Class of particles that store both temperature and liquid volume, which is adapted for the CFD-DEM studies.
| HeatFluidCoupled ()=default |
| HeatFluidCoupled constructor creates a HeatFluidCoupled at (0,0,0) with radius, mass and inertia equal to 1. More...
| HeatFluidCoupled (const HeatFluidCoupled &p)=default |
| HeatFluidCoupled copy constructor, which accepts as input a reference to a HeatFluidCoupled. It creates a copy of this HeatFluidCoupled and all it's information. Usually it is better to use the copy() function for polymorphism. More...
| ~HeatFluidCoupled () override=default |
| HeatFluidCoupled destructor, needs to be implemented and checked if it removes tangential spring information. More...
HeatFluidCoupled * | copy () const override |
| HeatFluidCoupled copy method. Use copy constructor of this HeatFluidCoupled to create a copy on the heap, useful for polymorphism. More...
std::string | getName () const override |
| Returns the name of the object; in this case "HeatFluidCoupledParticle". More...
unsigned | getNumberOfFieldsVTK () const override |
| Tells the vtkWriter how many fields should be written for this particle type. More...
std::string | getTypeVTK (unsigned) const override |
| Tells the vtkWriter the type of each field written for this particle type. More...
std::string | getNameVTK (unsigned i) const override |
| Tells the vtkWriter the name of each field written for this particle type. More...
std::vector< Mdouble > | getFieldVTK (unsigned i) const override |
| Tells the vtkWriter the value of each field written for this particle type. More...
void | actionsAfterTimeStep () override |
| The actionAfterTimeStep is defined in the species, as we cannot extract the species properties of a HeatFluidCoupled*Species. More...
| Thermal () |
| Basic Particle constructor, creates a particle at (0,0,0) with radius, mass and inertia equal to 1. More...
| Thermal (const Thermal &p) |
| Particle copy constructor, which accepts as input a reference to a Particle. It creates a copy of this Particle and all it's information. Usually it is better to use the copy() function for polymorphism. More...
| ~Thermal () override=default |
| Particle destructor, needs to be implemented and checked if it removes tangential spring information. More...
Thermal * | copy () const override |
| Particle copy method. It calls to copy constructor of this Particle, useful for polymorfism. More...
void | write (std::ostream &os) const override |
std::string | getName () const override |
void | read (std::istream &is) override |
Mdouble | getTemperature () const |
void | setTemperature (Mdouble temperature) |
void | addTemperature (Mdouble temperature) |
void | setTemperatureDependentDensity (const std::function< double(double)> &temperatureDependentDensity) |
const std::function< double(double)> & | getTemperatureDependentDensity () const |
const std::function< double(double)> & | getTimeDependentTemperature () const |
void | setTimeDependentTemperature (const std::function< double(double)> &timeDependentTemperature) |
void | actionsAfterTimeStep () override |
bool | isSphericalParticle () const override |
| LiquidFilm () |
| Basic Particle constructor, creates an Particle at (0,0,0) with radius, mass and inertia equal to 1. More...
| LiquidFilm (const LiquidFilm &p) |
| Particle copy constructor, which accepts as input a reference to a Particle. It creates a copy of this Particle and all it's information. Usually it is better to use the copy() function for polymorfism. More...
| ~LiquidFilm () override=default |
| Particle destructor, needs to be implemented and checked if it removes tangential spring information. More...
LiquidFilm * | copy () const override |
| Particle copy method. It calls to copy constructor of this Particle, useful for polymorfism. More...
void | write (std::ostream &os) const override |
std::string | getName () const override |
void | read (std::istream &is) override |
Mdouble | getLiquidVolume () const |
void | setLiquidVolume (Mdouble liquidVolume) |
void | addLiquidVolume (Mdouble liquidVolume) |
unsigned | getNumberOfFieldsVTK () const override |
std::string | getTypeVTK (unsigned i) const override |
std::string | getNameVTK (unsigned i) const override |
std::vector< Mdouble > | getFieldVTK (unsigned i) const override |
bool | isSphericalParticle () const override |
template<class Particle>
class HeatFluidCoupled< Particle >
Class of particles that store both temperature and liquid volume, which is adapted for the CFD-DEM studies.
In some CFD-DEM studies, a drying process needs to be simulated. Therefore, we selected the drying/liquid evaporation model of Azmir et al. (2018), which considers heat and mass transfer between the liquid film on the particles and the surrounding air. Their model considers convection, conduction, radiation of heat, and evaporation of liquid. Conduction is already implemented in ThermalParticles, from which this class derives; convection and radiation is still missing. This class implements evaporation model.