Parallel processing for Input-Output, I/O files

Parallel File Systems (PFSs) for the MercuryDPM-MPI parallel-processing framework

a) One File-Per-Process, FPP I/O model

By default, MercuryDPM applications running in serial produce four main output files, in ASCII format. Each of the files carries the name of the code, followed by an extension, .restart, .data, .fstat and .ene. By including the command "problem.setFileType(FileType::ONE_FILE)" in the main method below, we explicitly tell the DPM solver to write these default files:

#include "Mercury3D.h"
class Demo : public Mercury3D {
void setupInitialConditions() override {
//define walls, boundary conditions, particle positions here
int main() {
Demo problem;
//define contact law, time step, final time, domain size here
//call setup for the one file-per-process output model
all data will be written into/ read from a single file called name_
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: T_protectiveWall.cpp:215
virtual void setupInitialConditions()
This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle ...
This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 3D problems.
Definition: Mercury3D.h:37

Once the previously shown spatial decomposition commands are included in the driver program, and the application is run in parallel using MPI, each process will write its own separate set of output files (.restart.n, .data.n, .fstat.n and .ene.n, n being the processor id). This is the so-called one file-per-process I/O model. In the figure below, we plot the .data.n output files for the abovementioned hourglass simulation simulated using MPI on 4 cores. We see separated parts of the entire hourglass simulation, since the .data.n files are written individually. This method requires no message-passing communications, and as a result it's quick. However, it can result into a large number of output files as the number of process/CPUs increases, that might be hard to manage and process.

b) Shared Files, SF I/O model

Due to the above noted issues associated with the one file-per-process model, it can be desirable to output the data to a common file, written by all processes while running the parallelised code. To do this, we set the file type to either MPI_SHARED_FILE_ASCII or MPI_SHARED_FILE_BINARY, for ASCII and binary formats respectively:

#include "Mercury3D.h"
class Demo : public Mercury3D {
void setupInitialConditions() override {
//define walls, boundary conditions, particle positions here
int main() {
Demo problem;
//define contact law, time step, final time, domain size here
//shared-file output: comment or uncomment for processing either ASCII or Binary output

For the shared-file model, all processes open a common file and read or write different parts of the same file simultaneously. As demostrated in the Figure below, the shared-file approach maintains a single output file. file, and the corresponding xballs output, for the 2D hourglass simulation, resulting from a 2-by-1-by-2 domain decomposition. Due to the fixed domain decomposition, a majority of the data is processed and written by only two of the four processes.

The figure below visualizes the content of the .data.n files obtained from writing one-file-per-process (subplots a and b), and the content of the .data file obtained from writing a shared file (subplot c).

The MPI-IO Shared Restart Demo (MPI processes reading from a Common-File)

Generally, in order to restart a simulation in MercuryDPM, we replace the simple solve command in the main function by solve(argc, argv), for reading in command-line arguments. Running the code with the command-line argument "-r" forces a restart; "-t [time]" can be used to reset the final time. When the MPI shared I/O model is enabled, the pallelised code is executed with the "mpirun" command as illustrated below:

#include "Mercury3D.h"
class Demo : public Mercury3D {
void setupInitialConditions() override {
//define walls, boundary conditions, particle positions here
//first run Demo using "./Demo"
//then restart Demo using e.g. "mpirun -np 4 ./Demo -r -tmax 0.2"
int main() {
Demo problem;
//define contact law, time step, final time, domain size here
//shared-file output: comment or uncomment for processing either ASCII or Binary output

When restarting the application, all processes in a parallel job will read the entire contents of the common, single restart file. For now, the parallel data readers are not smart enough to read-in only the portion of the data that they need. However, the collection of "actual data or information" that all processes require is accessible and simulations restart smoothly. Below are snapshot visualisations demonstrating the MPI-IO shared restart/read in action.

Several restart-cases through the command: mpirun -np 4 ./# -r -tmax τ, for different values of the maximum simulation time, τ in seconds. The # symbolises the simulation label/name (HourGlass2DDemoMPI).

Performance evaluation for the parallel file systems:

Finally, some performance results for comparing the above parallel I/O models are provided in the table below:

Runtime for the one file-per-process (FPP) and collective (shared) I/O for the MercuryDPM-MPI code, when writing ASCII formatted-files for the Hour Glass 2D test application with 900 particles.

On the following pages, you'll find more parallelisation demonstrations:
Parallel processing using OpenMP
Parallel processing using MPI
Alternatively, go back to Overview of advanced tutorials