Implementing a new contact law


Contact laws in MercuryDPM are described by the Species and Interaction classes. Species contains the parameters of the contact law (plus the particle property density), while Interaction class contains the functions to compute the forces.


To use a contact law, you only need to get familiar with the Species class, you only need to set the parameters. For example, if you want to use a the Hertz-Mindlin force law, then you have to create a Species of type HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies and set its parameters:

//defines a new species
species.setEffectiveElasticModulusAndRestitutionCoefficient(elasticModulus, restitution);
//adds the new species to the speciesHandler of the simulation
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< U >::value, U * >::type copyAndAddObject(const U &object)
Creates a copy of a Object and adds it to the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:379
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. LinearViscoelasticSpecies, etc.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1427
This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 3D problems.
Definition: Mercury3D.h:37
void setDensity(Mdouble density)
Contains material and contact force properties.
Definition: Species.h:35

Then you need to assign a species to each particle. The species added to speciesHandler can be retrieved by their index, with index 0 being the first inserted species, index 1 the second, etc:

//defines this particle to be of Species 0
virtual void setPosition(const Vec3D &position)
Sets the position of this BaseInteractable.
Definition: BaseInteractable.h:239
virtual void setRadius(Mdouble radius)
Sets the particle's radius_ (and adjusts the mass_ accordingly, based on the particle's species)
void setSpecies(const ParticleSpecies *species)
A spherical particle is the most simple particle used in MercuryDPM.
Definition: SphericalParticle.h:37

For particles of the same species, the parameters of that species is used to compute interaction forces. If there is more than one species defined, then MercuryDPM automatically creates MixedSpecies that contains the parameters for a collision between particles of different species. By default, the parameters of the MixedSpecies are set to the harmonic mean of the parameters of the Species' parameters, i.e. the Elastic modulus for a contact between two particles of different species is computed as \(E_{12}=2(E_1^{-1}+E_2^{-1})^{-1}\). If you wish to change the behaviour of the mixed contacts, you do this as follows:

//retrieves a pointer to the MixedSpecies containing the parameters for collisions between particles of species 0 and 1
auto mixedSpecies = dpm.speciesHandler.getMixedObject(0,1);
//redefines the contact law parameters
mixedSpecies->setEffectiveElasticModulusAndRestitutionCoefficient(elasticModulus, restitution);
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< typename U::MixedSpeciesType >::value, typename U::MixedSpeciesType * >::type getMixedObject(const U *S, const U *T)
Definition: SpeciesHandler.h:74

Note, MixedSpecies have no particle properties (density), as no particle can be of a MixedSpecies type.


The Interaction class is hidden from the user, and only used internally by MercuryDPM. Every time MercuryDPM detects a collision between two particles, it will create an Interaction of the right type (HertzianViscoelasticMindlinInteraction in our example), and execute the Interaction::computeForce function, which computes the interaction forces.

Inheritance structure

There are more than 30 different contact laws available in MercuryDPM, each described by one Species and one Interaction class. There are so many, because each contact law is a combination of three different contact forces: a normal force \(f^n\), a friction force \(f^t\), and an adhesive force \(f^a\); the forces are computed in this order, as the friction and adhesion forces often depend on the normal force (as in Hertz-Mindlin). Therefore, we use diamond inheritance to define the Species. For example, HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies is simply a short name (typedef) for a Species class templated with three different interaction forces, Species<HertzianViscoelasticNormalSpecies, MindlinSpecies, EmptyAdhesiveSpecies>. See Species for more details.

Creating a new contact law

To create a new contact law, it's easiest to start by modifying an existing one. For example, the Mindlin contact law for friction (see MindlinSpecies) was created by modifying the linear sliding friction force (see SlidingFrictionSpecies). You can see the full history of these modifications in the svn log, just type svn log -v -r1588.

In the following, I will describe how MindlinSpecies was created, so developers can follow the same steps to create new contact laws. I will assume that you have installed the Trunk version of MercuryDPM in MercurySource and your build directory is MercuryBuild.

  1. The first step is to create a new Species and Interaction class for your new contact force. You can do this by copying an existing one:
    $ cd MercurySource/Kernel/Interactions/FrictionForceInteractions/
    $ svn cp SlidingFrictionInteraction.h MindlinInteraction.h
    $ svn cp
    $ cd ../../Species/FrictionalForceSpecies/
    $ svn cp SlidingFrictionSpecies.h MindlinSpecies.h
    $ svn cp
    Note in the above example we copied a frictional species; however, if you want a normal only species e.g. create the SPH species you should replace the septs with the following
    $cd MercurySource/Kernel/Interactions/NormalForceInteractions
    $svn cp LinearViscoelasticInteraction.h SPHInteraction.h
    $svn cp
    $cd ../../Species/NormalForceSpecies
    $svn cp
    $svn cp
    $svn cp LinearViscoelasticNormalSpecies.h SPHSpecies.h
    -# Rename the class SlidingFrictionInteraction and SlidingFrictionSpecies to MindlinInteraction and MindlinSpecies, respectively. This requires also changes to the header inclusion guards and typedefs. You can see the changes to the header files below:
    class SlidingFrictionSpecies;
    class SlidingFrictionInteraction : public virtual BaseInteraction
    typedef SlidingFrictionSpecies SpeciesType;
    SlidingFrictionInteraction(BaseInteractable* P, BaseInteractable* I, unsigned timeStamp);
    class MindlinSpecies;
    class MindlinInteraction : public virtual BaseInteraction
    typedef MindlinSpecies SpeciesType;
    MindlinInteraction(BaseInteractable* P, BaseInteractable* I, unsigned timeStamp);
    #include "Interactions/FrictionForceInteractions/SlidingFrictionInteraction.h"
    class SlidingFrictionSpecies : public BaseNormalForce
    typedef SlidingFrictionInteraction InteractionType;
    Please also correct the copy constructor, the empty constructor and destructor which are needed for MPI and other functions not shown here. MercurySource/Kernel/Species/FrictionForceSpecies/MindlinSpecies.h
    #include "Interactions/FrictionForceInteractions/MindlinInteraction.h"
    class MindlinSpecies : public BaseNormalForce
    typedef MindlinInteraction InteractionType;
    Please also correct the copy constructor and the empty constructor which are needed for MPI and other functions not shown here. Also there are various other places you need to make the same correct but this should be clear, so not fully documented here.
  2. You do not need to add the new Species and Interaction to the CMakeList as this is built automatically; however, you do need to type 'make rebuild_cache', to rebuild these lists. Finally, it is advisable to run 'make fullTest' at the end to clear and rebuild these list and everything else from scratch.
  3. Create a new typedef for the new Hertz-Mindlin contact law in
    #include "Species.h"
    MixedSpecies< HertzianViscoelasticNormalSpecies, MindlinSpecies > HertzianViscoelasticMindlinMixedSpecies
    Definition: HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies.h:35
    Species< HertzianViscoelasticNormalSpecies, MindlinSpecies > HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies
    Definition: HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies.h:34
    Contains contact force properties for contacts between particles with two different species.
    Definition: MixedSpecies.h:43
    and add it to the svn repository
    $ svn add MercurySource/Kernel/Species/HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies.h
  4. Add the new species to the SpeciesHandler::readAndAddObject and SpeciesHandler::readMixedObject, so restart files can read in the new species information
    $ svn diff -r1587:1588 MercurySource/Kernel/
    @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
    +#include "Species/HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies.h"
    @@ -261,6 +262,12 @@
    + else if (type == "HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies")
    + {
    + HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies species;
    + is >> species;
    + copyAndAddObject(species);
    + }
    @@ -412,6 +419,11 @@
    + else if (type == "HertzianViscoelasticMindlinMixedSpecies")
    + {
    + HertzianViscoelasticMindlinMixedSpecies species;
    + is >> species;
    + }
    @@ -696,3 +708,4 @@
    +template HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies::MixedSpeciesType* SpeciesHandler::getMixedObject(const HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies*,const HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies*);
    Do not forget to include the new species type to the species handler includes i.e add
  5. Now try out if your new contact law is ready to compile:
    $ cd MercuryBuild
    $ make fullTest

Your new contact law still does the same as the original contact law, but you have created all the new classes you need to define new behaviour. Take a look and compare the files SlidingFrictionSpecies.* and SlidingFrictionInteraction.* with MindlinSpecies.* and MindlinInteraction.* to see how the parameters and the force law definitions have changed.

Once your new species works you should add a new unit test to MercuryDPM to test the species behavior. For the Mindlin Species, this is done in Drivers/UnitTests/MindlinUnitTest.cpp.