Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAdhesiveForceSpeciesDefines a short-range (non-contact) force parallel to the contact normal, usually adhesive
 CAllocatorConcept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block
 CAngledPerioidicBoundaryDefines a pair of periodic walls that are angled around the origin
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Array
 CNurbsUtils::array2< T >
 CCGCoordinates::BaseCoordinatesContains common member functions of the X, Y, and Z classes
 CBaseHandler< T >Container to store the pointers to all objects that one creates in a simulation
 CBaseHandler< BaseBoundary >
 CBaseHandler< BaseCG >
 CBaseHandler< BaseInteraction >
 CBaseHandler< BaseParticle >
 CBaseHandler< BasePeriodicBoundary >
 CBaseHandler< BaseWall >
 CBaseHandler< Domain >
 CBaseHandler< ParticleSpecies >
 CBaseObjectIt is an abstract base class due to the purely virtual functions declared below. Even if the function is purely virtual, it does not imply that it cannot have a definition. Abstract classes are useful to define a interface
 CBaseVTKWriter< H >
 CBaseVTKWriter< BoundaryHandler >
 CBaseVTKWriter< InteractionHandler >
 CBaseVTKWriter< ParticleHandler >
 CBaseVTKWriter< WallHandler >
 CBinaryReaderThis gives functionality to read information from binary formats like STL etc. This class is complete stand-alone and is tested with one any reference to other MecuryDPM code except Vections and Logger
 CCFileTakes data and fstat files and splits them into *.data.???? and *.fstat.???? files
 Crapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >::ChunkHeaderChunk header for perpending to each chunk
 CClusterDPMAn object of this class is inside FixedClusterInsertionBoundary and RandomClusterInsertionBoundary
 CClusterGeneratorThis class allows the user to create clusters of particles. All particles will be of LinearPlasticViscoelasticSpecies and will have a final overlap defined by the user
 CClusterInsertionBoundaryIt's an insertion boundary which has cuboidal shape and inserts clusters. Two classes (RandomClusterInsertionBoundary and FixedClusterInsertionBoundary) derive from this
 CCoordinatesTemplate argument; use a member class of CGCoordinates to instantiate
 CScaleCoupling< M, O >::CoupledElementStores properties of a coupled element: pointer to the element and list of particles coupled to it
 CScaleCoupling< M, O >::CoupledParticleFor all particles, stores coupling properties: coupling force, pointer to coupled element and location in coupled element
 CcsvReaderEnables reading of .csv files into MercuryDPM
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Data
 CDistributionElementsClass of DistributionElements which stores internalVariables and probabilities of a distribution. This class should be used to initialize variables as a type of std::vector<DistributionElements>
 CDPMBaseThe DPMBase header includes quite a few header files, defining all the handlers, which are essential. Moreover, it defines and solves a DPM problem. It is inherited from FilesAndRunNumber (public)
 CEmptyData class to send an empty class over MPI
 CEncodingConcept for encoding of Unicode characters
 CFileReaderThis gives functionality to read information from binary formats like STL etc. This class is complete stand-alone and is tested with one any reference to other MecuryDPM code except Vections and Logger
 CFrictionForceSpeciesDefines a contact force orthogonal to the contact normal
 CFunctionTemplate argument; use a member class of CGFunctions to instantiate
 CCGFunctions::Gauss< Coordinates >Defines the position of the CGPoint (e.g. x, y, z) and the parameters of the Gauss coarse-graining function (width and cutoff)
 Crapidjson::GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator >SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 Crapidjson::GenericReadStreamWrapper of std::istream for input
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, MemoryPoolAllocator<> >
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::Encoding, rapidjson::Allocator >
 Crapidjson::GenericWriteStreamWrapper of std::ostream for output
 CHandlerConcept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing
 CHGridIn the HGrid class, here all information about the HGrid is stored
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I
 CMercuryDataFile::IteratorProxy< NDIMS >
 Chelpers::KAndDispReturn type specifically for fuctions returning k and disp at once
 Chelpers::KAndDispAndKtAndDisptReturn type specifically for fuctions returning k, disp, kt, dispt at once
 Crapidjson::Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >::LevelInformation for each nested level
 CCGFields::LiquidMigrationFieldsContains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress
 CLL< Level >Tag for template metaprogramming
 CLogger< L, ASSERTS >Logger class is the main class of the logger implementation. It holds all the functions which invoke certain methods to create messages based on input parameter deductions
 CLoggerOutputDefault functions for output generation
 CMatrix3DImplementation of a 3D matrix
 CMatrixSymmetric3DImplementation of a 3D symmetric matrix
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::MemberName-value pair in an object
 CMercuryParticle< NDIMS >
 CMercuryParticle< 2 >
 CMercuryTimeStep< NDIMS >
 CMercuryTimeStepIterator< NDIMS >
 CMPIContainerThis class contains all information and functions required for communication between processors
 CMpiIDData class that specifies the location of a particle in a parallel code
 CMPIInteraction< NormalForceInteraction, FrictionForceInteraction, AdhesiveForceInteraction >
 CMPIParticleForceData class to send a particle force over MPI
 CMPIParticlePositionData class to send a particle position over MPI
 CMPIParticleVelocityData class to send a particle velocity over MPI
 CNormalForceSpeciesDefines a contact force parallel to the contact normal
 CNORMALIZED_POLYNOMIAL< T >This class is used to define polynomial axisymmetric coarse-graining functions
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number
 CNumericalVector< T >
 CNumericalVector< std::complex< double > >
 CNumericalVector< T >This is a vector of doubles
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Object
 CCGFields::OrientationFieldContains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress
 CCGFunctions::Polynomial< Coordinates >Defines the position of the CGPoint (e.g. x, y, z) and the parameters of a polynomial coarse-graining function (width and cutoff)
 CPossibleContactClass that describes a possible contact between two BaseParticle
 CPossibleContactListManages the linked list of PossibleContact
 CPSDContains a vector with radii and probabilities of a user defined particle size distribution (PSD)
 CQuaternionThis class contains the 4 components of a quaternion and the standard operators and functions needed for quaternion arithmetic
 CReversibleAdheseiveInteractionComputes the interactions between particles for reversive adhesive contact model
 CRNGThis is a class that generates random numbers i.e. named the Random Number Generator (RNG)
 CSCoupling< M, O >::SCoupledElement
 CSmallMatrix< numberOfRows, numberOfColumns >Data type for small dense matrix
 CSmallVector< numberOfRows >
 Crapidjson::internal::Stack< Allocator >A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data
 Crapidjson::internal::Stack< rapidjson::Allocator >
 CCGFields::StandardFieldsContains the computed field values, like density, momentum and stress
 CStatisticsPoint< T >This class stores statistical values for a given spatial position; to be used in combination with StatisticsVector
 CSTLTriangleTest of the STL reader. The files used is STL file with containing 12 triange that a 1 by 1 by 1 square and was created in autocad
 CStreamConcept for reading and writing characters
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::String
 CSuperQuadClass that implements SuperQuadric particles
 CTimeAllows for timing the algorithms; accurate up to 0.01 sec
 CTime2FinishEstimates the total time, in seconds, left to reach the end of any simulation. First, the class needs to be initialized by calling set. After the class is initialized, an estimate of the total remaining time of the simulation can be found by calling getTime2Finish. The estimate is based on rate at which the simulation time progressed since initialization
 CTimeSmoothedFields< Fields >A helper class for TimeSmoothedCG containing the time-smoothed variables
 CTimeSmoothedFields< CGFields::StandardFields >
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 CVTKPointDescriptor< T >
 CDetail::VTKPointDescriptorEntry< T >
 CVTKUnstructuredGrid< T >
 CSerializationWrappers::Wrapper< Base >
 Cstatic const size_t
 CVector< SCoupling::SCoupledElement >