26 #ifndef SinterNormalSpecies_H
27 #define SinterNormalSpecies_H
58 void read(std::istream& is);
61 void write(std::ostream& os)
void setParhamiMcKeeping(Mdouble alpha, Mdouble beta, Mdouble atomicVolume, Mdouble surfaceEnergy, Mdouble thicknessDiffusion, Mdouble activationEnergy, Mdouble temperature)
Sets the sinterAdhesion_ and inverseSinterViscosity_ based on the Parhami-McKeeping parameters...
Mdouble unloadingStiffnessMax_
the maximum elastic constant (k_2^max) for plastic deformations
BaseSpecies is the class from which all other species are derived.
SINTERTYPE sinterType_
sinterType options determin how the rate of sintering, d(equilibriumOverlap)/dt is computed PARHAMI_M...
The default constructor.
void setDissipation(Mdouble dissipation)
Sets the linear dissipation coefficient of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force...
return type specifically for fuctions returning k and disp at once
void setCohesionStiffness(Mdouble cohesionStiffness)
Sets the cohesive stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
void setTemperatureDependentSinterRate(std::function< double(double temperature)> temperatureDependentSinterRate)
Mdouble loadingStiffness_
(normal) spring constant (k_1)
Mdouble cohesionStiffness_
the adhesive spring constant (k^c) for plastic deformations
void read(std::istream &is)
Reads the species properties from an input stream.
void setPenetrationDepthMax(Mdouble penetrationDepthMax)
Sets the maximum penetration depth of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
Mdouble inverseSinterViscosity_
void setPlasticParameters(Mdouble loadingStiffness, Mdouble unloadingStiffnessMax, Mdouble cohesionStiffness, Mdouble penetrationDepthMax)
Sets all parameters of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force at once.
Mdouble getSinterAdhesion() const
Accesses sinterAdhesion_.
SinterInteraction InteractionType
The correct Interaction type for this FrictionForceSpecies.
Mdouble computeTimeStep(Mdouble mass)
Returns the optimal time step to resolve a collision of two particles of a given mass.
void setStiffnessAndRestitutionCoefficient(Mdouble k_, Mdouble eps, Mdouble mass)
Sets k, disp such that it matches a given tc and eps for a collision of two copies of P...
void setSinterAdhesion(Mdouble sinterAdhesion)
Sets sinterAdhesion_.
Mdouble penetrationDepthMax_
the depth (relative to the normalized radius) at which k_2^max is used (phi_f)
Mdouble getCollisionTime(Mdouble mass)
Calculates collision time for two copies of a particle of given disp, k, mass.
void setCollisionTimeAndRestitutionCoefficient(Mdouble tc, Mdouble eps, Mdouble mass)
Set k, disp such that is matches a given tc and eps for a collision of two different masses...
SINTERTYPE getSinterType() const
void setInverseSinterViscosity(Mdouble inverseSinterViscosity)
Sets inverseSinterViscosity_.
void write(std::ostream &os) const
Writes the species properties to an output stream.
void setSinterRate(Mdouble sinterRate)
Sets sinterRate_.
void setSinterForceAndTime(Mdouble adhesionForce, Mdouble sinterTime, Mdouble radius)
MERCURY_DEPRECATED void setLoadingStiffnessAndDissipation(helpers::KAndDisp new_)
Allows the spring and dissipation constants to be changed simultaneously.
Mdouble dissipation_
linear dissipation coefficient
std::function< double(double temperature)> temperatureDependentSinterRate_
Mdouble getLoadingStiffness() const
Returns the loading stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
Mdouble getCohesionStiffness() const
Returns the cohesive stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
virtual ~SinterNormalSpecies()
The default destructor.
void setLoadingStiffness(Mdouble loadingStiffness)
Sets the loading stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
std::string getBaseName() const
Used in Species::getName to obtain a unique name for each Species.
Mdouble getPenetrationDepthMax() const
Returns the maximum penetration depth of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
SinterNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a plastic-cohesive normal force (Stefan ...
std::function< double(double temperature)> getTemperatureDependentSinterRate() const
void setUnloadingStiffnessMax(Mdouble unloadingStiffnessMax)
Sets the maximum unloading stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force.
void mix(SinterNormalSpecies *const S, SinterNormalSpecies *const T)
creates default values for mixed species
Mdouble getUnloadingStiffnessMax() const
Returns the maximum unloading stiffness of the linear plastic-viscoelastic normal force...
Mdouble getDissipation() const
Allows the normal dissipation to be accessed.
void setSinterType(SINTERTYPE sinterType)
Sets sinterRate_.
Mdouble getInverseSinterViscosity() const
Accesses inverseSinterViscosity_.
Computes normal forces in case of a linear plastic visco-elastic interaction.
Mdouble getSinterRate() const
Accesses sinterRate_.