►NCGCoordinates | The class in this namespace contain the position of a CGPoint, in the non-averaged directions, and functions that only depend on which non-averaged directions are used |
CBase_X_Y_Z | Contains common member functions of the X, Y, and Z classes |
CBase_XY_XZ_YZ | Contains common member functions of the XY, XZ, and YZ classes |
CBaseCoordinates | Contains common member functions of the X, Y, and Z classes |
CO | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (none for O); all other directions (all for O) are averaged
over homogeneously |
CR | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the x-direction for R); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CRZ | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the x- and z-direction for RZ); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CX | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the x-direction for X); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CXY | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the x- and y-direction for XY); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CXYZ | Defines the position of the CGPoint, in the non-averaged directions, i.e. all directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (all directions for XYZ); all other directions are averaged over homogeneously |
CXZ | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the x- and z-direction for XZ); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CY | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the y- direction for Y); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CYZ | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the y- and z-direction for YZ); all other directions are averaged
over homogeneously |
CZ | Defines the non-averaged directions on which spatial coarse-graining is applied (the z-direction for Z); all other directions are averaged over homogeneously |
►NCGFields | |
CGradVelocityField | |
CLiquidMigrationFields | Contains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress |
COrientationField | Contains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress |
CStandardFields | Contains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress |
►NCGFunctions | Contains base classes of CGPoint; CGPoint is always templated with one of these classes; these classes contain the position of the CGPoint and the parameters of the coarse-graining function (width, cutoff, ...) |
CGauss | Defines the position of the CGPoint (e.g. x, y, z) and the parameters of the Gauss coarse-graining function (width and cutoff) |
CHeaviside | A specialisation of Polynomials for PolynomialType::Heaviside. See Polynomial for details |
CLinear | A specialisation of Polynomials for PolynomialType::Linear. See Polynomial for details |
CLucy | A specialisation of Polynomials for PolynomialType::Lucy. See Polynomial for details |
CPolynomial | Defines the position of the CGPoint (e.g. x, y, z) and the parameters of a polynomial coarse-graining function (width and cutoff) |
►NDetail | |
CVTKPointDescriptorEntry | |
CVTKPointDescriptorEntryImpl | |
►Nhelpers | |
CKAndDisp | Return type specifically for fuctions returning k and disp at once |
CKAndDispAndKtAndDispt | Return type specifically for fuctions returning k, disp, kt, dispt at once |
►NNurbsUtils | |
Carray2 | |
►Noomph | |
CAnisotropicHookean | |
CCoupledSolidNode | |
CRefineableQDPVDElement | |
CFaceGeometry< RefineableQDPVDElement< 2, NNODE_1D > > | FaceGeometry of the 2D RefineableQPVDElement elements |
CFaceGeometry< FaceGeometry< RefineableQDPVDElement< 2, NNODE_1D > > > | FaceGeometry of the FaceGeometry of the 2D RefineableQPVDElement |
CFaceGeometry< RefineableQDPVDElement< 3, NNODE_1D > > | FaceGeometry of the 3D RefineableQPVDElement elements |
CFaceGeometry< FaceGeometry< RefineableQDPVDElement< 3, NNODE_1D > > > | FaceGeometry of the FaceGeometry of the 3D RefineableQPVDElement |
CScaleCoupledElement | Wrapper class for solid elements to be coupled with discrete solid particles on the surfaces |
CFaceGeometry< ScaleCoupledElement< ELEMENT > > | FaceGeometry of wrapped element is the same as the underlying element |
CSCoupledElement | |
CFaceGeometry< SCoupledElement< ELEMENT > > | FaceGeometry of wrapped element is the same as the underlying element |
CVolumeCoupledElement | |
CFaceGeometry< VolumeCoupledElement< ELEMENT > > | FaceGeometry of wrapped element is the same as the underlying element |
►Nrapidjson | |
►Ninternal | |
CStack | A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data |
►CGenericValue | Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
CArray | |
CData | |
CMember | Name-value pair in an object |
►CNumber | |
CI | |
CU | |
CObject | |
CString | |
CGenericDocument | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
CFileStream | Wrapper of C file stream for input or output |
CGenericReadStream | Wrapper of std::istream for input |
CGenericWriteStream | Wrapper of std::ostream for output |
CPrettyWriter | Writer with indentation and spacing |
CCrtAllocator | C-runtime library allocator |
►CMemoryPoolAllocator | Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM |
CChunkHeader | Chunk header for perpending to each chunk |
CUTF8 | UTF-8 encoding |
CUTF16 | UTF-16 encoding |
CUTF32 | UTF-32 encoding |
CGenericStringStream | Read-only string stream |
CGenericInsituStringStream | A read-write string stream |
CBaseReaderHandler | Default implementation of Handler |
CGenericReader | SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
CGenericStringBuffer | Represents an in-memory output stream |
►CWriter | JSON writer |
CLevel | Information for each nested level |
►NSerializationWrappers | |
CWrapper | |
CAdhesiveForceSpecies | Defines a short-range (non-contact) force parallel to the contact normal, usually adhesive |
CAirySavageHutter | This code does the MD of a normal shock into a wall |
CAllocator | Concept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block |
CAngledPeriodicBoundary | |
CAngledPeriodicBoundarySecondUnitTest | |
CAngledPeriodicBoundaryUnitTest | |
CAngledPerioidicBoundary | Defines a pair of periodic walls that are angled around the origin |
CAngleOfRepose | |
CArcWall | A wall that is the inside (concave side) of an arc of a cylinder, like a pipe or half-pipe |
CArcWallUnitTest | |
CAreaVTK | |
CAxisymmetricHopper | |
CAxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls | Use AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls to Screw Screw::read Screw::read Screw::read define axisymmetric walls, such as cylinders, cones, etc |
CAxisymmetricWallSelfTest | |
CBaseAdhesiveForce | |
CBaseBoundary | |
CBaseCG | Base class of all CG objects, needed to store the various CG objects in the CGHandler |
CBaseCluster | |
CBaseClusterInsertionBoundary | |
CBaseCoupling | |
CBaseForce | |
CBaseFrictionForce | |
CBaseHandler | Container to store the pointers to all objects that one creates in a simulation |
CBaseInteractable | Defines the basic properties that a interactable object can have |
CBaseInteraction | Stores information about interactions between two interactable objects; often particles but could be walls etc. By info about interactions one means the overlaps, contact point, forces, torques, relative velocities etc |
CBaseNormalForce | |
CBaseObject | It is an abstract base class due to the purely virtual functions declared below. Even if the function is purely virtual, it does not imply that it cannot have a definition. Abstract classes are useful to define a interface |
CBaseParticle | |
CBasePeriodicBoundary | |
CBaseSpecies | BaseSpecies is the class from which all other species are derived |
CBaseVTKWriter | |
CBaseWall | Basic class for walls |
CBasicIntersectionOfWalls | Restriction of a wall to the intersection with another wall |
CBasicUnionOfWalls | Restriction of a wall to the intersection with another wall |
CBeam | Defines a SolidProblem of element type RefineableQDPVDElement<3,2>. Add functionality to write output |
CBidisperseCubeInsertionBoundary | Like a CubeInsertionBoundary but the particles generated are one of two types |
CBinary | |
CBinaryReader | This gives functionality to read information from binary formats like STL etc. This class is complete stand-alone and is tested with one any reference to other MecuryDPM code except Vections and Logger |
CBondedInteraction | |
CBondedSpecies | BondedSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear irreversible short-range force |
CBouncingSuperQuadric | |
CBoundariesSelfTest | |
CBoundaryHandler | Container to store pointers to all BaseBoundary objects |
CBoundaryVTKWriter | |
CBoundingRadiusTester | |
CBox | |
CCalibration | |
CCFile | Takes data and fstat files and splits them into *.data.???? and *.fstat.???? files |
CCG | Evaluates time-resolved continuum fields and writes the data into a stat file |
CCGBasicSelfTest | Tests if the different CG templates work correctly |
CCGHandler | Container that stores all CG objects |
CCGHandlerSelfTest | In this file a cubic packing of 5^3 particles in a tri-axial box is created and allowed to settle under small gravity. After that Z statistics are calculated |
CCGPoint | Combines the position of the CGPoint (e.g. x, y, z), the parameters of the coarse-graining function (e.g. width and cutoff) and the fields to be evaluated (e.g., density, momentum, stress) |
CCGStaticBalanceSelfTest | Tests if the different CG templates work correctly |
CChain | |
CChargedBondedInteraction | |
CChargedBondedInteractionSelfTest | |
CChargedBondedParticleUnitTest | In this file, the rolling behaviour of the tangential spring is tested. This is done by placing one normal partilce on top of a fixed partilce and letting graviry roll it over the other particle until it loses contact |
CChargedBondedSpecies | ChargedBondedSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear reversible short-range force |
CChute | Creates chutes with different bottoms. Inherits from Mercury3D (-> MercuryBase -> DPMBase) |
CChutebelt | If you restart this code the third argument will be used as the number of large particles to add and the forth the number of small |
CChuteBottom | Used by Chute::createBottom to create an unordered particle layer |
CChuteInsertionBoundary | Used for modeling chute inflow. Inherits from InsertionBoundary |
CChutePeriodic | |
CChutePeriodicDemo | |
CChuteRestart | |
CChuteRestartDemo | |
CChuteWithContraction | Particles of a single Species |
CChuteWithHopper | ChuteWithHopper has a hopper as inflow |
CChuteWithPeriodicInflow | Particles of a single Species |
CChuteWithPeriodicInflowAndContinuingBottom | |
CChuteWithPeriodicInflowAndContraction | |
CChuteWithPeriodicInflowAndVariableBottom | |
CChuteWithVerticalHopper | |
CChuteWithWedge | |
CCircularPeriodicBoundary | Used to create a circular periodic boundary |
CCLiveStatistics | |
CClosedCSCRestart | |
CClosedCSCRun | |
CClosedCSCStats | |
CClosedCSCWalls | |
CClump | |
CClumpData | |
CClumpParticle | |
CclumpTest | |
CClusterDPM | An object of this class is inside FixedClusterInsertionBoundary and RandomClusterInsertionBoundary |
CClusterGenerator | This class allows the user to create clusters of particles. All particles will be of LinearPlasticViscoelasticSpecies and will have a final overlap defined by the user |
CClusterInsertionBoundary | It's an insertion boundary which has cuboidal shape and inserts clusters. Two classes (RandomClusterInsertionBoundary and FixedClusterInsertionBoundary) derive from this |
CCoil | This class defines a coil in the z-direction from a (constant) starting point, a (constant) length L, a (constant) radius r, a (constant) number or revelations N and a (constant) rotation speed (rev/s) |
CCoilSelfTest | [CST:headers] |
CCombtooth | |
CConstantMassFlowMaserBoundary | Variation on the PeriodicBoundary which also has an outflow part |
CConstantMassFlowMaserBoundaryMixedSpeciesSelfTest | Test for the MaserBoundary: make a chute-like domain with a maser inflow boundary in the beginning |
CConstantMassFlowMaserSelfTest | Test for the MaserBoundary: make a chute-like domain with a maser inflow boundary in the beginning |
CConstantRestitutionSelfTest | |
CContact | |
CContactDetectionIntersectionOfWallsTest | Tests the contact detection between particles and IntersectionOfWalls. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. The most difficult case is when a face is less or equal in size to a particle, so this is tested here |
CContactDetectionNormalSpheresTest | |
CContactDetectionRotatedSpheresTest | |
CContactDetectionTester | Tests whether the radius of the bounding sphere for superquadrics is computed correctly |
CContactDetectionWithWallTester | Tests whether the radius of the bounding sphere for superquadrics is computed correctly |
CContractionWithPeriodicInflow | |
CControllerUnitTest | |
CCoordinates | Template argument; use a member class of CGCoordinates to instantiate |
CCoupledBeam | |
CCoupledProblem | |
CCreateDataAndFStatFiles | |
CCSCInit | |
CCSCRestart | |
CCSCRun | |
CCSCStats | |
CCSCWalls | |
CCstatic2d | |
CCstatic3D | |
CcsvReader | Enables reading of .csv files into MercuryDPM |
CCubeDeletionBoundary | |
CCubeDeletionBoundarySelfTest | |
CCubeInsertionBoundary | It's an insertion boundary which has cuboidal shape (yes, 'CuboidalInsertionBoundary' would have been the correct name) |
CCubicCell | |
CCurvyChute | Creates chutes defined by curvilinear coordinates. Inherits from Mercury3D |
CCylindricalWall | |
CDataFiles | |
CDeletionBoundary | Used for removing particles from the problem. Inherits from BaseBoundary. By default, a plane that deletes everything past it, but there are derived classes such as CubeDeletionBoundary |
CDeletionBoundarySelfTest | |
CDipole | |
CDistributionElements | Class of DistributionElements which stores internalVariables and probabilities of a distribution. This class should be used to initialize variables as a type of std::vector<DistributionElements> |
CDistributionSelfTest | |
CDistributionToPSDSelfTest | |
CDomain | The simulation can be subdivided into Domain's used in parallel code |
CDomainHandler | Container to store all Domain |
Cdominoes | |
CDPM | In this file a cubic packing of 5^3 particles in a tri-axial box is created and allowed to settle under small gravity. After that Z statistics are calculated |
CDPMBase | The DPMBase header includes quite a few header files, defining all the handlers, which are essential. Moreover, it defines and solves a DPM problem. It is inherited from FilesAndRunNumber (public) |
CDrivenParticleClass | |
►CDropletBoundary | Supplies a 'constant heat flux' to a cuboidal region (specified by two corner points) by adding a random velocity at each time step to each particle therein, increasing the granular temperature (velocity variance) |
CDroplet | |
CDrum | |
CDrumRot | |
CElementAnalysis | |
CEllipsoidsBouncingOnWallDemo | |
CEllipticalSuperQuadricCollision | |
CEmpty | Data class to send an empty class over MPI |
CEmptyAdhesiveInteraction | In case one doesn't want to have an adhesive (short range non contact) interaction between the interactables (particles or walls), the following class can be used. See Interaction.h, where one can set the Adhesive interaction to EmptyAdhesiveInteraction |
CEmptyAdhesiveSpecies | EmptyAdhesiveSpecies is used to create a force law without a short-range adhesive force |
CEmptyFrictionInteraction | In case one wants to have a frictionless interaction between the interactables (particles or walls), the following class can be used. See Interaction.h, where one can set the FrictionalForceInteraction to EmptyFrictionInteraction |
CEmptyFrictionSpecies | EmptyFrictionSpecies is used to create a force law without frictional forces |
CEncoding | Concept for encoding of Unicode characters |
CEnergyUnitTest | |
CEvaporationAndHeatTest | |
CExtremeOverlapUnitTest | Makes sure that the behavior is still sensible if the overlap of two particles grows extremely large |
CExtremeOverlapVolumeUnitTest | This test checks the formula for computing the overlap volume between two spherical particles |
CExtremeOverlapWithWallsUnitTest | Compresses 2 particles (vertically) until they have an extreme overlap |
CFaceGeometry | |
CFile | |
CFileReader | This gives functionality to read information from binary formats like STL etc. This class is complete stand-alone and is tested with one any reference to other MecuryDPM code except Vections and Logger |
CFiveParticles | [FP:headers] |
CFixedClusterInsertionBoundary | |
CFlowFrontChute | |
Cflowrule | |
CFlowRule | |
CFluxAndPeriodicBoundarySelfTest | |
CFluxBoundary | Used for measuring flow rates through a given plane; acts like a pair of scales Inherits from BaseBoundary. Can measure forward, backward and net fluxes |
CFluxBoundarySelfTest | |
CForceLawsMPI2Test | |
Cfree_cooling | |
CFreeCooling2DinWalls | Todo{This code is not working as is wanted} |
CFreeCooling2DinWallsDemo | [FCD_2D_Walls:headers] |
CFreeCooling3DDemoProblem | [FCD_3D:headers] |
CFreeCooling3DinWallsDemo | ! [FCD_3D_inWalls:headers] |
CFreeCoolingDemoProblem | [FCD_2D:headers] |
CFreeFall | This code is a example on how to write a restartable mercury code |
CFreeFallHertzMindlinUnitTest | |
CFreeFallInteractionSelfTest | This case does a single elastic particle falling on an infinite plane. The k is chosen so that the maximum overlap with the wall is around 2% of the partcles dimater; whereas, the time is taken to ensure 50 steps with a collision |
CFreeFallSelfTest | |
CFrictionForceSpecies | Defines a contact force orthogonal to the contact normal |
CFrictionInteraction | This class allows one to take all three types of frictional interactions into account. The sliding, rolling and torsional frictional interaction. See |
CFrictionSpecies | FrictionSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding, rolling and torsional friction |
CFullRestartTest | |
CFunction | Template argument; use a member class of CGFunctions to instantiate |
CFunnel | |
CGetDistanceAndNormalForIntersectionOfWalls | Tests the contact detection between particles and IntersectionOfWalls. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. The most difficult case is when a face is less or equal in size to a particle, so this is tested here |
CGetDistanceAndNormalForScrew | Tests the contact detection between particles and IntersectionOfWalls. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. The most difficult case is when a face is less or equal in size to a particle, so this is tested here |
CGetDistanceAndNormalForTriangleWall | Tests the contact detection between particles and a set of TriangleWall. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. The most difficult case is when a face is less or equal in size to a particle, so this is tested here |
CGetDistanceAndNormalForTriangleWalls | Tests the contact detection between particles and a set of TriangleWalls. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. The most difficult case is when a face is less or equal in size to a particle, so this is tested here |
CGluedSolidMesh | |
CGranuDrum | |
CGranuHeap | |
CGranularCollapse | |
CGranularJet | |
CHandler | Concept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing |
CHeaterBoundary | Supplies a 'constant heat flux' to a cuboidal region (specified by two corner points) by adding a random velocity at each time step to each particle therein, increasing the granular temperature (velocity variance) |
CHeaterBoundaryTest | |
CHeatFluidCoupled | Class of particles that store both temperature and liquid volume, which is adapted for the CFD-DEM studies |
CHeatFluidCoupledInteraction | |
CHeatFluidCoupledSpecies | Species for the HeatFluidCoupledParticle |
CHertzContactRestitutionUnitTest | |
CHertzian2DUnitTest | |
CHertzianBSHPInteractionTwoParticleElasticCollision | |
CHertzianBSHPViscoelasticInteraction | Computes normal forces for a Herztian visco-elastic interaction |
CHertzianBSHPViscoelasticNormalSpecies | HertzianBSHPViscoelasticNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a Hertzian normal force (The Mindlin model) |
CHertzianSinterForceUnitTest | This code tests our plastic force model, as published in Luding 2008 |
CHertzianSinterInteraction | Computes normal forces in case of a linear plastic visco-elastic interaction |
CHertzianSinterNormalSpecies | HertzianSinterNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a plastic-cohesive normal force (Stefan Ludings plastic-cohesive force model) |
CHertzianViscoelasticInteraction | Computes normal forces for a Herztian visco-elastic interaction |
CHertzianViscoelasticNormalSpecies | HertzianViscoelasticNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a Hertzian normal force (The Mindlin model) |
CHertzSelfTest | |
CHGrid | In the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored |
CHGrid_demo | |
CHGridCell | |
CHGridOptimiser | |
CHopperInsertionBoundary | Inherits from InsertionBoundary Some images are useful to better understand the structure of both the hopper-chute combination, as of the hopper insertion boundary itself: |
CHorizontalBaseScrew | A HorizontalBaseScrew is a copy of AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWalls, with an additional, angle-dependent component |
CHorizontalMixer | |
CHorizontalMixerWalls | |
CHorizontalScrew | This function defines an Archimedes' screw in the z-direction from a (constant) starting point, a (constant) length L, a (constant) radius r, a (constant) number or revelations N and a (constant) rotation speed (rev/s) |
CHourGlass | |
CHourGlass2D | |
CIFile | |
CInclinedPlane | |
CIndenter | Single particle, indented slowly by spherical indenter |
CInertiaTensorTester | Tests whether the radius of the bounding sphere for superquadrics is computed correctly |
CInfiniteWall | A infinite wall fills the half-space {point: (position_-point)*normal_<=0} |
CInfiniteWallWithHole | |
CinflowFromPeriodic | |
CInitialConditions | One particle, sintering slowly to a wall |
CInsertionBoundary | Boundary structure for boundaries used for insertion of particles |
CInsertionBoundaryMPI2Test | |
CInsertionBoundarySelfTest | |
CInteraction | Contains information about the contact between two interactables, BaseInteraction::P_ and BaseInteraction::I_; |
CInteractionHandler | Container to store Interaction objects |
CInteractionVTKWriter | |
►CIntersectionOfWalls | A IntersectionOfWalls is convex polygon defined as an intersection of InfiniteWall's |
CnormalAndPosition | |
CIrreversibleAdhesiveInteraction | |
CIrreversibleAdhesiveSpecies | IrreversibleAdhesiveSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear irreversible short-range force |
CLawinenBox | |
CLeesEdwardsBoundary | Class which creates a boundary with Lees-Edwards type periodic boundary conditions |
CLeesEdwardsDemo | |
CLeesEdwardsSelfTest | [Lees:headers] |
CLevelSetWall | A infinite wall fills the half-space {point: (position_-point)*normal_<=0} |
CLinearPlasticViscoelasticInteraction | Computes normal forces in case of a linear plastic visco-elastic interaction |
CLinearPlasticViscoelasticNormalSpecies | LinearPlasticViscoelasticNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a plastic-cohesive normal force (Stefan Ludings plastic-cohesive force model) |
CLinearViscoelasticInteraction | Enables one to compute normal forces in case of a linear visco-elastic interaction |
CLinearViscoelasticNormalSpecies | LinearViscoelasticNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear elastic-dissipative normal force |
CLiquidBridgeWilletInteraction | Defines the liquid bridge willet interaction between two particles or walls |
CLiquidBridgeWilletSpecies | LiquidBridgeWilletSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a short-range force caused by liquid bridges |
CLiquidFilm | |
CLiquidMigrationLSInteraction | Defines the liquid bridge LS interaction between two particles or walls |
CLiquidMigrationLSSpecies | LiquidMigrationLSSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a short-range force caused by liquid bridges |
CLiquidMigrationMPI2Test | |
CLiquidMigrationPeriodicBoundaryInteraction | |
CLiquidMigrationSelfTest | In this file two particles are symmetrically placed in a bi-axial box are allowed to jump around under gravity. It tests walls gravity and symmetry |
CLiquidMigrationWilletInteraction | Defines the liquid bridge willet interaction between two particles or walls |
CLiquidMigrationWilletSpecies | LiquidMigrationWilletSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a short-range force caused by liquid bridges |
CLL | Tag for template metaprogramming |
CLocalExpansion | |
CLogger | Logger class is the main class of the logger implementation. It holds all the functions which invoke certain methods to create messages based on input parameter deductions |
CLoggerOutput | Default functions for output generation |
CLongHertzianSinterForceUnitTest | |
CM | |
CMarbleRun | |
CMaserRepeatedOutInMPI2Test | |
CMaterial | |
CMatrix3D | Implementation of a 3D matrix |
CMatrixSymmetric3D | Implementation of a 3D symmetric matrix |
CMD_demo | |
►CMembrane | A Membrane consists of masses connected by springs |
CEdge | |
CMembraneDemo | |
CMembraneSelfTest | |
CMercury2D | This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 2D problems |
CMercury3D | This adds on the hierarchical grid code for 3D problems |
CMercury3Dclump | |
CMercury3DRestart | |
CMercury3DRestarter | |
CMercuryBase | This is the base class for both Mercury2D and Mercury3D. Note the actually abstract grid is defined in the class Grid defined below |
CMercuryCGSelfTest | In this file a cubic packing of 5^3 particles in a tri-axial box is created and allowed to settle under small gravity. After that Z statistics are calculated |
►CMercuryDataFile | |
CIteratorProxy | |
CMercuryLogo | |
CMercuryOS | |
CMercuryParticle | |
CMercuryParticle< 2 > | |
CMercuryProblem | Problem class for a single particle bouncing on a "beam" structure |
CMercuryTimeStep | |
CMercuryTimeStepIterator | |
CMeshTriangle | MeshTriangle implements a triangle whose vertex positions are defined by three particles |
CMindlinInteraction | Computes the forces corresponding to sliding friction |
CMindlinRollingTorsionInteraction | This class allows one to take all three types of frictional interactions into account. The sliding, rolling and torsional frictional interaction. See |
CMindlinRollingTorsionSpecies | MindlinRollingTorsionSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding, rolling and torsional friction |
CMindlinSelfTest | |
CMindlinSpecies | MindlinSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding friction |
CMinimalExampleDrum | |
CMixedSpecies | Contains contact force properties for contacts between particles with two different species |
CMovingIntersectionOfWallsUnitTest_Basic | |
CMovingIntersectionOfWallsUnitTest_MovingReferenceFrame | |
CMovingWall | |
CMovingWallPrescribedPosition | |
CMovingWallPrescribedPositionPrescribedVelocity | |
CMovingWallPrescribedVelocity | |
CMovingWallReference | In the reference case the particle just moves two times as fast |
CMovingWalls | |
CMovingWallSimpleIntegration | |
CMovingWallTangential | |
CMovingWallTangentialPrescribedPosition | |
CMovingWallTangentialPrescribedPositionPrescribedVelocity | |
CMovingWallTangentialPrescribedVelocity | |
CMovingWallTangentialReference | In the reference case the particle just moves two times as fast |
CMovingWallTangentialSimpleIntegration | |
CMPIContainer | This class contains all information and functions required for communication between processors |
CMpiID | Data class that specifies the location of a particle in a parallel code |
CMPIInteraction | |
CMPILiquidFilmParticle | |
CMpiMaserChuteTest | |
CMPIParticle | Data class to send a particle over MPI |
CMPIParticleForce | Data class to send a particle force over MPI |
CMPIParticlePosition | Data class to send a particle position over MPI |
CMPIParticleVelocity | Data class to send a particle velocity over MPI |
CMpiPeriodicBoundaryUnitTest | |
CMpiPeriodicParticleIDBase | |
CMPISphericalParticle | |
CMPISuperQuadric | |
CMultiParticlesInsertion | |
CmultiParticleT1 | |
CMultiplePSDSelfTest | |
CMultipole | |
Cmy_problem | Todo{This code is not working as is wanted} |
Cmy_problem_HGRID | Todo{This code is not working as is wanted} |
CMyCoil | |
CMyProblem | |
CNautaMixer | |
CNewtonsCradleSelfTest | |
CNewtonsCradleSelftest | In this file a cubic packing of 5^3 particles in a tri-axial box is created and allowed to settle under small gravity. After that Z statistics are calculated |
CNonSphericalParticle | Base class for all non-spherical particle types |
CNormalForceInteraction | |
CNormalForceSpecies | Defines a contact force parallel to the contact normal |
CNORMALIZED_POLYNOMIAL | This class is used to define polynomial axisymmetric coarse-graining functions |
CNozzleDemo | |
CNozzleSelfTest | |
CNumericalVector | |
CNumericalVector< T > | This is a vector of doubles |
CNurbs | |
CNurbsSurface | |
CNurbsWall | This function defines a wall via a NurbsSurface |
CO | |
CObliqueImpactSelfTest | |
CPacking | |
CPanel | |
CParabolaChute | |
CParameterStudy1DDemo | [PAR_SIM1D:headers] |
CParameterStudy2DDemo | [PAR_SIM2D:headers] |
CParameterStudy3DDemo | [PAR_SIM3D:headers] |
CParhamiMcMeekingSinterInteraction | |
CParhamiMcMeekingSinterSpecies | ParhamiMcMeekingSinterSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear reversible short-range force |
CParticle | |
CParticleBeam | A 1D "beam" structure composed of particles |
CParticleCreation | |
CParticleHandler | Container to store all BaseParticle |
CParticleInclusion | |
CParticleParticleCollision | |
CParticleParticleInteraction | |
CParticleParticleInteractionWithPlasticForces | |
CParticleSpecies | |
CParticleVtkWriter | |
CParticleWall | |
CParticleWallInteraction | |
CPController | |
CPenetration | |
CPeriodicBounaryEnteringMPIDomainTest | |
CPeriodicBoundary | Defines a pair of periodic walls. Inherits from BaseBoundary |
CPeriodicBoundaryHandler | Container to store pointers to all BasePeriodicBoundary objects |
CPeriodicWalls | |
CPeriodicWallsWithSlidingFrictionUnitTest | |
CPIController | |
CPIDController | |
CPlasticForceUnitTest | [T11:contactModel] |
CPointElement | |
CPolydisperseInsertionBoundary | Like an InsertionBoundary but generates particles of multiple types. Note that, as a child of InsertionBoundary, this class has a member called particleToCopy_, which is a pointer to a particle. This pointer needs to point to something arbitrary but it doesn't matter what the value is |
CPolydisperseInsertionBoundarySelfTest | |
CPolygon | |
CPossibleContact | Class that describes a possible contact between two BaseParticle |
CPossibleContactList | Manages the linked list of PossibleContact |
CpqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel | |
CpqSuperquadricTensorGlyphPanel | |
CprotectiveWall | [AT_PW:headers] |
CPSD | Contains a vector with radii and probabilities of a user defined particle size distribution (PSD) |
CPSDContinuous | |
CPSDManualInsertionSelfTest | |
CPSDSelfTest | |
CQuaternion | This class contains the 4 components of a quaternion and the standard operators and functions needed for quaternion arithmetic |
CQuaternionWallUnitTest | |
CRandomClusterInsertionBoundary | |
CRandomClusterInsertionBoundarySelfTest | |
CRefineableQPVDElement | |
CRefineableSimpleCubicMesh | |
CregimeForceUnitTest | [T11:contactModel] |
CRegimeSinterInteraction | |
CRegimeSinterSpecies | RegimeSinterSpecies contains the parameters used to describe the sintering of particles following three different mechanisms |
CRestart | |
Crestart | |
CRestrictedWall | Restriction of a wall to the intersection with another wall |
CReversibleAdheseiveInteraction | Computes the interactions between particles for reversive adhesive contact model |
CReversibleAdhesiveInteraction | |
CReversibleAdhesiveSpecies | ReversibleAdhesiveSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a linear reversible short-range force |
CRNG | This is a class that generates random numbers i.e. named the Random Number Generator (RNG) |
CRollingOverTriangleWalls | Tests the contact detection between particles and a set of TriangleWalls. \detail In particular, distinguishing face, edge and vertex contacts is tricky. So here a particle is set to rollover a face, edge and vertex of a flat wall made from particles |
CRotatingDrum | |
CRotatingDrumWet | |
CSaveCountUnitTest | |
CScaleCoupledBeam | |
CScaleCoupledSolid | |
CScaleCoupledSolidProblem | |
►CScaleCoupling | |
CCoupledElement | Stores properties of a coupled element: pointer to the element and list of particles coupled to it |
CCoupledParticle | For all particles, stores coupling properties: coupling force, pointer to coupled element and location in coupled element |
CScalingTestInitialConditionsEquilibrize | |
CScalingTestInitialConditionsRelax | |
CScalingTestRun | |
CSCoupledSolidProblem | |
►CSCoupling | |
CSCoupledElement | |
CScrew | This function defines an Archimedes' screw in the z-direction from a (constant) starting point, a (constant) length L, a (constant) radius r, a (constant) number or revelations N and a (constant) rotation speed (rev/s) |
CScrewsymmetricIntersectionOfWalls | Use ScrewsymmetricIntersectionOfWalls to define screwsymmetric walls, such as cylinders, cones, etc |
CSegregationPeriodic | This class does segregation problems in a periodic chute |
CSegregationWithHopper | |
CSeparateFilesSelfTest | |
CSerializedProblem | |
CShapeGradientHessianTester | |
CShapesDemo | |
CShearBoxBoundary | Class which creates a boundary with Lees-Edwards type periodic boundary conditions |
CShearStage | |
CShearStageData | |
CSheetGlueProblem | Deformation of elastic pouch |
CShiftingConstantMassFlowMaserBoundarySelfTest | |
CShiftingMaserBoundarySelfTest | |
CSiegen | |
CSilbertHstop | |
CSilbertPeriodic | |
CSilo | |
CSimpleCubicMesh | |
CSimpleDrumSuperquadrics | A drum in xz-direction with centre at the origin with a certain radius. Usable with superquadric particles |
CSimpleOpt | |
CSineWall | |
CSingleParticle | One particle, sintering slowly to a wall |
CSingleParticleIndenter | Single particle, indented slowly by spherical indenter |
CSinterForceUnitTest | [T11:contactModel] |
CSintering | |
CSinterInteraction | Computes normal forces in case of a linear plastic visco-elastic interaction |
CSinterLinInteraction | |
CSinterLinNormalSpecies | SinterLinNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a plastic-cohesive normal force (Stefan Ludings plastic-cohesive force model) based on three different sintering mechanisms |
CSinterNormalSpecies | SinterNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a plastic-cohesive normal force (Stefan Ludings plastic-cohesive force model) |
CSinterPair | [St:headers] |
CSlide | |
CSlidingFrictionInteraction | Computes the forces corresponding to sliding friction |
CSlidingFrictionSpecies | SlidingFrictionSpecies contains the parameters used to describe sliding friction |
CSlidingFrictionUnitTest | |
CSlidingSpheresUnitTest | |
CSmallMatrix | Data type for small dense matrix |
CSmallVector | |
CSmoothChute | |
CSolidBag | |
CSolidCubicMesh | Simple cubic mesh upgraded to become a solid mesh |
CSolidMesh | |
CSolidNode | |
►CSolidProblem | |
CSolidCubicMesh | |
CSolidQElement | |
CSource | |
CSpecies | Contains material and contact force properties |
CSpeciesHandler | Container to store all ParticleSpecies |
CSpeciesTest | |
CSphere | |
CSphericalIndenter | |
CSphericalParticle | A spherical particle is the most simple particle used in MercuryDPM |
CSphericalParticleVtkWriter | |
CSphericalSuperQuadricCollision | |
CSphericalWall | A infinite wall fills the half-space {point: (position_-point)*normal_<=0} |
CSPHInteraction | Enables the use of SPH particles within MercuryDPM |
CSPHNormalSpecies | SPHNormalSpecies contains the parameters used to describe a SPH model |
CSquarePacking | |
Cstatistics_while_running | |
CStatisticsPoint | This class stores statistical values for a given spatial position; to be used in combination with StatisticsVector |
CStatisticsVector | This class is used to extract statistical data from MD simulations |
CSTLReader | |
CSTLTriangle | Test of the STL reader. The files used is STL file with containing 12 triange that a 1 by 1 by 1 square and was created in autocad |
CStream | Concept for reading and writing characters |
CStressStrainControl | [REV_ISO:headers] |
CStressStrainControlBoundary | A cuboid box consists of periodic boundaries that can be strain/stress controlled and achieve different deformation modes. User needs to define target stress/strainrate matrix, gain_factor and a boolean parameter isStrainRateControlled to True/False to activate/deactivate strainrate control |
CSubcriticalMaserBoundary | Variation on the PeriodicBoundary which also has an outflow part |
CSubcriticalMaserBoundarySelfTest | Test for the MaserBoundaryOldStyle: make a chute-like domain with a maser inflow boundary in the beginning |
CSubcriticalMaserBoundaryTEST | |
CSubcriticalMaserBoundaryTESTMPI2Test | Test for the SubcriticalMaserBoundaryTEST, on 2 cores: construct a maser inflow boundary in the beginning and show various configurations |
CSuperQuad | Class that implements SuperQuadric particles |
CSuperQuadricParticle | |
CSuperQuadricParticleVtkWriter | |
CT_protectiveWall | [AT_PW:headers] |
CTangentialSpringEnergyConservationUnitTest | |
CTangentialSpringUnitTest | |
CThermal | |
CThermalInteraction | |
CThermalSpecies | |
CTime | Allows for timing the algorithms; accurate up to 0.01 sec |
CTime2Finish | Estimates the total time, in seconds, left to reach the end of any simulation. First, the class needs to be initialized by calling set. After the class is initialized, an estimate of the total remaining time of the simulation can be found by calling getTime2Finish. The estimate is based on rate at which the simulation time progressed since initialization |
CTimeAveragedCG | Evaluates time-averaged continuum fields and writes the data into a stat file |
CTimeAveragedCGXYZ | Specialisation of TimeAveragedCG with coordinates XYZ used for LebedevCG |
CTimeAveragedLebedevCG | |
CTimeDependentPeriodicBoundary | Class which creates a boundary with Lees-Edwards type periodic boundary conditions |
CTimeDependentPeriodicBoundary3DSelfTest | |
CTimeDependentPeriodicBoundaryTest | |
CTimeSmoothedCG | Evaluates time-smoothed continuum fields and writes the data into a stat file |
CTimeSmoothedFields | A helper class for TimeSmoothedCG containing the time-smoothed variables |
►CTriangleMeshWall | |
CTriangle | |
CVertex | |
CTriangleWall | A TriangleWall is convex polygon defined as an intersection of InfiniteWall's |
CTriangulatedScrewSelfTest | Tests the implementation of TriangulatedWall |
CTriangulatedStepSelfTest | Tests the implementation of TriangulatedWall |
CTriangulatedStepWallSelfTest | Tests the implementation of TriangulatedWall |
►CTriangulatedWall | A TriangulatedWall is a triangulation created from a set of vertices and a n-by-3 connectivity matrix defining n faces |
CFace | |
CTriangulatedWallSelfTest | Tests the implementation of TriangulatedWall |
CTutorial1 | [T1:headers] |
CTutorial11 | [T11:headers] |
CTutorial12 | [T12:headers] |
CTutorial2 | [T2:headers] |
CTutorial3 | [T3:headers] |
CTutorial4 | |
CTutorial5 | [T5:headers] |
CTutorial6 | [T6:headers] |
CTutorial7 | [T7:headers] |
CTutorial8 | [T8:headers] |
CTutorial9 | [T9:headers] |
CTwoBondedParticleElasticCollision | |
CTwoByTwoMPIDomainMPI4Test | |
CTwoParticleElasticCollision | In this file two particles are symmetrically placed in a bi-axial box are allowed to jump around under gravity. It tests walls gravity and symmetry |
CTwoParticleElasticCollisionInteraction | In this file two particles are symmetrically placed in a bi-axial box are allowed to jump around under gravity. It tests walls gravity and symmetry |
CTwoParticles | |
CUnionOfWalls | |
CVariableBottom | |
CVChute | |
CVec3D | |
CVerticalMixer | |
CVerticalMixerAngledBlades | |
CVerticalMixerStraightBlades | |
CvibratedBed | |
CviscoElasticUnitTest | [T11:contactModel] |
CVisualisationTest | |
►CVolumeCoupling | |
CDPMVCoupledElement | |
CVolumeTest | |
CVreman | |
CVTKCollection | |
CVTKContainer | |
CVTKData | |
CVTKPointDescriptor | |
CvtkPolyDataAlgorithm | |
CvtkSuperquadricTensorGlyphFilter | |
CvtkTensorGlyph | |
CvtkTensorGlyphSameEigensystem | |
CVTKUnstructuredGrid | |
CWall | |
CWallDetailsVTKWriter | |
CWallHandler | Container to store all BaseWall |
CWallParticleCollision | |
CWallSpecies | |
CWallVTKWriter | |
CWearableNurbsWall | |
CWearableTriangleMeshWall | |
CWearableTriangulatedWall | |