Drum Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Drum:

Public Member Functions

void setupInitialConditions () override
 This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here. More...
void printTime () const override
 Displays the current simulation time and the maximum simulation duration. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mercury3D
 Mercury3D ()
 This is the default constructor. All it does is set sensible defaults. More...
 Mercury3D (const DPMBase &other)
 Copy-constructor for creates an Mercury3D problem from an existing MD problem. More...
 Mercury3D (const Mercury3D &other)
 Copy-constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 Function that sets the SystemDimension and ParticleDimension to 3. More...
std::vector< BaseParticle * > hGridFindParticleContacts (const BaseParticle *obj) override
 Returns all particles that have a contact with a given particle. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MercuryBase
 MercuryBase ()
 This is the default constructor. It sets sensible defaults. More...
 ~MercuryBase () override
 This is the default destructor. More...
 MercuryBase (const MercuryBase &mercuryBase)
 Copy-constructor. More...
void constructor ()
 This is the actual constructor, it is called do both constructors above. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeTimeLoop () override
 This sets up the broad phase information, has to be done at this stage because it requires the particle size. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeTimeStep () override
 Performs all necessary actions before a time-step, like updating the particles and resetting all the bucket information, etc. More...
void read (std::istream &is, ReadOptions opt=ReadOptions::ReadAll) override
 Reads the MercuryBase from an input stream, for example a restart file. More...
void write (std::ostream &os, bool writeAllParticles=true) const override
 Writes all data into a restart file. More...
Mdouble getHGridCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement () const
 Returns hGridCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement_. More...
Mdouble getHGridTotalCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement () const
 Returns hGridTotalCurrentMaxRelativeDisplacement_. More...
void setHGridUpdateEachTimeStep (bool updateEachTimeStep)
 Sets whether or not the HGrid must be updated every time step. More...
bool getHGridUpdateEachTimeStep () const final
 Gets whether or not the HGrid is updated every time step. More...
void setHGridMaxLevels (unsigned int HGridMaxLevels)
 Sets the maximum number of levels of the HGrid in this MercuryBase. More...
unsigned int getHGridMaxLevels () const
 Gets the maximum number of levels of the HGrid in this MercuryBase. More...
HGridMethod getHGridMethod () const
 Gets whether the HGrid in this MercuryBase is BOTTOMUP or TOPDOWN. More...
void setHGridMethod (HGridMethod hGridMethod)
 Sets the HGridMethod to either BOTTOMUP or TOPDOWN. More...
HGridDistribution getHGridDistribution () const
 Gets how the sizes of the cells of different levels are distributed. More...
void setHGridDistribution (HGridDistribution hGridDistribution)
 Sets how the sizes of the cells of different levels are distributed. More...
Mdouble getHGridCellOverSizeRatio () const
 Gets the ratio of the smallest cell over the smallest particle. More...
void setHGridCellOverSizeRatio (Mdouble cellOverSizeRatio)
 Sets the ratio of the smallest cell over the smallest particle. More...
bool hGridNeedsRebuilding ()
 Gets if the HGrid needs rebuilding before anything else happens. More...
virtual unsigned int getHGridTargetNumberOfBuckets () const
 Gets the desired number of buckets, which is the maximum of the number of particles and 10. More...
virtual Mdouble getHGridTargetMinInteractionRadius () const
 Gets the desired size of the smallest cells of the HGrid. More...
virtual Mdouble getHGridTargetMaxInteractionRadius () const
 Gets the desired size of the largest cells of the HGrid. More...
bool checkParticleForInteraction (const BaseParticle &P) final
 Checks if given BaseParticle has an interaction with a BaseWall or other BaseParticle. More...
bool checkParticleForInteractionLocal (const BaseParticle &P) final
 Checks if the given BaseParticle has an interaction with a BaseWall or other BaseParticles in a local domain. More...
virtual Mdouble userHGridCellSize (unsigned int level)
 Virtual function that enables inheriting classes to implement a function to let the user set the cell size of the HGrid. More...
void hGridInfo (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
 Writes the info of the HGrid to the screen in a nice format. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
void constructor ()
 A function which initialises the member variables to default values, so that the problem can be solved off the shelf; sets up a basic two dimensional problem which can be solved off the shelf. It is called in the constructor DPMBase(). More...
 DPMBase ()
 Constructor that calls the "void constructor()". More...
 DPMBase (const DPMBase &other)
 Copy constructor type-2. More...
virtual ~DPMBase ()
 virtual destructor More...
void autoNumber ()
 The autoNumber() function calls three functions: setRunNumber(), readRunNumberFromFile() and incrementRunNumberInFile(). More...
std::vector< int > get1DParametersFromRunNumber (int size_x) const
 This turns a counter into 1 index, which is a useful feature for performing 1D parameter study. The index run from 1:size_x, while the study number starts at 0 (initially the counter=1 in COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
std::vector< int > get2DParametersFromRunNumber (int size_x, int size_y) const
 This turns a counter into 2 indices which is a very useful feature for performing a 2D study. The indices run from 1:size_x and 1:size_y, while the study number starts at 0 ( initially the counter=1 in COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
std::vector< int > get3DParametersFromRunNumber (int size_x, int size_y, int size_z) const
 This turns a counter into 3 indices, which is a useful feature for performing a 3D parameter study. The indices run from 1:size_x, 1:size_y and 1:size_z, while the study number starts at 0 ( initially the counter=1 in COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
int launchNewRun (const char *name, bool quick=false)
 This launches a code from within this code. Please pass the name of the code to run. More...
void setRunNumber (int runNumber)
 This sets the counter/Run number, overriding the defaults. More...
int getRunNumber () const
 This returns the current value of the counter (runNumber_) More...
virtual void decompose ()
 Sends particles from processorId to the root processor. More...
void solve ()
 The work horse of the code. More...
void initialiseSolve ()
 Beginning of the solve routine, before time stepping. More...
void finaliseSolve ()
 End of the solve routine, after time stepping. More...
virtual void computeOneTimeStep ()
 Performs everything needed for one time step, used in the time-loop of solve(). More...
void checkSettings ()
 Checks if the essentials are set properly to go ahead with solving the problem. More...
void forceWriteOutputFiles ()
 Writes output files immediately, even if the current time step was not meant to be written. Also resets the last saved time step. More...
virtual void writeOutputFiles ()
 Writes simulation data to all the main Mercury files: .data, .ene, .fstat, .xballs and .restart (see the Mercury website for more details regarding these files). More...
void solve (int argc, char *argv[])
 The work horse of the code. Can handle flags from the command line. More...
virtual void writeXBallsScript () const
 This writes a script which can be used to load the xballs problem to display the data just generated. More...
virtual Mdouble getInfo (const BaseParticle &P) const
 A virtual function that returns some user-specified information about a particle. More...
ParticleVtkWritergetVtkWriter () const
virtual void writeRestartFile ()
 Stores all the particle data for current save time step to a "restart" file, which is a file simply intended to store all the information necessary to "restart" a simulation from a given time step (see also MercuryDPM.org for more information on restart files). More...
void writeDataFile ()
void writeEneFile ()
void writeFStatFile ()
void fillDomainWithParticles (unsigned N=50)
bool readRestartFile (ReadOptions opt=ReadOptions::ReadAll)
 Reads all the particle data corresponding to a given, existing . restart file (for more details regarding restart files, refer to the training materials on the MercuryDPM website).Returns true if it is successful, false otherwise. More...
int readRestartFile (std::string fileName, ReadOptions opt=ReadOptions::ReadAll)
 The same as readRestartFile(bool), but also reads all the particle data corresponding to the current saved time step. More...
virtual BaseWallreadUserDefinedWall (const std::string &type) const
 Allows you to read in a wall defined in a Driver directory; see USER/Luca/ScrewFiller. More...
virtual void readOld (std::istream &is)
 Reads all data from a restart file, e.g. domain data and particle data; old version. More...
bool readDataFile (std::string fileName="", unsigned int format=0)
 This allows particle data to be reloaded from data files. More...
bool readParAndIniFiles (std::string fileName)
 Allows the user to read par.ini files (useful to read files produced by the MDCLR simulation code - external to MercuryDPM) More...
bool readNextDataFile (unsigned int format=0)
 Reads the next data file with default format=0. However, one can modify the format based on whether the particle data corresponds to 3D or 2D data- see Visualising data in xballs. More...
void readNextFStatFile ()
 Reads the next fstat file. More...
bool findNextExistingDataFile (Mdouble tMin, bool verbose=true)
 Finds and opens the next data file, if such a file exists. More...
bool readArguments (int argc, char *argv[])
 Can interpret main function input arguments that are passed by the driver codes. More...
bool checkParticleForInteractionLocalPeriodic (const BaseParticle &P)
void readSpeciesFromDataFile (bool read=true)
void importParticlesAs (ParticleHandler &particleHandler, InteractionHandler &interactionHandler, const ParticleSpecies *species)
 Copies particles, interactions assigning species from a local simulation to a global one. Useful for the creation of a cluster. More...
 The non const version. Allows one to edit the File::dataFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::eneFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::fStatFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::restartFile. More...
 The non const version. Allows to edit the File::statFile. More...
FilegetInteractionFile ()
 Return a reference to the file InteractionsFile. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED const FilegetDataFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::dataFile. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED const FilegetEneFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::eneFile. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED const FilegetFStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::fStatFile. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED const FilegetRestartFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::restartFile. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED const FilegetStatFile () const
 The const version. Does not allow for any editing of the File::statFile. More...
const FilegetInteractionFile () const
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the file. Does not allow to change it though. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Calls setName(std::string) More...
void setSaveCount (unsigned int saveCount)
 Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setFileType (FileType fileType)
 Sets File::fileType_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setOpenMode (std::fstream::openmode openMode)
 Sets File::openMode_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void resetFileCounter ()
 Resets the file counter for each file i.e. for ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void closeFiles ()
 Closes all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) that were opened to read or write. More...
void setLastSavedTimeStep (unsigned int nextSavedTimeStep)
 Sets the next time step for all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) at which the data is to be written or saved. More...
Mdouble getTime () const
 Returns the current simulation time. More...
Mdouble getNextTime () const
 Returns the current simulation time. More...
unsigned int getNumberOfTimeSteps () const
 Returns the current counter of time-steps, i.e. the number of time-steps that the simulation has undergone so far. More...
void setTime (Mdouble time)
 Sets a new value for the current simulation time. More...
void setTimeMax (Mdouble newTMax)
 Sets a new value for the maximum simulation duration. More...
Mdouble getTimeMax () const
 Returns the maximum simulation duration. More...
void setLogarithmicSaveCount (Mdouble logarithmicSaveCountBase)
 Sets File::logarithmicSaveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat) More...
void setNToWrite (int nToWrite)
 set the number of elements to write to the screen More...
int getNToWrite () const
 get the number of elements to write to the More...
void setRotation (bool rotation)
 Sets whether particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
bool getRotation () const
 Indicates whether particle rotation is enabled or disabled. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED void setWallsWriteVTK (FileType writeWallsVTK)
 Sets whether walls are written into a VTK file. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED void setWallsWriteVTK (bool)
 Sets whether walls are written into a VTK file. More...
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED void setInteractionsWriteVTK (bool)
 Sets whether interactions are written into a VTK file. More...
void setParticlesWriteVTK (bool writeParticlesVTK)
 Sets whether particles are written in a VTK file. More...
void setSuperquadricParticlesWriteVTK (bool writeSuperquadricParticlesVTK)
MERCURYDPM_DEPRECATED FileType getWallsWriteVTK () const
 Returns whether walls are written in a VTK file. More...
bool getParticlesWriteVTK () const
 Returns whether particles are written in a VTK file. More...
bool getSuperquadricParticlesWriteVTK () const
Mdouble getXMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMin() returns XMin. More...
Mdouble getXMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in x-direction is XMax - XMin, then getXMax() returns XMax. More...
Mdouble getYMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMin() returns YMin. More...
Mdouble getYMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in y-direction is YMax - YMin, then getYMax() returns XMax. More...
Mdouble getZMin () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMin() returns ZMin. More...
Mdouble getZMax () const
 If the length of the problem domain in z-direction is ZMax - ZMin, then getZMax() returns ZMax. More...
Mdouble getXCenter () const
Mdouble getYCenter () const
Mdouble getZCenter () const
Vec3D getMin () const
Vec3D getMax () const
void setXMin (Mdouble newXMin)
 Sets the value of XMin, the lower bound of the problem domain in the x-direction. More...
void setYMin (Mdouble newYMin)
 Sets the value of YMin, the lower bound of the problem domain in the y-direction. More...
void setZMin (Mdouble newZMin)
 Sets the value of ZMin, the lower bound of the problem domain in the z-direction. More...
void setXMax (Mdouble newXMax)
 Sets the value of XMax, the upper bound of the problem domain in the x-direction. More...
void setYMax (Mdouble newYMax)
 Sets the value of YMax, the upper bound of the problem domain in the y-direction. More...
void setZMax (Mdouble newZMax)
 Sets the value of ZMax, the upper bound of the problem domain in the z-direction. More...
void setMax (const Vec3D &max)
 Sets the maximum coordinates of the problem domain. More...
void setMax (Mdouble, Mdouble, Mdouble)
 Sets the maximum coordinates of the problem domain. More...
void setDomain (const Vec3D &min, const Vec3D &max)
 Sets the minimum coordinates of the problem domain. More...
void setMin (const Vec3D &min)
 Sets the minimum coordinates of the problem domain. More...
void setMin (Mdouble, Mdouble, Mdouble)
 Sets the minimum coordinates of the problem domain. More...
void setTimeStep (Mdouble newDt)
 Sets a new value for the simulation time step. More...
Mdouble getTimeStep () const
 Returns the simulation time step. More...
void setNumberOfOMPThreads (int numberOfOMPThreads)
int getNumberOfOMPThreads () const
void setXBallsColourMode (int newCMode)
 Set the xballs output mode. More...
int getXBallsColourMode () const
 Get the xballs colour mode (CMode). More...
void setXBallsVectorScale (double newVScale)
 Set the scale of vectors in xballs. More...
double getXBallsVectorScale () const
 Returns the scale of vectors used in xballs. More...
void setXBallsAdditionalArguments (std::string newXBArgs)
 Set the additional arguments for xballs. More...
std::string getXBallsAdditionalArguments () const
 Returns the additional arguments for xballs. More...
void setXBallsScale (Mdouble newScale)
 Sets the scale of the view (either normal, zoom in or zoom out) to display in xballs. The default is fit to screen. More...
double getXBallsScale () const
 Returns the scale of the view in xballs. More...
void setGravity (Vec3D newGravity)
 Sets a new value for the gravitational acceleration. More...
Vec3D getGravity () const
 Returns the gravitational acceleration. More...
void setBackgroundDrag (Mdouble backgroundDrag)
 Simple access function to turn on a background drag. The force of particleVelocity*drag is applied (note, it allowd to be negaitve i.e. create energy) More...
const Mdouble getBackgroundDrag () const
 Return the background drag. More...
void setDimension (unsigned int newDim)
 Sets both the system dimensions and the particle dimensionality. More...
void setSystemDimensions (unsigned int newDim)
 Sets the system dimensionality. More...
unsigned int getSystemDimensions () const
 Returns the system dimensionality. More...
void setParticleDimensions (unsigned int particleDimensions)
 Sets the particle dimensionality. More...
unsigned int getParticleDimensions () const
 Returns the particle dimensionality. More...
std::string getRestartVersion () const
 This is to take into account for different Mercury versions. Returns the version of the restart file. More...
void setRestartVersion (std::string newRV)
 Sets restart_version. More...
bool getRestarted () const
 Returns the flag denoting if the simulation was restarted or not. More...
void setRestarted (bool newRestartedFlag)
 Allows to set the flag stating if the simulation is to be restarted or not. More...
bool getAppend () const
 Returns whether the "append" option is on or off. More...
void setAppend (bool newAppendFlag)
 Sets whether the "append" option is on or off. More...
Mdouble getElasticEnergy () const
 Returns the global elastic energy within the system. More...
Mdouble getKineticEnergy () const
 Returns the global kinetic energy stored in the system. More...
Mdouble getGravitationalEnergy () const
 Returns the global gravitational potential energy stored in the system. More...
Mdouble getRotationalEnergy () const
 JMFT Returns the global rotational energy stored in the system. More...
Mdouble getTotalEnergy () const
Mdouble getTotalMass () const
 JMFT: Return the total mass of the system, excluding fixed particles. More...
Vec3D getCentreOfMass () const
 JMFT: Return the centre of mass of the system, excluding fixed particles. More...
Vec3D getTotalMomentum () const
 JMFT: Return the total momentum of the system, excluding fixed particles. More...
double getCPUTime ()
double getWallTime ()
virtual void hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
virtual void hGridUpdateParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
virtual void hGridRemoveParticle (BaseParticle *obj UNUSED)
bool mpiIsInCommunicationZone (BaseParticle *particle)
 Checks if the position of the particle is in an mpi communication zone or not. More...
bool mpiInsertParticleCheck (BaseParticle *P)
 Function that checks if the mpi particle should really be inserted by the current domain. More...
void insertGhostParticle (BaseParticle *P)
 This function inserts a particle in the mpi communication boundaries. More...
void updateGhostGrid (BaseParticle *P)
 Checks if the Domain/periodic interaction distance needs to be updated and updates it accordingly. More...
virtual void gatherContactStatistics (unsigned int index1, int index2, Vec3D Contact, Mdouble delta, Mdouble ctheta, Mdouble fdotn, Mdouble fdott, Vec3D P1_P2_normal_, Vec3D P1_P2_tangential)
 //Not unsigned index because of possible wall collisions. More...
void setNumberOfDomains (std::vector< unsigned > direction)
 Sets the number of domains in x-,y- and z-direction. Required for parallel computations. More...
void splitDomain (DomainSplit domainSplit)
std::vector< unsigned > getNumberOfDomains ()
 returns the number of domains More...
DomaingetCurrentDomain ()
 Function that returns a pointer to the domain corresponding to the processor. More...
void removeOldFiles () const
void setMeanVelocity (Vec3D V_mean_goal)
 This function will help you set a fixed kinetic energy and mean velocity in your system. More...
void setMeanVelocityAndKineticEnergy (Vec3D V_mean_goal, Mdouble Ek_goal)
 This function will help you set a fixed kinetic energy and mean velocity in your system. More...
Mdouble getTotalVolume () const
 Get the total volume of the cuboid system. More...
Matrix3D getKineticStress () const
 Calculate the kinetic stress tensor in the system averaged over the whole volume. More...
Matrix3D getStaticStress () const
 Calculate the static stress tensor in the system averaged over the whole volume. More...
Matrix3D getTotalStress () const
 Calculate the total stress tensor in the system averaged over the whole volume. More...
virtual void handleParticleRemoval (unsigned int id)
 Handles the removal of particles from the particleHandler. More...
virtual void handleParticleAddition (unsigned int id, BaseParticle *p)
void writePythonFileForVTKVisualisation () const
void setWritePythonFileForVTKVisualisation (bool forceWritePythonFileForVTKVisualisation)
bool getWritePythonFileForVTKVisualisation () const
WallVTKWritergetWallVTKWriter ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MercuryOS
void writeOutput (bool writeOutput)
bool writeOutput () const
void test (bool test)
bool test () const
void soft (bool soft)
bool soft () const
void useMercuryWalls (bool useMercuryWalls)
bool useMercuryWalls () const
void setMaterialProperties ()

Private Member Functions

void setupInitialConditions () override
 This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here. More...
void writeEneTimeStep (std::ostream &os) const override
 Write the global kinetic, potential energy, etc. in the system. More...
void printTime () const override
 Displays the current simulation time and the maximum simulation duration. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DPMBase
enum class  ReadOptions : int { ReadAll , ReadNoInteractions , ReadNoParticlesAndInteractions }
enum class  DomainSplit {
  X , Y , Z , XY ,
  XZ , YZ , XYZ
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
static void incrementRunNumberInFile ()
 Increment the run Number (counter value) stored in the file_counter (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) by 1 and store the new value in the counter file. More...
static int readRunNumberFromFile ()
 Read the run number or the counter from the counter file (COUNTER_DONOTDEL) More...
static bool areInContact (const BaseParticle *pI, const BaseParticle *pJ)
 Checks if two particle are in contact or is there any positive overlap. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from DPMBase
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
 A handler to that stores the species type i.e. LinearViscoelasticSpecies, etc. More...
RNG random
 This is a random generator, often used for setting up the initial conditions etc... More...
ParticleHandler particleHandler
 An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created. More...
ParticleHandler paoloParticleHandler
 Fake particleHandler created by Paolo needed temporary by just Paolo. More...
WallHandler wallHandler
 An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created. More...
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
 An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or from regions. More...
PeriodicBoundaryHandler periodicBoundaryHandler
 Internal handler that deals with periodic boundaries, especially in a parallel build. More...
DomainHandler domainHandler
 An object of the class DomainHandler which deals with parallel code. More...
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
 An object of the class InteractionHandler. More...
CGHandler cgHandler
 Object of the class cgHandler. More...
File dataFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .data file. More...
File fStatFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file. More...
File eneFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file. More...
File restartFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file. More...
File statFile
 An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .stat file. More...
File interactionFile
 File class to handle in- and output into .interactions file. This file hold information about interactions. More...
Time clock_
 record when the simulation started More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mercury3D
void hGridFindContactsWithinTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l)
 Finds contacts between particles in the target cell. More...
void hGridFindContactsWithTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, BaseParticle *obj)
 Finds contacts between the BaseParticle and the target cell. More...
void computeWallForces (BaseWall *w) override
 Compute contacts with a wall. More...
void hGridFindParticlesWithTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, BaseParticle *obj, std::vector< BaseParticle * > &list)
 Finds particles within target cell and stores them in a list. More...
void hGridGetInteractingParticleList (BaseParticle *obj, std::vector< BaseParticle * > &list) override
 Obtains all neighbour particles of a given object, obtained from the hgrid. More...
void computeInternalForces (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Finds contacts with the BaseParticle; avoids multiple checks. More...
bool hGridHasContactsInTargetCell (int x, int y, int z, unsigned int l, const BaseParticle *obj) const
 Tests if the BaseParticle has contacts with other Particles in the target cell. More...
bool hGridHasParticleContacts (const BaseParticle *obj) override
 Tests if a BaseParticle has any contacts in the HGrid. More...
void hGridRemoveParticle (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Removes a BaseParticle from the HGrid. More...
void hGridUpdateParticle (BaseParticle *obj) override
 Updates the cell (not the level) of a BaseParticle. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MercuryBase
void hGridRebuild ()
 This sets up the parameters required for the contact model. More...
void hGridInsertParticle (BaseParticle *obj) final
 Inserts a single Particle to current grid. More...
void hGridUpdateMove (BaseParticle *iP, Mdouble move) final
 Computes the relative displacement of the given BaseParticle and updates the currentMaxRelativeDisplacement_ accordingly. More...
void hGridActionsBeforeIntegration () override
 Resets the currentMaxRelativeDisplacement_ to 0. More...
void hGridActionsAfterIntegration () override
 This function has to be called before integrateBeforeForceComputation. More...
HGridgetHGrid ()
 Gets the HGrid used by this problem. More...
const HGridgetHGrid () const
 Gets the HGrid used by this problem, const version. More...
bool readNextArgument (int &i, int argc, char *argv[]) override
 Reads the next command line argument. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
virtual void computeAllForces ()
 Computes all the forces acting on the particles using the BaseInteractable::setForce() and BaseInteractable::setTorque() More...
virtual void computeInternalForce (BaseParticle *, BaseParticle *)
 Computes the forces between two particles (internal in the sense that the sum over all these forces is zero i.e. fully modelled forces) More...
virtual void computeExternalForces (BaseParticle *)
 Computes the external forces, such as gravity, acting on particles. More...
virtual void computeForcesDueToWalls (BaseParticle *, BaseWall *)
 Computes the forces on the particles due to the walls (normals are outward normals) More...
virtual void actionsOnRestart ()
 A virtual function where the users can add extra code which is executed only when the code is restarted. More...
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeLoop ()
 A virtual function. Allows one to carry out any operations before the start of the time loop. More...
virtual void actionsBeforeTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed before the new time step. More...
virtual void computeAdditionalForces ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed prior to the OMP force collect. More...
virtual void actionsAfterSolve ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after the solve(). More...
virtual void actionsAfterTimeStep ()
 A virtual function which allows to define operations to be executed after time step. More...
void writeVTKFiles () const
virtual void outputXBallsData (std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes the location of the walls and particles in a format the XBalls program can read. For more information on the XBalls program, see Visualising data in xballs. More...
virtual void outputXBallsDataParticle (unsigned int i, unsigned int format, std::ostream &os) const
 This function writes out the particle locations into an output stream in a format the XBalls program can read. For more information on the XBalls program, see Visualising data in xballs. More...
virtual void writeEneHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for ENE file. More...
virtual void writeFstatHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 Writes a header with a certain format for FStat file. More...
virtual void initialiseStatistics ()
virtual void outputStatistics ()
void gatherContactStatistics ()
virtual void processStatistics (bool)
virtual void finishStatistics ()
virtual void integrateBeforeForceComputation ()
 Update particles' and walls' positions and velocities before force computation. More...
virtual void integrateAfterForceComputation ()
 Update particles' and walls' positions and velocities after force computation. More...
virtual void checkInteractionWithBoundaries ()
 There are a range of boundaries one could implement depending on ones' problem. This methods checks for interactions between particles and such range of boundaries. See BaseBoundary.h and all the boundaries in the Boundaries folder. More...
void setFixedParticles (unsigned int n)
 Sets a number, n, of particles in the particleHandler as "fixed particles". More...
virtual bool continueSolve () const
 A virtual function for deciding whether to continue the simulation, based on a user-specified criterion. More...
void outputInteractionDetails () const
 Displays the interaction details corresponding to the pointer objects in the interaction handler. More...
bool isTimeEqualTo (Mdouble time) const
 Checks whether the input variable "time" is the current time in the simulation. More...
void removeDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 Removes periodic duplicate Particles. More...
void checkAndDuplicatePeriodicParticles ()
 For simulations using periodic boundaries, checks and adds particles when necessary into the particle handler. See DPMBase.cc and PeriodicBoundary.cc for more details. More...
void performGhostParticleUpdate ()
 When the Verlet scheme updates the positions and velocities of particles, ghost particles will need an update as wel. Their status will also be updated accordingly. More...
void deleteGhostParticles (std::set< BaseParticle * > &particlesToBeDeleted)
void synchroniseParticle (BaseParticle *, unsigned fromProcessor=0)
void performGhostVelocityUpdate ()
 updates the final time-step velocity of the ghost particles More...
void setSoftStop ()
 function for setting sigaction constructor. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DPMBase
static void signalHandler (int signal)
 signal handler function. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MercuryOS

Detailed Description

Case Description: A cylindrical drum is filled with bimodally distributed particles. An initial placement of particles is read from the file Drum/PartCoordinates.txt. This placement is generated by adding 8000 particles of material M2 with diameter of 4 mm, afterwards 30000 particles of material M1 with diameter of 2 mm. The initial placement of the walls is read from the file Drum/walls.txt. One can change to a smooth wall implementation (non-triangulated) by setting useMercuryWalls_ to true. The rotation velocity is 2 rad/s in the counterclockwise direction. During simulation we measure the time-dependent change of number of particles M1 and M2 situated in zone 1 (x>0 and y>0) and zone 2 (x<0 and y<0), where (x,y,z) denotes the particles' center of mass. This information is outputted to the Drum.ene file. The calculations are performed with a time step of 8*10 -7 s for a time period of 5 seconds.

Member Function Documentation

◆ printTime() [1/2]

void Drum::printTime ( ) const

Displays the current simulation time and the maximum simulation duration.

Gets and prints the current simulation time (getTime()) and the currently set maximum simulation time (getTimeMax()) .

Reimplemented from DPMBase.

121  {
122  logger(INFO,"t %\tN %\to %",
123  getTime()/getTimeMax(),
126  }
Logger< MERCURYDPM_LOGLEVEL > logger("MercuryKernel")
Definition of different loggers with certain modules. A user can define its own custom logger here.
Mdouble getTime() const
Returns the current simulation time.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:808
InteractionHandler interactionHandler
An object of the class InteractionHandler.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1467
ParticleHandler particleHandler
An object of the class ParticleHandler, contains the pointers to all the particles created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1437
Mdouble getTimeMax() const
Returns the maximum simulation duration.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:888
Mdouble getMeanOverlap() const
The mean overlap of all interactions.
Definition: InteractionHandler.cc:406
unsigned int getNumberOfObjects() const override
Returns the number of objects in the container. In parallel code this practice is forbidden to avoid ...
Definition: ParticleHandler.cc:1325
Mdouble getMeanRadius() const
Definition: ParticleHandler.cc:804

References InteractionHandler::getMeanOverlap(), ParticleHandler::getMeanRadius(), ParticleHandler::getNumberOfObjects(), DPMBase::getTime(), DPMBase::getTimeMax(), INFO, DPMBase::interactionHandler, logger, and DPMBase::particleHandler.

◆ printTime() [2/2]

void Drum::printTime ( ) const

Displays the current simulation time and the maximum simulation duration.

Gets and prints the current simulation time (getTime()) and the currently set maximum simulation time (getTimeMax()) .

Reimplemented from DPMBase.

188  {
189  writeEneTimeStep(std::cout);
190  }
void writeEneTimeStep(std::ostream &os) const override
Write the global kinetic, potential energy, etc. in the system.
Definition: OSDrum.cpp:158

References writeEneTimeStep().

◆ setupInitialConditions() [1/2]

void Drum::setupInitialConditions ( )

This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here.

A virtual function with no implementation but can be overriden.

I (Anthony) wants to change this to be an external function. This has a lot of advantages especially when using copy-constructors. This is a major change and will break other codes, so therefore has to be done carefully.

This sets up the particles initial conditions it is as you expect the user to override this. By default the particles are randomly distributed

Reimplemented from DPMBase.

33  {
34  // parameters
35  double drumRadius = 40e-3; // drum radius (m)
36  double drumWidth = 40e-3; // drum width (m)
37  double angularVelocity = 2.0*constants::pi; // rotation speed (rad/s)
38  double timeMax = 1; //simulation time (s)
39  double meanParticleRadius = 2e-3; // mean particle radius (m)
40  double stdParticleRadius = 0.2e-3; // standard deviation of particle radius (m)
41  double stiffness = 64; // stiffness of particle contacts (N/m
42  double dissipation = 10e-3; // dissipation of particle contacts (Ns/m)
43  double density = 1500; // particle density (kg/m^3)
44  double slidingFriction = 0.5; // sliding friction coefficient (-)
45  double rollingFriction = 0.5; // rolling friction coefficient (-)
46  int particleNumber = 1000; // number of particles in drum (-)
48  // set name of output files
49  setName("RotatingDrum");
51  // remove old output files
54  // turn on paraview output
58  // turn on gravity
59  setGravity(Vec3D(0,0,-9.8));
61  // set domain for visualisation
62  setMin(Vec3D(-drumRadius, -0.5*drumWidth, -drumRadius));
63  setMax(Vec3D(drumRadius, 0.5*drumWidth, drumRadius));
65  // material and contact properties
67  species.setDensity(density);
68  species.setStiffness(stiffness);
69  species.setDissipation(dissipation);
70  species.setSlidingFrictionCoefficient(slidingFriction);
71  species.setSlidingStiffness(2./7.*stiffness);
72  species.setSlidingDissipation(2./7.*dissipation);
73  species.setRollingFrictionCoefficient(rollingFriction);
74  species.setRollingStiffness(2./7.*stiffness);
75  species.setRollingDissipation(2./7.*dissipation);
76  auto s = speciesHandler.copyAndAddObject(species);
78  //
79  double collisionTime = s->getCollisionTime(s->getMassFromRadius(meanParticleRadius));
80  double restitution = s->getRestitutionCoefficient(s->getMassFromRadius(meanParticleRadius));
81  logger(INFO,"collisionTime %, restitution coefficient %", collisionTime, restitution);
83  // particle size distribution
84  PSD psd = PSD::getDistributionNormal(meanParticleRadius, stdParticleRadius, 50);
86  // set final time, time step, and output frequency
87  setTimeMax(timeMax);
88  setTimeStep(0.02*collisionTime);
91  // add cylindrical wall
93  cylinder.setSpecies(s); // set material and contact properties
94  cylinder.setAxis(Vec3D(0.0,1.0,0.0)); // axis of rotation
95  cylinder.addObject(Vec3D(1.0,0.0,0.0),Vec3D(drumRadius,0.0,0.0));
96  cylinder.setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0.0,angularVelocity,0.0));
97  wallHandler.copyAndAddObject(cylinder);
99  //add side walls
100  InfiniteWall side;
101  side.setSpecies(s); // set material and contact properties
102  side.setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0.0,angularVelocity,0.0));
103  side.set(Vec3D(0.,-1.,0.),Vec3D(0.0,-0.5*drumWidth,0.0));
105  side.set(Vec3D(0.,1.,0.),Vec3D(0.0,0.5*drumWidth,0.0));
108  //add type of particles to insert
110  p.setSpecies(s);
112  // insert particles
113  CubeInsertionBoundary insertion;
114  insertion.set(&p, 1000, getMin(), getMax(), Vec3D(0, 0, 0), Vec3D(0, 0, 0));
115  insertion.setPSD(psd);
116  insertion.setInitialVolume(particleNumber*s->getVolumeFromRadius(meanParticleRadius));
118  }
Use AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls to Screw Screw::read Screw::read Screw::read define axisymmetric ...
Definition: AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls.h:126
void setAxis(Vec3D a)
Definition: AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls.cc:152
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< U >::value, U * >::type copyAndAddObject(const U &object)
Creates a copy of a Object and adds it to the BaseHandler.
Definition: BaseHandler.h:379
void setAngularVelocity(const Vec3D &angularVelocity)
set the angular velocity of the BaseInteractble.
Definition: BaseInteractable.cc:360
void setSpecies(const ParticleSpecies *species)
Definition: BaseParticle.cc:818
void setSpecies(const ParticleSpecies *species)
Defines the species of the current wall.
Definition: BaseWall.cc:169
It's an insertion boundary which has cuboidal shape (yes, 'CuboidalInsertionBoundary' would have been...
Definition: CubeInsertionBoundary.h:42
void set(BaseParticle *particleToCopy, unsigned int maxFailed, Vec3D posMin, Vec3D posMax, Vec3D velMin={0, 0, 0}, Vec3D velMax={0, 0, 0})
Sets the properties of the InsertionBoundary for mutliple different particle types.
Definition: CubeInsertionBoundary.cc:107
void setSaveCount(unsigned int saveCount)
Sets File::saveCount_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
Definition: DPMBase.cc:408
SpeciesHandler speciesHandler
A handler to that stores the species type i.e. LinearViscoelasticSpecies, etc.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1427
void removeOldFiles() const
Definition: DPMBase.cc:4422
void setName(const std::string &name)
Allows to set the name of all the files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
Definition: DPMBase.cc:422
Mdouble getTimeStep() const
Returns the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:1250
WallHandler wallHandler
An object of the class WallHandler. Contains pointers to all the walls created.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1447
Vec3D getMax() const
Definition: DPMBase.h:670
void setMin(const Vec3D &min)
Sets the minimum coordinates of the problem domain.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:1118
BoundaryHandler boundaryHandler
An object of the class BoundaryHandler which concerns insertion and deletion of particles into or fro...
Definition: DPMBase.h:1452
Vec3D getMin() const
Definition: DPMBase.h:664
void setParticlesWriteVTK(bool writeParticlesVTK)
Sets whether particles are written in a VTK file.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:942
void setTimeStep(Mdouble newDt)
Sets a new value for the simulation time step.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:1234
void setTimeMax(Mdouble newTMax)
Sets a new value for the maximum simulation duration.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:873
void setMax(const Vec3D &max)
Sets the maximum coordinates of the problem domain.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:1082
void setGravity(Vec3D newGravity)
Sets a new value for the gravitational acceleration.
Definition: DPMBase.cc:1383
A infinite wall fills the half-space {point: (position_-point)*normal_<=0}.
Definition: InfiniteWall.h:48
void set(Vec3D normal, Vec3D point)
Defines a standard wall, given an outward normal vector s.t. normal*x=normal*point for all x of the w...
Definition: InfiniteWall.cc:118
void setPSD(const PSD psd)
Sets the range of particle radii that may be generated from a user defined PSD.
Definition: InsertionBoundary.cc:675
void setInitialVolume(Mdouble initialVolume)
Gets the Volume which should be inserted by the insertion routine.
Definition: InsertionBoundary.cc:643
void addObject(Vec3D normal, Vec3D point)
Adds a wall to the set of infinite walls, given a normal vector pointing into the wall (i....
Definition: IntersectionOfWalls.cc:138
void setSpecies(const ParticleSpecies *species)
sets species of subwalls as well
Definition: IntersectionOfWalls.cc:72
Contains a vector with radii and probabilities of a user defined particle size distribution (PSD)
Definition: PSD.h:65
static PSD getDistributionNormal(Mdouble mean, Mdouble standardDeviation, int numberOfBins)
Definition: PSD.h:153
void setDensity(Mdouble density)
Definition: ParticleSpecies.cc:108
Contains material and contact force properties.
Definition: Species.h:35
A spherical particle is the most simple particle used in MercuryDPM.
Definition: SphericalParticle.h:37
Definition: Vector.h:51
void setWriteVTK(FileType)
Sets whether walls are written into a VTK file.
Definition: WallHandler.cc:467
const Mdouble pi
Definition: ExtendedMath.h:45

References IntersectionOfWalls::addObject(), DPMBase::boundaryHandler, BaseHandler< T >::copyAndAddObject(), PSD::getDistributionNormal(), DPMBase::getMax(), DPMBase::getMin(), DPMBase::getTimeMax(), DPMBase::getTimeStep(), INFO, logger, constants::pi, DPMBase::removeOldFiles(), CubeInsertionBoundary::set(), InfiniteWall::set(), BaseInteractable::setAngularVelocity(), AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls::setAxis(), ParticleSpecies::setDensity(), DPMBase::setGravity(), InsertionBoundary::setInitialVolume(), DPMBase::setMax(), DPMBase::setMin(), DPMBase::setName(), DPMBase::setParticlesWriteVTK(), InsertionBoundary::setPSD(), DPMBase::setSaveCount(), BaseParticle::setSpecies(), BaseWall::setSpecies(), IntersectionOfWalls::setSpecies(), DPMBase::setTimeMax(), DPMBase::setTimeStep(), WallHandler::setWriteVTK(), DPMBase::speciesHandler, and DPMBase::wallHandler.

◆ setupInitialConditions() [2/2]

void Drum::setupInitialConditions ( )

This function allows to set the initial conditions for our problem to be solved, by default particle locations are randomly set. Remember particle properties must also be defined here.

A virtual function with no implementation but can be overriden.

I (Anthony) wants to change this to be an external function. This has a lot of advantages especially when using copy-constructors. This is a major change and will break other codes, so therefore has to be done carefully.

This sets up the particles initial conditions it is as you expect the user to override this. By default the particles are randomly distributed

Reimplemented from DPMBase.

48  {
49  // name of the output files
50  setName(soft() ? "DrumSoft" : "Drum");
52  // turn on gravity
53  setGravity({0, 0, -9.8});
55  // set time step and maximum simulation time
56  setTimeStep(soft() ? 1e-4 : 8e-7);
57  setTimeMax(5.);
59  // output frequency
60  Mdouble outputPeriod = soft() ? 0.01 : 0.1;
61  setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned>(outputPeriod / getTimeStep()));
63  // remove files from previous run
66  // determine which output files to write
67  if (writeOutput()) {
68  // write more frequently
69  setSaveCount(static_cast<unsigned>(0.01 / getTimeStep()));
70  // write ene, data, fstat, restart and vtu files
75  } else {
76  // only .ene files are written
79  }
81  //use a shortened simulation in test mode
82  if (test()) {
83  setSaveCount(60);
84  setTimeMax(600*getTimeStep());
85  logger(INFO,"Test mode, reduced timeMax to %",getTimeMax());
86  }
88  // set domain for visualisation
89  setMax(Vec3D(0.1, 0.03, 0.1));
90  setMin(Vec3D(-0.1, -0.03, -0.1));
92  // define the material properties of M1, M2, steel (see MercuryOS.h)
95  // read particle positions and radii from file
96  {
97  //open file
98  std::string fileName = "Drum/PartCoordinates.txt";
99  std::ifstream file(fileName);
100  logger.assert_always(file.is_open(), "File % could not be opened", fileName);
101  // read header line
102  std::string header;
103  getline(file, header);
104  // read particle positions and radii
105  SphericalParticle particle;
106  double rad;
107  Vec3D pos;
108  while (file >> rad >> pos) {
109  particle.setSpecies(rad == 0.002 ? m2 : m1);
110  particle.setRadius(rad);
111  particle.setPosition(pos);
113  }
114  logger(INFO, "Read % particles from %", particleHandler.getSize(), fileName);
115  }
117  // add walls
118  if (useMercuryWalls()) {
119  // use smooth walls
120  InfiniteWall sideWall;
121  sideWall.setSpecies(steel);
122  sideWall.setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0, -2, 0));
123  sideWall.set(Vec3D(0, 1, 0), Vec3D(0, 3e-2, 0));
124  wallHandler.copyAndAddObject(sideWall);
125  sideWall.set(Vec3D(0, -1, 0), Vec3D(0, -3e-2, 0));
126  wallHandler.copyAndAddObject(sideWall);
129  drumWall.setSpecies(steel);
130  drumWall.setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0, -2, 0));
131  drumWall.setAxis(Vec3D(0, 1, 0));
132  drumWall.addObject(Vec3D(1, 0, 0), Vec3D(0.1, 0, 0));
133  wallHandler.copyAndAddObject(drumWall);
134  logger(INFO, "Created % walls", wallHandler.getSize());
135  } else {
136  // read triangle walls from file
137  // open file
138  std::string fileName = "Drum/walls.txt";
139  std::ifstream file(fileName);
140  logger.assert_always(file.is_open(), "File % could not be opened", fileName);
141  // read header line
142  std::string header;
143  getline(file, header);
144  // read triangle vertices
145  TriangleWall wall;
146  wall.setAngularVelocity(Vec3D(0, -2, 0));
147  wall.setSpecies(steel);
148  Vec3D a, b, c;
149  while (file >> a >> b >> c) {
150  wall.setVertices(a, b, c, Vec3D(0, 0, 0));
152  }
153  logger(INFO, "Read % walls from %", wallHandler.getSize(), fileName);
154  }
155  }
each time-step will be written into/read from separate files numbered consecutively: name_....
file will not be created/read
all data will be written into/ read from a single file called name_
double Mdouble
Definition: GeneralDefine.h:34
unsigned int getSize() const
Gets the size of the particleHandler (including mpi and periodic particles)
Definition: BaseHandler.h:655
virtual void setPosition(const Vec3D &position)
Sets the position of this BaseInteractable.
Definition: BaseInteractable.h:239
virtual void setRadius(Mdouble radius)
Sets the particle's radius_ (and adjusts the mass_ accordingly, based on the particle's species)
Definition: BaseParticle.cc:553
File eneFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .ene file.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1488
File fStatFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .fstat file.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1483
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets File::fileType_ for all files (ene, data, fstat, restart, stat)
Definition: DPMBase.cc:459
File restartFile
An instance of class File to handle in- and output into a .restart file.
Definition: DPMBase.h:1493
void writeFirstAndLastTimeStep()
Sets File::saveCount_ to the highest possible value such that only the first and last time step is wr...
Definition: File.cc:264
void setFileType(FileType fileType)
Sets the type of file needed to write into or read from. File::fileType_.
Definition: File.cc:215
bool writeOutput() const
Definition: MercuryOS.h:56
bool test() const
Definition: MercuryOS.h:68
void setMaterialProperties()
Definition: MercuryOS.h:124
bool soft() const
Definition: MercuryOS.h:80
HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies * m1
Definition: MercuryOS.h:118
HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies * steel
Definition: MercuryOS.h:118
HertzianViscoelasticMindlinSpecies * m2
Definition: MercuryOS.h:118
bool useMercuryWalls() const
Definition: MercuryOS.h:92
A TriangleWall is convex polygon defined as an intersection of InfiniteWall's.
Definition: TriangleWall.h:57
void setVertices(Vec3D A, Vec3D B, Vec3D C)
Sets member variables such that the wall represents a triangle with vertices A, B,...
Definition: TriangleWall.cc:165

References IntersectionOfWalls::addObject(), BaseHandler< T >::copyAndAddObject(), DPMBase::eneFile, DPMBase::fStatFile, BaseHandler< T >::getSize(), DPMBase::getTimeMax(), DPMBase::getTimeStep(), INFO, logger, MercuryOS::m1, MercuryOS::m2, MULTIPLE_FILES, NO_FILE, ONE_FILE, DPMBase::particleHandler, DPMBase::removeOldFiles(), DPMBase::restartFile, InfiniteWall::set(), BaseInteractable::setAngularVelocity(), AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls::setAxis(), DPMBase::setFileType(), File::setFileType(), DPMBase::setGravity(), MercuryOS::setMaterialProperties(), DPMBase::setMax(), DPMBase::setMin(), DPMBase::setName(), DPMBase::setParticlesWriteVTK(), BaseInteractable::setPosition(), BaseParticle::setRadius(), DPMBase::setSaveCount(), BaseParticle::setSpecies(), BaseWall::setSpecies(), IntersectionOfWalls::setSpecies(), DPMBase::setTimeMax(), DPMBase::setTimeStep(), TriangleWall::setVertices(), WallHandler::setWriteVTK(), MercuryOS::soft(), MercuryOS::steel, MercuryOS::test(), MercuryOS::useMercuryWalls(), DPMBase::wallHandler, File::writeFirstAndLastTimeStep(), and MercuryOS::writeOutput().

◆ writeEneTimeStep()

void Drum::writeEneTimeStep ( std::ostream &  os) const

Write the global kinetic, potential energy, etc. in the system.

The function cycles over all particles within the system (or rather, the particleHandler), creating sums of the relevant energies and "mass lengths" (m.x, m.y, m.z) from which the system's centre of mass can also be calculated. The summed energy values and calculated centre of mass values are then output to the file corresponding to "os" alongside the current time step.

A check is performed - if (!p->isFixed()) - to ensure that calculations are not performed on fixed particles, as these are assigned an effectively infinite mass and would hence cause compiler issues.

[in]osThe output stream to which the data will be written

Reimplemented from DPMBase.

159  {
160  if (eneFile.getCounter() == 1) os << "Time zone2mm4 zone1mm4 zone2mm2 zone1mm2\n";
161  // count the zones
162  unsigned zone2mm2 = 0, zone1mm2 = 0, zone2mm4 = 0, zone1mm4 = 0;
163  for (auto particle : particleHandler) {
164  Vec3D pos = particle->getPosition();
165  if (pos.X > 0 && pos.Z > 0) {
166  if (particle->getRadius() == 0.002) {
167  ++zone1mm4;
168  } else {
169  ++zone1mm2;
170  }
171  } else if (pos.X < 0 && pos.Z < 0) {
172  if (particle->getRadius() == 0.002) {
173  ++zone2mm4;
174  } else {
175  ++zone2mm2;
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  os << getTime() << ' '
180  << zone2mm4 << ' '
181  << zone1mm4 << ' '
182  << zone2mm2 << ' '
183  << zone1mm2 << std::endl;
184  }
unsigned int getCounter() const
In case of multiple files, File::getCounter() returns the the number (FILE::Counter_) of the next fil...
Definition: File.cc:223
Mdouble Z
Definition: Vector.h:66
Mdouble X
the vector components
Definition: Vector.h:66

References DPMBase::eneFile, File::getCounter(), DPMBase::getTime(), DPMBase::particleHandler, Vec3D::X, and Vec3D::Z.

Referenced by printTime().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: