle (const ParticleSpecies *s)
 ~BaseParticle () override
 Particle destructor, needs to be implemented and checked if it removes tangential spring information. More...
virtual Mdouble getVolume () const
 Get Particle volume function, which required a reference to the Species vector. It returns the volume of the Particle. More...
void fixParticle ()
 Fix Particle function. It fixes a Particle by setting its inverse mass and inertia and velocities to zero. More...
bool isFixed () const override
 Is fixed Particle function. It returns whether a Particle is fixed or not, by checking its inverse Mass. More...
bool isMPIParticle () const
 Indicates if this particle is a ghost in the MPI domain. More...
void setMPIParticle (bool flag)
 Flags the mpi particle status. More...
bool isInMPIDomain ()
 Indicates if the particle is in the communication zone of the mpi domain. More...
void setInMPIDomain (bool flag)
 Flags the status of the particle if wether it is in the communication zone or not. More...
bool isInPeriodicDomain () const
 Indicates if the particle is in the periodic boundary communication zone. More...
void setInPeriodicDomain (bool flag)
 Flags the status of the particle whether it is in the periodic communication zone or not. More...
bool isPeriodicGhostParticle () const
 Indicates if this particle is a ghost in the periodic boundary. More...
void setPeriodicGhostParticle (bool flag)
 Flags the status of the particle to be a ghost in periodic boundary or not. More...
bool isMaserParticle () const
 Indicates if this particle belongs to the maser boundary. More...
void setMaserParticle (bool flag)
 Flags the status of the particle if it belongs to the maser boundary or not. More...
void setCommunicationComplexity (unsigned complexity)
 Set the communication complexity of the particle. More...
unsigned getCommunicationComplexity ()
 Obtains the communication complexity of the particle. More...
void setPeriodicComplexity (std::vector< int > complexity)
 Set the periodic communication complexity of the particle. More...
void setPeriodicComplexity (int index, int value)
 Set the periodic communication complexity of the particle. More...
const std::vector< int > & getPeriodicComplexity ()
 Obtains the periodic communication complexity of the particle. More...
void setPreviousPeriodicComplexity (std::vector< int > complexity)
 Set the previous periodic communication complexity of the paritcle. More...
const std::vector< int > & getPreviousPeriodicComplexity () const
 Sets the previous periodic communication complexity of the particle. More...
int getPeriodicComplexity (int index)
 Gets the periodic communication complexity of a certain boundary. More...
void unfix ()
 Unfix Particle function, which required a reference to the Species vector. It unfixes a Particle by computing the Particles mass and inertia. More...
void read (std::istream &is) override
 Particle read function, which accepts an std::istream as input. More...
virtual void oldRead (std::istream &is)
void write (std::ostream &os) const override
 Particle print function, which accepts an std::ostream as input. More...
virtual void setInfo (Mdouble info)
 Sets some user-defined information about this object (by default, species ID). More...
virtual Mdouble getInfo () const
 Returns some user-defined information about this object (by default, species ID). More...
void printHGrid (std::ostream &os) const
 Adds particle's HGrid level and cell coordinates to an ostream. More...
unsigned int getHGridLevel () const
 Returns particle's HGrid level. More...
BaseParticlegetHGridNextObject () const
 Returns pointer to next object in particle's HGrid level & cell. More...
BaseParticlegetHGridPrevObject () const
 Returns pointer to previous object in particle's HGrid level & cell. More...
int getHGridX () const
 Returns particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate. More...
int getHGridY () const
 Returns particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate. More...
int getHGridZ () const
 Returns particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate. More...
MatrixSymmetric3D getInvInertia () const
 Returns the inverse of the particle's inertia tensor. More...
Mdouble getInvMass () const override
 Returns the inverse of the particle's mass. More...
Mdouble getCurvature (const Vec3D &labFixedCoordinates) const override
virtual Mdouble getKineticEnergy () const
 Calculates the particle's translational kinetic energy. More...
virtual Mdouble getRotationalEnergy () const
 Calculates the particle's rotational kinetic energy. More...
Mdouble getGravitationalEnergy () const
 Calculates the particle's gravitational energy. More...
Mdouble getMass () const
 Returns the particle's mass. More...
Mdouble getSurfaceArea () const
Vec3D getMomentum () const
MatrixSymmetric3D getInertia () const
Vec3D getAngularMomentum () const
BaseParticlegetPeriodicFromParticle () const
 Returns the 'original' particle this one's a periodic copy of. More...
Mdouble getRadius () const
 Returns the particle's radius. More...
Mdouble getMaxInteractionRadius () const
 Returns the particle's interaction radius, which might be different from radius_ (e.g., when dealing with wet particles) More...
Mdouble getInteractionDistance (const BaseInteractable *i) const
 Returns the interactionDistance_ of the mixed species of this particle and the particle or wall i. More...
Mdouble getSumOfInteractionRadii (const BaseParticle *particle) const
 returns the sum of the radii plus the interactionDistance More...
Mdouble getWallInteractionRadius (const BaseWall *wall) const
 returns the radius plus the interactionDistance More...
const Vec3DgetDisplacement () const
 Returns the particle's displacement relative to the previous time step. More...
const Vec3DgetPreviousPosition () const
 Returns the particle's position in the previous time step. More...
const Vec3D getDisplacement2 (Mdouble xmin, Mdouble xmax, Mdouble ymin, Mdouble ymax, Mdouble zmin, Mdouble zmax, Mdouble t) const
virtual void setInertia ()
void setInertia (MatrixSymmetric3D inertia)
 Sets the particle's inertia_ (and adjusts invInertia_ accordingly) More...
void setInverseInertia (MatrixSymmetric3D inverseInertia)
 Sets the particle's inertia_ (and adjusts invInertia_ accordingly) More...
void setInfiniteInertia ()
 Sets the particle's inertia_ to 'infinite' (1e20) and its invInertia_ to 0. More...
void setPeriodicFromParticle (BaseParticle *p)
 Assigns the pointer to the 'original' particle this one's a periodic copy of (used in periodic boundary condition implementations). More...
void setHGridX (const int x)
 Sets the particle's HGrid cell X-coordinate. More...
void setHGridY (const int y)
 Sets the particle's HGrid cell Y-coordinate. More...
void setHGridZ (const int z)
 Sets the particle's HGrid cell Z-coordinate. More...
void setHGridLevel (const unsigned int level)
 Sets the particle's HGrid level. More...
void setHGridNextObject (BaseParticle *p)
 Sets the pointer to the next object in the particle's HGrid cell & level. More...
void setHGridPrevObject (BaseParticle *p)
 Sets the pointer to the previous object in the particle's HGrid cell & level. More...
virtual void setRadius (Mdouble radius)
 Sets the particle's radius_ (and adjusts the mass_ accordingly, based on the particle's species) More...
virtual Vec3D getAxes () const
 Only ustilised in case of superquadric particles. Had to create a virtual function to allow function access in writeVTK function in the particle handler. More...
virtual Mdouble getExponentEps1 () const
 Only ustilised in case of superquadric particles. Had to create a virtual function to allow function access in writeVTK function in the particle handler. More...
virtual Mdouble getExponentEps2 () const
 Only ustilised in case of superquadric particles. Had to create a virtual function to allow function access in writeVTK function in the particle handler. More...
virtual void setAxes (const Vec3D &axes)
 Only ustilised in case of superquadric particles. More...
virtual void setExponents (const Mdouble &eps1, const Mdouble &eps2)
 Only ustilised in case of superquadric particles. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED void setMass (Mdouble mass)
 Sets the particle's mass. More...
void setMassForP3Statistics (Mdouble mass)
 Sets the particle's mass This function should not be used, but is necessary to extend the CG toolbox to non-spherical particles. More...
void setDisplacement (const Vec3D &disp)
 Sets the particle's displacement (= difference between current position and that of the previous time step) More...
void setPreviousPosition (const Vec3D &pos)
 Sets the particle's position in the previous time step. More...
void movePrevious (const Vec3D &posMove)
 Adds a vector to the particle's previousPosition_. More...
void accelerate (const Vec3D &vel)
 Increases the particle's velocity_ by the given vector. More...
void angularAccelerate (const Vec3D &angVel)
 Increases the particle's angularVelocity_ by the given vector. More...
void addDisplacement (const Vec3D &addDisp)
 Adds a vector to the particle's displacement_. More...
void setHandler (ParticleHandler *handler)
 Sets the pointer to the particle's ParticleHandler. More...
ParticleHandlergetHandler () const
 Returns pointer to the particle's ParticleHandler. More...
BaseInteractiongetInteractionWith (BaseParticle *P, unsigned timeStamp, InteractionHandler *interactionHandler) override
 Checks if particle is in interaction with given particle P, and if so, returns vector of pointer to the associated BaseInteraction object (else returns empty vector). More...
virtual bool isInContactWith (const BaseParticle *P) const
 Get whether or not this particle is in contact with the given particle. More...
virtual void integrateBeforeForceComputation (double time, double timeStep)
 First step of Velocity Verlet integration. More...
virtual void integrateAfterForceComputation (double time, double timeStep)
 Second step of Velocity Verlet integration. More...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions () const
 Returns the particle's dimensions (either 2 or 3). More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED void setIndSpecies (unsigned int indSpecies) override
void setSpecies (const ParticleSpecies *species)
virtual unsigned getNumberOfFieldsVTK () const
virtual std::string getTypeVTK (unsigned i) const
virtual std::string getNameVTK (unsigned i) const
virtual std::vector< MdoublegetFieldVTK (unsigned i) const
virtual void actionsAfterTimeStep ()
const HGridCellgetHGridCell () const
virtual void computeMass (const ParticleSpecies &s)
 Computes the particle's (inverse) mass and inertia. More...
BaseParticlegetClump () const
bool isClump () const
 Checks if particle is a clump (container) More...
bool isPebble () const
 Checks if particle is a pebble (belongs to a clump) More...
virtual Vec3D getCenterOfMass ()
virtual void actionsAfterAddObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseInteractable
 BaseInteractable ()
 Default BaseInteractable constructor. More...
 BaseInteractable (const BaseInteractable &p)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~BaseInteractable () override
 Destructor, it simply destructs the BaseInteractable and all the objects it contains. More...
unsigned int getIndSpecies () const
 Returns the index of the species associated with the interactable object. More...
const ParticleSpeciesgetSpecies () const
 Returns a pointer to the species of this BaseInteractable. More...
void setSpecies (const ParticleSpecies *species)
 Sets the species of this BaseInteractable. More...
const Vec3DgetForce () const
 Returns the force on this BaseInteractable. More...
const Vec3DgetTorque () const
 Returns the torque on this BaseInteractable. More...
void setForce (const Vec3D &force)
 Sets the force on this BaseInteractable. More...
void setTorque (const Vec3D &torque)
 Sets the torque on this BaseInteractable. More...
void addForce (const Vec3D &addForce)
 Adds an amount to the force on this BaseInteractable. More...
void addTorque (const Vec3D &addTorque)
 Adds an amount to the torque on this BaseInteractable. More...
virtual void resetForceTorque (int numberOfOMPthreads)
void sumForceTorqueOMP ()
const Vec3DgetPosition () const
 Returns the position of this BaseInteractable. More...
const QuaterniongetOrientation () const
 Returns the orientation of this BaseInteractable. More...
virtual void setPosition (const Vec3D &position)
 Sets the position of this BaseInteractable. More...
void setOrientationViaNormal (Vec3D normal)
 Sets the orientation of this BaseInteractable by defining the vector that results from the rotation of the (1,0,0) vector. More...
void setOrientationViaEuler (Vec3D eulerAngle)
 Sets the orientation of this BaseInteractable by defining the euler angles. More...
virtual void setOrientation (const Quaternion &orientation)
 Sets the orientation of this BaseInteractable. More...
virtual void move (const Vec3D &move)
 Moves this BaseInteractable by adding an amount to the position. More...
virtual void rotate (const Vec3D &angularVelocityDt)
 Rotates this BaseInteractable. More...
const std::vector< BaseInteraction * > & getInteractions () const
 Returns a list of interactions which belong to this interactable. More...
void addInteraction (BaseInteraction *I)
 Adds an interaction to this BaseInteractable. More...
bool removeInteraction (BaseInteraction *I)
 Removes an interaction from this BaseInteractable. More...
void copyInteractionsForPeriodicParticles (const BaseInteractable &p)
 Copies interactions to this BaseInteractable whenever a periodic copy made. More...
void setVelocity (const Vec3D &velocity)
 set the velocity of the BaseInteractable. More...
void setAngularVelocity (const Vec3D &angularVelocity)
 set the angular velocity of the BaseInteractble. More...
void addVelocity (const Vec3D &velocity)
 adds an increment to the velocity. More...
void addAngularVelocity (const Vec3D &angularVelocity)
 add an increment to the angular velocity. More...
virtual const Vec3DgetVelocity () const
 Returns the velocity of this interactable. More...
virtual const Vec3DgetAngularVelocity () const
 Returns the angular velocity of this interactable. More...
void setPrescribedPosition (const std::function< Vec3D(double)> &prescribedPosition)
 Allows the position of an infinite mass interactable to be prescribed. More...
void applyPrescribedPosition (double time)
 Computes the position from the user defined prescribed position function. More...
void setPrescribedVelocity (const std::function< Vec3D(double)> &prescribedVelocity)
 Allows the velocity of an infinite mass interactable to be prescribed. More...
void applyPrescribedVelocity (double time)
 Computes the velocity from the user defined prescribed velocity function. More...
void setPrescribedOrientation (const std::function< Quaternion(double)> &prescribedOrientation)
 Allows the orientation of the infinite mass interactbale to be prescribed. More...
void applyPrescribedOrientation (double time)
 Computes the orientation from the user defined prescribed orientation function. More...
void setPrescribedAngularVelocity (const std::function< Vec3D(double)> &prescribedAngularVelocity)
 Allows the angular velocity of the infinite mass interactable to be prescribed. More...
void applyPrescribedAngularVelocity (double time)
 Computes the angular velocity from the user defined prescribed angular velocity. More...
virtual const Vec3D getVelocityAtContact (const Vec3D &contact) const
 Returns the velocity at the contact point, use by many force laws. More...
void integrateBeforeForceComputation (double time, double timeStep)
 This is part of integrate routine for objects with infinite mass. More...
void integrateAfterForceComputation (double time, double timeStep)
 This is part of the integration routine for objects with infinite mass. More...
virtual bool isFaceContact (const Vec3D &normal) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
 BaseObject ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
 BaseObject (const BaseObject &p)=default
 Copy constructor, copies all the objects BaseObject contains. More...
virtual ~BaseObject ()=default
 virtual destructor More...
virtual void moveInHandler (unsigned int index)
 Except that it is virtual, it does the same thing as setIndex() does. More...
void setIndex (unsigned int index)
 Allows one to assign an index to an object in the handler/container. More...
void setId (unsigned long id)
 Assigns a unique identifier to each object in the handler (container) which remains constant even after the object is deleted from the container/handler. More...
unsigned int getIndex () const
 Returns the index of the object in the handler. More...
unsigned int getId () const
 Returns the unique identifier of any particular object. More...
void setGroupId (unsigned groupId)
unsigned getGroupId () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BaseParticle
Mdouble radius_
Mdouble invMass_
 Particle radius_. More...
MatrixSymmetric3D invInertia_
 Inverse Particle mass (for computation optimization) More...
 Function that updates necessary quantities of a clump particle after adding a pebble. More...
bool isPebble_
 pointer to a clump particle (for a pebble) More...
bool isClump_
 The particle is pebble. More...

Detailed Description

A spherical particle is the most simple particle used in MercuryDPM.

Other particle types are SuperQuadricParticle, LiquidFilmParticle, and ThermalParticle

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SphericalParticle() [1/3]

SphericalParticle::SphericalParticle ( )

Particle constructor.

Referenced by copy().

◆ SphericalParticle() [2/3]

SphericalParticle::SphericalParticle ( const ParticleSpecies s)

Particle constructor, setting the species. This is useful to create e.g. template particles for the InsertionBoundaries, which only require the particle type and species to be set. It is marked explicit because you dont want to use it with the assignment operator, particle = species;.

50 : BaseParticle(s) {}
Basic Particle constructor, creates an Particle at (0,0,0) with radius, mass and inertia equal to 1.
Definition: BaseParticle.cc:32

◆ SphericalParticle() [3/3]

SphericalParticle::SphericalParticle ( const SphericalParticle p)

Particle constructor.

◆ ~SphericalParticle()

SphericalParticle::~SphericalParticle ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ copy()

SphericalParticle* SphericalParticle::copy ( ) const

Particle copy method. Calls copy constructor of this class (useful for polymorphism)

Implements BaseParticle.

62  {
63  return new SphericalParticle(*this);
64  }
Particle constructor.

References SphericalParticle().

Referenced by HertzContactRestitutionUnitTest::setupInitialConditions().

◆ getName()

std::string SphericalParticle::getName ( ) const

Returns the name of the object.

Should be renamed to SphericalParticle

Reimplemented from BaseParticle.

70  {
71  return "BaseParticle";
72  }

◆ isSphericalParticle()

bool SphericalParticle::isSphericalParticle ( ) const

this flag is used to decide whether to compute orientation, which is not necessary for spherical particles

This flag is used badly, and used to determine whether particles are superquadric

Implements BaseParticle.

74 {return true;}

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