67 void read(std::istream& is);
71 void write(std::ostream& os)
void computeFrictionForce()
Computes nothing, it is an empty function.
void read(std::istream &is)
Interaction read function, which accepts an std::istream as input.
EmptyFrictionSpecies SpeciesType
An alias name for EmptyFrictionSpecies.
const Vec3D getTangentialForce() const
Returns zero tangential force.
EmptyFrictionSpecies is used to create a force law without frictional forces.
Mdouble getElasticEnergy() const
Returns zero as it is an frictionless interaction.
In case one wants to have a frictionless interaction between the interactables (particles or walls)...
Stores information about interactions between two interactable objects; often particles but could be ...
void integrate(Mdouble timeStep)
Does nothing as there is no force.
const EmptyFrictionSpecies * getSpecies() const
Returns a const pointer of type EmptyFrictionSpecies*.
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Interaction write function, which accepts an std::ostream as input.
EmptyFrictionInteraction(BaseInteractable *P, BaseInteractable *I, Mdouble timeStamp)
Defines the basic properties that a interactable object can have.
Implementation of a 3D vector (by Vitaliy).
virtual ~EmptyFrictionInteraction()
std::string getBaseName() const
Returns interaction name/type.
Mdouble getTangentialOverlap() const
Returns zero overlap.